News & Blogs Major but Little-Known Supporter of Climate Denial: Freight Railroads


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
@WyldLyfe ok. I would seriously like to know how you, a scientist with a doctorate in climate science, are going to explain to your colleagues your stance on the climate change issue. I feel they may disagree with you.

There is no fucking possible way that the Australian government is starting all of these fires as a way to move people into 'smart cities'. That is literal suicide. That is one of the most crackpot theories I've ever heard, man.

Also, by denying climate change, you are siding with the asshole of the PM yall have down there, when he holds up a piece of coal and laughs at the other politicians that want to do something about it.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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Coy, firstly I'm not saying humans have not impacted the globe by there incredibly disgraceful way of life. And climate change is a thing, it changes.. It has in the past naturally, we have had ice ages before naturally. But the way the global warming thing is being pushed out there is another thing. Has anyone checked up on the sun, It's been putting off lotta solar flares there's a bigger picture. By the way if you don't think there a people out there capable of starting fires and wanting to do extremely evil things for there own agendas just because you yourself would never do such a thing it doesn't mean others out there wouldn't. How fucking dare you say I'm on the prime minsters side trying to manipulate with your words, fuck off, this prime minster went on holiday as the country burns, he came back made a stupid add about what a great job his been doing and forced people to shake his hand, even grabbing a young woman's hand, like it's been said just because you can't imagine people being so fucked up, they can be our prime minster had a counsellor to teach him how to be empathetic, who gave up on him, in this system if you want to go to the top there's mostly psychopaths there, you can watch videos of the PM when he talks about terrible events happening like christ Church and he literally cannot get the grin off his face while speaking about it. Your welcome to do your research, how can all the mainstream science that you claim scientists use even be trusted, scientism is not a legitimate excuse for ignorance in the year 2020. People need to think for themselves, use common sense and not just follow what's being presented by these people.

And I'm not saying I know everything here, some fires may not have been lit, I'd like to be wrong about this stuff, But iv got a better idea then most on this thread.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
I know some of those fires are human caused. That doesnt mean it is a conspiracy.

And I'm not saying you are on the PM's side. I'm saying you are siding with him on climate change denial. It's a simple concept. Humans burn things that produce hydrocarbons, which affects global weather patterns and temperature.

The hotter the planet gets, the more sea ice melts, diluting and cooling the oceans. That also affects weather patterns.

We put stuff in the oceans that also warm them by absorbing more heat into the water. Also affects weather patterns.

This stuff isint just some 'science' out there that no one understands, you can preform these experiments in your kitchen and see it for yourself on a very small scale.

I reccommend everyone think for themselves, but if you cant back up your arguements with fact (not saying you cant, I mean just anyone in general), I'm going call you out for it. If there is one thing I do believe in, it's the science that affects my ability to live a free and enjoyable life. Fucking up the earth will completely destroy that, so I apologize if I come off as a little harsh on these topics.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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Coy... how have you conducted this experiment in your kitchen (or a kitchen, know you rubber tramp) have you fit the entire earth in a kitchen an conducted an experiment on it? because its not about the process in which the data is collected or how to test the planet, or conduct similar experiments, its about if the information from such experiments are presented correctly to the people. So until you can fit the entire earth in ur kitchen and show every one in person, theres no reason for people to blindly believe and have faith in the science (scientism) that is run and controlled by the state & deep states (psychopaths) again im not saying there is not an impact from humans careless and greedy activities, not at all.. but these people are gonna exploit such a thing, its what they do. Save and look after the planet (thats everyones job) but don't plan on take away everyones freedom completely and depopulate the masses as a means of doing so or a pretend means of doing so. People can look into agenda 21/2030.


Stiv Rhodes

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Dec 14, 2013
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Bremerton, WA
There is no belief system called "Scientism." The definition of scientific fact is something which is provable and repeatable. It is the opposite of giving faith to any belief. Believing in physics, chemistry and biology is not on the same level as believing in a creation myth, which you basically have no evidence of. It's telling that climate change deniers scoff at the belief in science as a generalized concept. They're basically admitting that they still wouldn't believe something even after it had been repeatedly proven to be true.

Stiv Rhodes

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Dec 14, 2013
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Bremerton, WA
Also, the Earth's natural warming and cooling cycles happen over the course of thousands of years. Human made global warming is happening in the course of the hundred or so years since the industrial revolution. The two are not mutually exclusive, they both happen. And there is no such thing as the deep state, that's just a thing Trump calls liberal politicians collectively. Also, you do not have more personal freedom under capitalism than socialism unless you are a big business owner. The economic system used by most unelected dictators is capitalism.


