My gear list so far. (Feel free to chime in with suggestions)


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
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Sunny California
Pairing it down

Medium ALICE pack w/frame & straps (molle kidney pad)

USGI 4 piece sleep system

Space blanket (small one)

US Surplus canteen w/steel cup

Magnesium fire starter


Cliff bars (4-6)
Sardines in oil (6)
Canned tuna (2)
Beans (2)
Bag 'o' beef jerky
Trail mix

Sansport cook kit (or other brand, just my preference.)

Insulated coveralls


2 bandannas (black and navy)

3 shirts (2 long sleeve 1 short sleeve)

Socks (3-4 pair)

Warm jacket (?)

Rain jacket (lightweight)

Underwear (3 pairs)

Shorts/pants zipper thing

Goretex boots




Floss With 1-2 sewing needles inside

Dr. Bronners

Toilet paper wrapped around pen


Pocket multitool

Duct tape wrapped round pen


Baseball cap with Cyclops headlamp (?)



Markal (?)

Playing cards (?)

Wallet, cash

Books (?)

Camera (?)

Tracphone (?)

Solar charger (?)

Instrument and/or juggling balls (if busking)

Cardboard (will find in dumpsters)

Tablet/laptop (?) (Small cheap one)

Sorry if this does seem like a xmas list, I didn't intend that. Also if this is in the wrong section feel free to move it.

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Deleted member 20

I think it was wise to whittle down your first lists but also not to take any of this stuff too seriously.

I was joking about the purple skank.

If you have all that gear thats awesome. If you were planning to buy it because you thought you need it, even better you just saved some cash. If you spent money on some of that gear hopefully you have a place to stash it until you need it, or trade it/sell it in the Black Market section of STP.


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
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Sunny California
Lol I thought the purple skank idea was weird...

Most of this stuff I won't buy 'til way after Christmas Maybe even after my birthday. I wanna stick around with my only remaining grandparent who I'm very close to (she isn't getting any younger and I hate to say it but I think she's gonna go soon).

The POW MIA bandanna would be in honour of my 2nd cousin Ricky who went MIA in 'Nam in something like 1969 or 1970. Long story short the government says there are no more POWs in 'Nam but they won't say that cousin Ricky is dead either (so where is he?) Anyway if the bandanna makes me look fake or like I want sympathy I won't get one.

As for an alice pack I've decided on a medium.

I didn't have any of the real expensive stuff just leftover camping stuff from years back and kickdowns from my mom (how lame is that lol).

I might end up bringing the p38 after all 'cause i need a new multi tool and the one I'm looking into has a real lame can opener.

OK that's my rambling for today, thanks again.


Jan 14, 2014
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Slab City
p38 is tiny dont worry about it.

@highwayman yeah but having to research the knife length laws of every state and city you go to gets old. The law often varies county to county and town to town

You really don't need 3 shirts. If you're not able to wash your clothes for 2-3 weeks changing shirts wont make you smell any better. Waste of space.

Cut your list down cause you wont even fit all of that in a medium...

Call me whatever you like but all I carry in my medium ALICE is:

sleep system
socks, socks, socks
extra shirt
playing cards
tooth brush/toothpaste
shit tickets
dental floss and sewing needles

i haven't died yet. you don't need as much shit as you think you do


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
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Sunny California
Pairing it down more.

Medium ALICE pack w/frame & straps (molle kidney pad)

USGI 4 piece sleep system

10x10 tarp

Space blanket (small one)

US Surplus canteen w/steel cup

Magnesium fire starter


Cliff bars (4)
Sardines in oil (4)
Canned tuna (2)
Beans (2)
Bag 'o' beef jerky
Trail mix

Small cook kit

Insulated coveralls


2 bandannas (black and navy)

2 shirts (1 long sleeve 1 short sleeve)

Socks (3-4 pair)

Warm jacket (?)

Rain jacket (lightweight)

Underwear (2 pairs)

Shorts/pants zipper thing

Goretex boots



Floss With 1-2 sewing needles inside

Dr. Bronners (Use as toothpaste?)

Toilet paper wrapped around pen


Pocket multitool

Duct tape wrapped round pen


Baseball cap with Cyclops headlamp (?)



