Maybe I'm romanticizing the lifestyle and won't last... Only one way to find out


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Hey folks, I'm Lyle, 22 from the east coast of FL. I've been dreaming of getting rid of all my shit and leaving my starchly white, republican hometown for years now. So while I've been looking for someone else to travel with, I've taken to researching everything I can. Made this account a few days ago and I've been glued to my phone ever since. Yall post some quality shit and I've been fucking stoked to see how supportive and open minded the community is. The first post I read was about "solo female travelers" which was exactly what I was looking for. I'm trans (assigned female that birth, no physical transition) and seeing people call me female bodied rather than a woman was like... Damn, maybe I can actually fit in here.
I've never had a car so I'm used to walking and biking and busing everywhere I need to go (hot ass Florida sun can't stop me!). I've been into urbex for a handful of years, leaving food, matches, etc if it looks like someone is squatting. I have no real experience traveling distances but I've couch surfed among friends when I didn't have a home and I'm used to trekking around my city in the hot ass sun and rain.
Currently I'm in some debt I wanna pay off before I leave, gather supplies, find a road dog and get the fuck outta here.
So 1. Thank you all for being nothing short of awesome and respectful
2. Matt you're a fucking beast. Thank you so much for this site and community.
3. Any other trans or gender nonconforming people on here wanna reach out?
4. Any experienced travelers in FL looking to take a newbie (as green as they get, but eagerly willing to learn and contribute) out with you? Maybe in a few months-6 months? Most likely freight hopping or rubber tramping.
5. What's your favorite animal? (just because)
Thanks in advance for any help or kind words. I'm looking forward to learning and helping any way I can.


sleeps 22 hours a day, eats chutes and leaves
Nov 3, 2015
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Hey! Welcome to StP!

Fellow ENFP and (temporary) Florida-dweller here :) and well, maybe you can guess what my favorite animal is...

You've got the perfect mindset for travel, not giving up (trekking thru the FL outdoors), sharing & being mindful (leaving items behind for squatters), etc.

Have you seen much of the US before? I betcha someone will be rubber tramping it out of Florida over the next months. I'm gonna be stationary in Miami dade until May but will try to do some trips to the Everglades and definitely gotta make it up to Alabama and New Orleans again. And hitting up a FL urbex meetup. Weekend warrior kinda stuff haha. Anyways welcome again!!


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Hey! Welcome to StP!

Fellow ENFP and (temporary) Florida-dweller here :) and well, maybe you can guess what my favorite animal is...

You've got the perfect mindset for travel, not giving up (trekking thru the FL outdoors), sharing & being mindful (leaving items behind for squatters), etc.

Have you seen much of the US before? I betcha someone will be rubber tramping it out of Florida over the next months. I'm gonna be stationary in Miami dade until May but will try to do some trips to the Everglades and definitely gotta make it up to Alabama and New Orleans again. And hitting up a FL urbex meetup. Weekend warrior kinda stuff haha. Anyways welcome again!!

Thanks for the warm welcome. I'm interested in the flurbex meet up.. Do you have any more info on when and where it is?
I've seen most of the east coast of the US via a car trip as a kid. The states I've actually been to and stayed in are Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, New York, and New Jersey. None of those trips were the type to prepare me for this though. All cushy arrangements staying with wealthy family members (the type who own multiple homes but never sent me a dime or gift card for food while I was hungry and struggling) or hotels.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Welcome. Good Luck. I lived in Florida awhile ago. Brevard county. My suggestion is stay outside a couple days or take a short trip. Like practice. Pack a backpack to see what you need

I'm in Indian river, thinking of taking a couple days to walk or bike to palm bay/Melbourne and back. The Aldi dumpster in Melbourne is always full of goodies. One time my ex scored 4 trays of baklava there xD Thank you for the advice c:


Well-known member
Apr 20, 2015
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I'm in Indian river, thinking of taking a couple days to walk or bike to palm bay/Melbourne and back. The Aldi dumpster in Melbourne is always full of goodies. One time my ex scored 4 trays of baklava there xD Thank you for the advice c:
If u go to Melbourne. Check out the Daily Bread on Fee Ave. It is a Soup kitchen opens 7 for coffee and such. Plus has shower sign up and serves lunch. Open every day even holidays. I believe showers only weekdays though


Aug 23, 2017
Reaction score
Hey folks, I'm Lyle, 22 from the east coast of FL. I've been dreaming of getting rid of all my shit and leaving my starchly white, republican hometown for years now. So while I've been looking for someone else to travel with, I've taken to researching everything I can. Made this account a few days ago and I've been glued to my phone ever since. Yall post some quality shit and I've been fucking stoked to see how supportive and open minded the community is. The first post I read was about "solo female travelers" which was exactly what I was looking for. I'm trans (assigned female that birth, no physical transition) and seeing people call me female bodied rather than a woman was like... Damn, maybe I can actually fit in here.
I've never had a car so I'm used to walking and biking and busing everywhere I need to go (hot ass Florida sun can't stop me!). I've been into urbex for a handful of years, leaving food, matches, etc if it looks like someone is squatting. I have no real experience traveling distances but I've couch surfed among friends when I didn't have a home and I'm used to trekking around my city in the hot ass sun and rain.
Currently I'm in some debt I wanna pay off before I leave, gather supplies, find a road dog and get the fuck outta here.
So 1. Thank you all for being nothing short of awesome and respectful
2. Matt you're a fucking beast. Thank you so much for this site and community.
3. Any other trans or gender nonconforming people on here wanna reach out?
4. Any experienced travelers in FL looking to take a newbie (as green as they get, but eagerly willing to learn and contribute) out with you? Maybe in a few months-6 months? Most likely freight hopping or rubber tramping.
5. What's your favorite animal? (just because)
Thanks in advance for any help or kind words. I'm looking forward to learning and helping any way I can.

Depending on when you're leaving Florida I can give you a ride heading east for a little while. I'll be in Orlando November 10th and 11th and after that I'll be headed roughly east towards Texas. I'm also pretty green to this whole thing. I'm technically rubbertramping but for me I feel like living out of my car isn't that different from having a home. Anyways, if you're leaving Florida around that time I've got you for sure.
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Burrito fund contributor
StP Supporter
Jan 2, 2009
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Foothills of the Cascades, western WA
just wanted to say welcome and also....ugh...I lived in Sebastian for a year a half, when I was in highschool. I feel your pain.


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Depending on when you're leaving Florida I can give you a ride heading east for a little while. I'll be in Orlando November 10th and 11th and after that I'll be headed roughly east towards Texas. I'm also pretty green to this whole thing. I'm technically rubbertramping but for me I feel like living out of my car isn't that different from having a home. Anyways, if you're leaving Florida around that time I've got you for sure.
Thanks man, I think I'll be staying here through the holidays at least. But if that changes I'll be in touch


Aug 23, 2017
Reaction score
Thanks man, I think I'll be staying here through the holidays at least. But if that changes I'll be in touch

No worries. After the holidays I'll be headed West from Texas. If you happen to come through Central Texas let me know and maybe we can link up and head West! I'll probably be without my car at that point so I'll be joining you in the hitchhiking/train hopping life.
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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2016
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hey, nice to see you here. i am gender fluid. i was born as a boy, and i really don't wanna be a boy. i don't feel like a girl either. gender is a complete social joke, in my mind. as are most social constructions...

i've traveled in skirts and whatever else.

if you are ever in eugene, oregon, shoot me a pm and i will at the very least be able to give you some food, and perhaps more. i'm currently living in a tent, and working.

my advice, just hit the road, suck it up when it gets tough, and you'll just figure your stuff out. you'll find out if it is right for you... it seems like you already got most of it... no car, that is a great start. it's quite fun, most of the time (in my experience)


