New and need advice.



I'll go with waiting til you're 24.. . there's so many thigns you can gain from waiting.

you'll really figure out what you want to do in school
you'll probably appriceiate your education more
you'll get gov't funds like no bodys bizness.

Right now I'm almost done my AS in photography at my local Com. College. I'm 23. I started taking classes because I had some legal bullshit that kept me stuck in my hometown for a good while... so I took classes in order to better myself in the meantime. I plan on keeping up with school once I'm "free" from probation which will uckily be shortly after I turn 24.. which means I can take classes at my own pace (no longer haveing to maintain 12 creds min to keep health coverage) and the government will foot most, if not all, of the bill. I got lucky enough that my parents are paying for my classes so far, but I have to maintain a 3.5 (I keep a 4.0 to keep my mom please as shit with spending her money on my education) it gets stressful having to work and do school and deal with legal crap, and pay bills... but even some stupid squater bitch like myself has learned to manage. It all falls into place eventually. don't rush things. the few times I tried to rush into college, I got burned hardcore. I'm must happier with how things are going at this rate than tossing money at some private college that woudl eat me alive.

I'm rambling... sleep dep. sorry.

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