750 cord 50 feet (for tying bag, tarp to pack.)

Playing cards (?)

Wallet, cash

Books (?)

Camera (?)

Tracphone (?)

Ukulele w/case (in hand/straped on to my back; not in pack)

Cardboard (will find in dumpsters)

Tablet/laptop (?) (Small cheap one)
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Active member
Nov 30, 2014
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Just looked into alice packs online. Having trouble finding good deals on mediums...
I got a medium in great shape but it doesn't come with frame or straps or pad for 25 dollars shipped. I had an extra frame and i bought upgraded straps and pads made by tactical tailor. (Ive bought a completed Alice pack with frame before off of ebay for about 35 fyi)
Heres the ebay store I bought my medium from. I actually have a 4 piece sleeping system coming in from them too so dont know how great of shape it is yet.

Deleted member 20

@highwayman yeah but having to research the knife length laws of every state and city you go to gets old. The law often varies county to county and town to town

@zim I realize that some of us are too lazy to do research, which is fine & actually expected. I do have a problem when people who dont know what they are talking about post something incorrect as a fact in the forums. We now have a snowball effect where new users, search a topic then browse through a thread & are misinformed once again. Carrying a knife is the most important & basic survival tool in any situation! The problem is for us travelers who are already gonna raise the attention of the police while, trespassing, loitering, soliciting, hitchhiking etc. If someone is unsure what is legal, they may get undue anxiety that gives the police the impression that you are also hiding something. When multiple things are presented to a cop at the same time say, alcohol/drugs, trespassing & an illegal knife it shows a pattern; sometimes cops are dicks. Dont give them any ammo.

They most always ask about warrants & weapons when they question me. I show them my pocket knife & they say that is not a weapon since its legal. I have had very few knives confiscated & never been charged with carrying a knife (I am a daily carrier if I leave the house). Know your rights & what is legal.
Size matters! Carrying a fixed blade is no different from a folding knife. Do your homework kids, it could be the difference from an arrest or a verbal warning to keep moving along.

Here is a link with a searchable map.
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Deleted member 20

Lol I thought the purple skank idea was weird...
If you think something is off, always go with your gut. Its better to be safe then sorry.

Most of this stuff I won't buy 'til way after Christmas Maybe even after my birthday. I wanna stick around with my only remaining grandparent who I'm very close to (she isn't getting any younger and I hate to say it but I think she's gonna go soon).
Cool. I appreciate your honesty. I was the type of kid who would scour catalogues & research everything & dream of someday being able to have stuff. I think that was all training for me to be one of the most frugal people around. I think with the internet & the availability of gear from so many places it is wise to shop around. By you spending this time assembling your perfect pack hopefully you retain some of the pros & cons we have learned about certain items. The problem is that we are all different people & rarely do we agree on anything, because we all have free will & different experiences.

The POW MIA bandanna would be in honour of my 2nd cousin Ricky who went MIA in 'Nam in something like 1969 or 1970. Long story short the government says there are no more POWs in 'Nam but they won't say that cousin Ricky is dead either (so where is he?) Anyway if the bandanna makes me look fake or like I want sympathy I won't get one.

You can wear what ever you want & you sound like a good kid & I am sure there is no malice in this choice. Im a veteran & no way am I old enough to have served in Vietnam, not even the Gulf war, lol. There are others who may be Vietnam Vets who also suffer PTSD, mental illness as well as drug & alcohol addiction. The image of a homeless veteran has been so successful there are many FAKE non vets who are on the streets that play the vet card to spange money & kickdowns. Since you are apperently young & POW/MIA is primarily for Vietnam Vets you are probably fine. I am sure that your 2nd cousin Ricky is proud that people are still thinking of him. I would hate for you to be fucked with by some crazy ass vet or fake vet for that matter. Totally up to you.

I didn't have any of the real expensive stuff just leftover camping stuff from years back and kickdowns from my mom (how lame is that lol).