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
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NW Cascaaadia
Sorry to inform you guys but global warming is a hoax, right now Australia is burning the fires have been deliberately lit, iv been hanging out with aboriginal people who work with the land closely they say these fires r done by man too. They plan to do this stuff to move people off the land and into "smart cities" eventually overtime, our prime minister cut fire funding before these fires broke out drastically, they are planning on building a super fast railway system across the country from nsw to qld apparently, this hasn't been announced yet, to begin with and there goal is to do this stuff globally only allowing people in cities travelling to them via train and ppl off land.. Agenda 21 / 2030,

an they also wanna do a carbon tax.

oof. fires have been deliberately lit for millennia. When humans were more integrated with their environment, the land in many parts of the world looked like a patchwork of different ecosystems driven partially by fire. Much of the world exists on fire cycles. In the driest parts of the world, the fire cycle is from 1-3 years. If you burn when the environment asks, you get a cool understory burn that doesn't reach the canopy and invigorates the plant life below. When you suppress fire, you get a build up of fuel. Do that for hundreds of years as governments have done in the US and Australia and combine this with hottest, driest years on record and you get a firestorm. Before colonization native people used fire for stimulating ecology, creating diversity, hunting etc etc. and as soon as colonists showed up they actively banned/stopped prescribed burns. Fire-adapted species of plants and animals are struggling and in some places are threatened because of the active end to regular burns. So yes, fire is started by people. It has been for thousands of years. Now we spend billions on trying to put fires out once they've started with a priority being protecting rich neighborhoods and such with very little regard for the broader perspective.

interesting idea that fire is part of a grand plan to get people into cities. but that has nothing on disproving climate change. what fire and climate change have to do with each other is that erratic/extreme weather can drastically exacerbate the severity of the wildfires - set by humans or not - and that is exactly what is happening all over the world
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Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
oof. fires have been deliberately lit for millennia. When humans were more integrated with their environment, the land in many parts of the world looked like a patchwork of different ecosystems driven partially by fire. Much of the world exists on fire cycles. In the driest parts of the world, the fire cycle is from 1-3 years. If you burn when the environment asks, you get a cool understory burn that doesn't reach the canopy and invigorates the plant life below. When you suppress fire, you get a build up of fuel. Do that for hundreds of years as governments have done in the US and Australia and combine this with hottest, driest years on record and you get a firestorm. Before colonization native people used fire for stimulating ecology, creating diversity, hunting etc etc. and as soon as colonists showed up they actively banned/stopped prescribed burns. Fire-adapted species of plants and animals are struggling and in some places are threatened because of the active end to regular burns. So yes, fire is started by people. It has been for thousands of years. Now we spend billions on trying to put fires out once they've started with a priority being protecting rich neighborhoods and such with very little regard for the broader perspective.

interesting idea that fire is part of a grand plan to get people into cities. but that has nothing on disproving climate change. what fire and climate change have to do with each other is that erratic/extreme weather can drastically exacerbate the severity of the wildfires - set by humans or not - and that is exactly what is happening all over the world

As a Wildland Firefighter I second ALL of this.

Conspiracy theorists have tried for decades to disprove that prescribed burning is bad for the environment, and a way for the government to clear more land for development.

There is no science behind that theory, however, there is plenty behind controlled burning. Native Americans did it for centuries in Northern America before we came in and suppressed wildfire in sake of the timber industry.

The original Poderosa pine forests had something like 10 trees per acre. Now it's more like 50-100. That's post clearcutting and over re-planting. You dont just get a shit load more big trees if you plant more closer to each other. That's not how a forest canopy works...


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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I know about burnings off, there different then random, mistaken or planned arson tho. Coy iv never heard of "Conspiracy theorists" saying that about fires and land did you just make that up, I'd reply in more detail but I'm travelling atm and doing stuff.. Good job though guys ignoring the image posted of usa and not doing your homework into agenda 2030.


Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
First of all. WTF is that graphic even of. It doesnt make any sense. Secondly, did I make what up? The fact that complete and total nutjobs make stuff up about fire science that have absolutely no training or experience in that field whatsoever?

Or the scientifically backed case studies of prescribed burning that have taken place over the past 40 years? I've been on burns, and I've seen what the forest looks like afterwards.

Then I've compared that to photos of the same forest in the late 1800's before we got our grubby capitalist hands on it. Looks STRIKINGLY similar.

There may be some Asgenda 2030, I dont know.

What I do know is, unless you can come up with some facts to back up some of these accusations, I'm probably not going to believe you.