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
just wanted to say welcome and also....ugh...I lived in Sebastian for a year a half, when I was in highschool. I feel your pain.
Its still a stagnant wasteland lol

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
just a suggestion that might come off as a shameless plug, but have you considered coming out for the StP jamboree? it's in southern california in slab city this october. deets are here:

i just mention it because i think it could be a great place to meet some other travelers, maybe learn a few things from others, and possibly find someone to travel with as well. oh, and it's also a hell of a party in a mad max-like post apocalyptic wasteland :)


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
just a suggestion that might come off as a shameless plug, but have you considered coming out for the StP jamboree? it's in southern california in slab city this october. deets are here:

i just mention it because i think it could be a great place to meet some other travelers, maybe learn a few things from others, and possibly find someone to travel with as well. oh, and it's also a hell of a party in a mad max-like post apocalyptic wasteland :)
That sounds like a hell of a good time but it's not realistic for me to leave that soon. Thanks for the suggestion, maybe I can make it out next year
Hey, I'm trans (mtf) actually. I'm sort of new here too, but nice to meet you! :) Good luck w/ starting your adventures and everything, I'm currently trying to do that too. Have fun!!


Well-known member
May 4, 2013
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West coast of Scotland
heylo..good to have you aboard :0 just step out the door and make it happen,being trans has never stopped me gettng anywhere although i have picked up some "interesting stories over the years..and ii am in europe wich might make a difference i dunno ,anyway happy travels and i hope to read more of yer adventures <3
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Fat Betty

Jul 14, 2017
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Middle of Michigan
State of mind is the most important thing you can have with you on the road. If you stay positive and open yourself up to possibilities then your dreams are endless. "The difference between an ordeal and an adventure is attitude".
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2017
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Well, sounds to me like you have the basic experience of trekking n shit. Really that's all you need when you start out. Camping experience, endurance, drive. Oh, and PATIENCE. That last one is key. Being able to navigate public transportation will help you loads whenever you land in a city.

Also, I'm queer as fuck! Non-binary. They/them type a deal. It is nice to see that places like STP, and other travelers along the way are aware, and try to make an effort to make you feel respected. It goes both ways, no matter where you are, or who you're dealing with though- of course.
I'm glad you joined the site!
Having somebody show you the ropes when starting out is really helpful. I know it helped me get a grasp on things much faster, than I would have being solo, and somewhat ignorant.

I personally refused to go on the road without some type of companion. Either an animal, or a person. It's me and, my pooch at the moment. Having a being around helps a lot when it comes to loneliness out here. And makes you feel less like you always wanna have somebody to travel with. Because sometimes, constantly being around people really sucks. Hahaha.
My fav animal is a Dragon*~

Cheers! And good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for. <3


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2017
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Roads n rails
Well, sounds to me like you have the basic experience of trekking n shit. Really that's all you need when you start out. Camping experience, endurance, drive. Oh, and PATIENCE. That last one is key. Being able to navigate public transportation will help you loads whenever you land in a city.

Also, I'm queer as fuck! Non-binary. They/them type a deal. It is nice to see that places like STP, and other travelers along the way are aware, and try to make an effort to make you feel respected. It goes both ways, no matter where you are, or who you're dealing with though- of course.
I'm glad you joined the site!
Having somebody show you the ropes when starting out is really helpful. I know it helped me get a grasp on things much faster, than I would have being solo, and somewhat ignorant.

I personally refused to go on the road without some type of companion. Either an animal, or a person. It's me and, my pooch at the moment. Having a being around helps a lot when it comes to loneliness out here. And makes you feel less like you always wanna have somebody to travel with. Because sometimes, constantly being around people really sucks. Hahaha.
My fav animal is a Dragon*~

Cheers! And good luck. I hope you find what you're looking for. <3

Thank you! It's rad to have gotten so much positive and welcoming feedback. Especially from the other gender variant people on here.
PS dragons are bomb af

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