NOT LAME AT ALL! I love my mom. She gave me my first Marlboro Adventure team pack, compass, watch fuck I think I even had an inflatable sevlor kayak, lol. The best part is that she allowed me to go on adventures in the first place. I would rather see you assemble your gear from kickdowns & by hitting the thrift stores, craigslist & military surplus stores etc. Quality gear doesnt have to be expensive. Remember that all gear is temporary!!!!! It doesnt last regardless of how camo, hardcore & high tech it looks. You will loose gear & it will break & this process of buying gear & upgrading will hopefully continue for the rest of your life.



Well-known member
Jun 26, 2014
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Bonn, Germany
It all depends where you are going and what you want to do. The context.

For example: I'll go for a one-month trip in January. In Europe. It's winter. So I'll pack a few warm clothes, sleeping gear, socks, tarp, rain poncho, etc ...

Since I don't plan to wander around in the wilderness I won't pack cooking equipment. Or think about food. It will be one or two Cheeseburgers a day (if money is low) or some food I buy at a grocery store and cook at a hostel (if more money) or eating at a restaurant (if money is high) or just dumpster diving for something (if no money). ;)

Don't micro-optimize everything. I did that before and it's nonsense I think. Pack what you think you really need, think again, throw away half of it and be good with it. That's what I read over and over again (here and on other forums) and was my experience, too.

Try to improvise. And plan how you pack your stuff. For example, there are things you may need in a hurry. If you get lightly injured, need a light, having a headache ... I have all these things together in am old Eastpack pencil case. A few band-aids, painkillers, a tiny disinfectant, a small LED flashlight, a spare lighter, a cheap multi-tool, sewing needles and floss, phone charger, all those little things ...

The pencil case fits perfectly in one of the side pockets of my backpack. :)

Use trash bags or alike to organize your stuff in the backpack. Like keeping stinky socks or soaked clothes from your fresh underwear. ;)

Don't worry too much about what to pack.

For me it's:
  • Sleeping gear
  • Tarp
  • One change of clothes (when it's warm)
  • a few more hoodies or alike (in winter)
  • Rain protection
  • Socks
  • My "pencil case"
  • A few feet of paracord (for the tarp)
  • Smartphone
  • Copies of my cards and ID
That should do it. As said, depends on the context. If I'd go to Antarctica I would pack some more warm clothes ... ;)

Just my 2 cents ...


Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
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Sunny California
OK with the knife laws in the states I wanna go to are pretty liberal on what you can carry. It seems like I will carry a knife. I'd be more for survival than anything.
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Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
Ya know I was never hooked up with a p38... prolly cuz of modern mre's... is the obvious answer.

I do have something like this laying around though. Don't have the foggiest where I got it from.

Just appeared in my rubbish pile out of the fucking ether.


Any vay great thread... nice way to see gear evolve.
And @highwayman has some great advice on the importance of adaptation and creative critical thinking for survival/accomplishing your goals traveling/on the move.
For any noob/inexperienced person this site has so much priceless intell... just gotta spend the time looking for and reading it. It's in the threads yo.
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Kim Chee

This thread has been full of a lot of bullshit...some helpful and some not.

Reframe: @SnakeOilWilly is considering what to carry. His original question was asking what he should not carry.

I would recommend that instead of a blanket, you carry more clothes unless you use no sleeping bag (as I did and then keep a blanket). Your clothes and blanket will both keep you warm. However, your clothes are more versatile and are less dificult to clean. Make layers with synthetic and animal fibers (avoiding cotton, especially close to the skin).

As for p-38 and p-51 can openers, they are light, take little space and are welcome trades. I gave out several, they won't set you back much.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
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since what you carry is sooo personal, take everything I suggest with a grain of salt! for reference I personally a have a large ALICE at the moment but my husband and I are kind of gearheads and not everyone is. With that being said, my opinions after your selections!

Medium ALICE pack w/frame & straps (molle kidney pad)

USGI 4 piece sleep system - I have no experience with this system compact or light it is, am wondering how well it work with the 10x10 tarp though? It seems like other people like this system. Me i'll stick to my sleeping bag, that's my "system")

10x10 tarp - I think the standard size is 4x6, I carry the next size up from that, and husband's tarp is even bigger. Somehow mine takes up more room, I think because he is more patient when he folds it. You will have fun folding yours on a windy day, brings levity to mornings sometimes.

