Need some legal advice for my squatter friend

Tony Pro

Well-known member
Aug 24, 2015
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There's a guy in my town, who I'll call Danny, who's in his 70s and homeless following a divorce, in a small rural town. He's also recovering from a brain injury he sustained after getting hit by a drunk driver. He's been squatting on municipal property for the past six months, caring for his cat and doing odd jobs for folks. He seems content.
Folks in town were divided at the idea of his squatting on town land; let's just say the place where he is living (a rusted old van), while previously vacant, has emotional weight for some people. He's been fixing up the place, cleaning out rat shit and weatherproofing it in preparation for the winter, but the "Danny's place - No Trespassing" signs he's hung around the area annoyed a lot of people. He claims that the owner of the structure (deceased) left a "verbal will" leaving it to Danny, but he can't prove ownership, and the thing's on town property anyway.
Some months ago the mayor served him papers to quit the place or else. Turns out this was an illegal service, as it should have been served by a 3rd party. Danny got a reprieve for the summer.
Now that the first flakes of snow are falling, the good townspeople are talking eviction again. Unfortunately Danny has an anger management problem (I would too in his circumstances) and lately there have been a few incidents which have worn thin the patience of the town authorities. This week they got their ducks in a row and served him a bona fide eviction notice. "If he doesn't want to stay here in the winter, he can always go to a shelter in the city" has been the general chorus. From my perspective, he's lived in this town for 50 years and the city's no place for him with his altered mental status. Moreover, he's choosing to stay here despite general animosity and having to live in a leaky hovel, and to me that speaks volumes.

I don't have a clue what I can do for him, but I know he doesn't want to leave where he is. If anyone has pointers as far as legal literature I can read, resources that may be available to him, or any similar experiences I'd appreciate some input.
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