Space blanket (small one) - I can't knock carrying extra blankets cos I am a wuss about the cold. I carry two lil fleece ones for my ferrets.

US Surplus canteen w/steel cup

Magnesium fire starter
Matches - is there a real reason you prefer these two things over a lighter? The first time I got a magnesium fire starter I was amped to go and build a fire but I used it once, and just kept lighting with a regular ol bic. I mean I guess I dont know how or where you will be camping and traveling but my two cents are as follows: good fire safety says you should be able to easily put out your campfire when you are finished and the places you can actually light a fire are sometimes a ways away from where you could easily get more water, ya dig? I am rarely somewhere I could get away with lighting a fire without drawing attention to myself. The matches are a cute little "what if" thing.. I guess, so if you want to stash them deep in your pack then knock yerself out but I think you would use a lighter far more often.

Cliff bars (4)
Sardines in oil (4)
Canned tuna (2)
Beans (2)
Bag 'o' beef jerky
Trail mix

All of these things can acquired at any grocery store, gas station, cvs and if you are about to hop out you can stow a couple of cans of train food but seriously, carrying cans of shit is fuckin tedious. I just checked a can of kidney beans, theyre like 15.5 ounces dude! It doesnt look like much in writing but you are going to question it after the first five miles. last time I went way out of my way I bought like 8 cans of food thinking I was going to be mostly stationary and stuck there for awhile... I wasn't and then I had to eat a shitload of food over the next few days I really was not in the moid for but was sick of carrying. Keep some clif bars in case of emergency I guess. You're in the US right? Food is everywhere. At least you picked high protein stuff. Shit, you could probably stow a jar of food bank peanut butter if you are worried. High in protein and calorically dense.

Small cook kit - to be used with the fire? I liked having one in slab city but have never carried them else where. husband and I are decidedly more urban than you seem to be... My prefernce is a fork, spoon, p38 on a carabiner, a knife somewhere on my person. Pow, now I got the bases covered. A coffee mug, travel, insulated, with a lid. Thrift one and now you can fill it up with hot water (usually free at gas stations, coffee shops) for coffee and ramen.

Insulated coveralls


2 bandannas (black and navy)

2 shirts (1 long sleeve 1 short sleeve)

Socks (3-4 pair)

Warm jacket (?)

Rain jacket (lightweight)

Underwear (2 pairs)

Shorts/pants zipper thing - okay clothes. so when I first "hit the road" I had like all these clothes and extra shirts and three pairs of denim jeans fucking extra shit (AND a laptop! and more dumb shit!) And right after baby's first ten mile hike I picked up a wicked case of tendonitis, a shitload of gnarly face squirting blisters, and the ability to separate myself really quick from a the stuff I thought I needed. What is your daily wear like? you dont gotta be crust lord status but like, I just have a warm hoodie and I dont pack a lot of clothes, I avoid the rain, and I do not winter where it is cold. you said you might not be leaving for awhile. You will wonder what is wrong with your brain when you are in the middle of an east coast summer or even a southwest autumn with your warm jacket and long sleeve shirt... not only that but it gets hot as shit when you move vs being stationary. I regularly layer up in anticipation of cold only to realize I overdid it and now I am hot and stuffy.

Goretex boots- on your feet, right? You arent carrying boots on your back?

Gloves- I could maybe justify leather work type gloves but...

Toothbrush- get a case or wrap it in plastic unless you like it mingling with all the detritus in your pack. Husband doesn't mind but I.can't stand the idea so I keep mine in a plastic travel case... Lol.

Floss With 1-2 sewing needles inside- I carry scissors because the itty little multitool type ones suck. I buy a pack of hand needles because I break em. This can be entirely personal... I sew a lot, so one or two needles wouldnt work for me. Also they dont come in packs of two? Get the handsewing needles... There are seven. Should fit in a pill bottle or an altoids tin.

Dr. Bronners (Use as toothpaste?) - every tube of toothpaste I have explodes. Every dumb little trial shampoo I try to carry explodes. We take special precautions. I am klutzy i guess..!

Toilet paper wrapped around pen - I sometimes carry an extra roll but it loses its integrity but you never want to be without it. I am a collector of napkins. I am a classy classy gal. :p

Chapstick -I find this really endearing for some reason. Like whoops! Almost forgot my chapstick!!! Cute.

Pocket multitool

Duct tape wrapped round pen - husband carries a whole roll. we still have lot of duct tape. I can't think of anytime I was super glad we had it but I guess it has come in handy, I think.

Compass - sure why not

Baseball cap with Cyclops headlamp (?) - why a headlamp and not a flashlight. Headlamps are cooler but the batteries cost more. I just hold the flashlight in my mouth... Also sometimes I need light but am trying to be stealthy so I place my thumb over the flashlight to obscure the light... A headlamp is like HEY LOOK OVER HERE... Like I said, we seem to camp in a lot more urban places.

Spork - see above comment about cook kit


750 cord 50 feet (for tying bag, tarp to pack.) - my tarp fits in my large ALICE, I just fold it and put it under the lid flap and close it, I guess as long as it doesn't take up room.

Playing cards (?) - sure why not

Wallet, cash -goes in your pocket

Books - cherished weight. Read it and give it away.

Camera -film or digital? See comment about laptop

Tracphone - see comment about laptop

Ukulele w/case (in hand/strapped on to my back; not in pack)- I play uke. I strap mine with a dog leash. Do you play already? Get a guitar humidifier, one of the cheap clay ones. I added an extra strap to my gig bag so I could carry it on my shoulder.

Cardboard (will find in dumpsters), ok, do that

Tablet/laptop - a laptop with a battery and the power cord is a lot of weight for a creature comfort. You can combine the needs of a tracfone, camera, and entertainment device by getting a prepaid smartphone. Small and light. I use an old as shit Galaxy S but the more modern devices have better battery capabilities (they last longer and charge faster). You're still going to be pissed if it breaks. Off the top of my head swappa dot com has used phones.
tablets are not really up to the physical demands you are going to undergo. I know some people do it.but unless you get a pelican case you can't even sit on your pack without possibly wrecking a laptop.screen. Some phones I can think of that are tough are the Kyocera Brigadier, or the Casio G'zOne Commando, both are waterproof dust proof, shock proof iirc. You can get pricier Otterbox cases to protect any new phone (a case is cheaper than a new galaxy s5) and prepaid phones are like 40-60 bucks.


if you use a smartphone to post on facebook or StP complaining about boot rot I will kick yer ass! if you can afford a phone you can get a pair of socks.

The only thing I don't see here that I really like is a small bottle of hand sanitizer. It is great for its intended use and also dries out your feet and kills bacteria so its good for boot rot. You could probably start a fire with it and the lighter I suggested faster than with a match or a firestarter :)

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2014
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Sunny California
I did a lot of camping a while back so 1-3 days in the wild seems easy if I have the supplies. Hence the food. The thing about lighters is they're hard to use in the cold (at least cheap bic ones are). When camping I've always used matches/fire starters.

I forget to mention a penny stove/cook can. Alcohol based and for use for the cook kit.

The shorts/pants zipper thing (I still don't know what it's called) Not going for crust lord. Just functionality.

Goretex boots- yes on my feet lol

The floss w/needles - good ideas here. I'll have to use the altoids tin I have laying around...

Dr. Bronners - Comes in a sturdy bottle.

Chapstick - went on a cross-town hitching trip and my lips got chapped as all hell. had to walk 2 miles to get chapstick. lets just say I learned my lesson.

Duct tape - I've never needed a whole lot. 10-20 feet seems ok.

If no headlamp I'd still bring a baseball cap. Also a good flashlight. AAA one w/spare batteries.

Need the cord for the bag at least. I've had too much crappy 350/non-mil spec 550 cord fail on me to not be paranoid and use mil-spec 550 or 750 cord. 550 cord never snapped on me like 350 has but it's deteriorated pretty bad.

books- I do read a lot so this won't be so bad.

camera- digital point and shoot.

Ukulele- I play ok. I'll learn some more songs before leaving.

Sounds like I'll get a prepaid smart phone then. as long as it can use McDonald's wifi...
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