For example, I completely believe the US government was involved in some way the 9/11 attacks...why? Because the 'evidence' to the contrary provided by the US Government makes no sense *Scientifically*, and the evidence supporting that theory does.

And no, I'm not going to derail this thread for that discussion, it is just an example that I'm not only on one side when it comes to unpopular opinions.
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Sep 20, 2017
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NW Cascaaadia
W, you started off saying climate change was a hoax and used fire to back up your argument so I was responding to that.

I didn't read the entire Agenda 21 it because it's hundreds of pages long. But I did read what other people were saying about it. I couldn't find any information on Agenda 21 that quoted the actual article and insinuated anything about abolition of private property, end of rural living, forced birth control etc. Just a lot of hype. Maybe I just missed it but... I'm honestly curious... just not seeing it.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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Seeing as you guys don't like to read or research, prob why you guys don't know shit and are dense af, ill very quickly post some stuff, read this and peep the videos. The world elite dark priest class a.k.a the Vatican an others want humanity controlled by AI and eventually killed off to a small population thats easier to control thats there plan anyway, they want a trans humanistic satanic timeline to take place, they invert and distort everything, thats why they invert images such as the five pointed star it symbolizes what they do, invert things that already exist, artificial intelligence is there way of saying fuck you to creation itself, they hate creation, life, freedom and truth, there psychopaths too remember.

Humanity as a collective needs to get back in touch with nature and back in touch with the universe and themselves, all one in the same.

Shangi high has driverless car stuff going on already.

AI makes there own codes and starts talking to eachother and they are shut down.

And watch this Alex Jones and Elon Musk say the same/similar things in two different interveiws

Swedan people are being microchip doing it to themselves brainwashed into thinking its a cool idea, tap on tap off, like the phones and bank cards people use.

They own the police as well, there uniforms are a mockery of them, this badge along with the checkers tiles or pattern they wear, for those who are symbol illiterate, just two examples.

What is Satanism?
Satanism is an ancient occult religion, comprised of diverse, interconnected networks of world wide adherents. At its core, this religion postulates that knowledge of human psyche and knowledge of the laws of the universe should be occulted and held by a few human beings. It is much more accurate to perceive satanists (and dark occultists in general) as ancient psychologists who hold and wield hidden information for the purpose of exploiting those who remain ignorant of it. The symbolism and trappings of the christian devil, or satan, are used in modern satanism for two reasons. The first is to try to make outsiders see satanism as “just another quaint religious belief” that is based upon traditional christian belief systems. The second is to associate itself with the adversarial dynamic in nature, referred to as INVOLUTION in the occult world, the force which opposes true evolution in consciousness, the word “satan” comes from the hebrew word meaning “adversary” or “opposed” to the true order of natural law (the universal laws of morality which govern the behavioral consequences of beings who are gifted with the capacity for holistic intelligence and free will)

Through the power differential they gain by way of manipulating those who remain in ignorance of occulted knowledge, this small minority who are “in the know” wish to permanently rule the masses of humanity and effectively become “gods on earth”. It is important to understand that, contrary to popular belief, the overwhelmingly vast majority of satanists DO NOT worship an externalized deity known as “satan” in the christian tradition, but instead see satanism as an ideological way-of-being in the world, and view the EGO-DRIVEN SELF as the “god” of there religion.

The four tenets of real satanism.
One: Self-preservation. This includes the preservation of ones agenda and ones group above all. This is in direct opposition to conscience, compassion and love.

Two: Moral relativism. This denial of the objective difference between right and wrong allows psychopaths to falsely justify their violence and agression against others.

Three: Social darwinism. This concept of a social version of “survival of the fittest” leads psychopaths to believe that they are the most socially evolved people in society. They actually believe that their lack of compassion and their ruthlessness are evolutionarily superior traits.

Four: Eugenics. Since they consider themselves superior, they believe they have the right to decide who lives and who dies.
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Well-known member
May 4, 2008
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Northern California
@WyldLyfe If you can't keep it civil, don't post. Also, I'd say all this satanic conspiracy theory stuff has gone pretty far off the rails. I have some friends who are satanists, and they're nice people. Maybe try to stick on-topic, rather than flooding with a bunch of irrelevant YouTube videos and presenting them as "research".
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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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@WyldLyfe If you can't keep it civil, don't post. Also, I'd say all this satanic conspiracy theory stuff has gone pretty far off the rails. I have some friends who are satanists, and they're nice people. Maybe try to stick on-topic, rather than flooding with a bunch of irrelevant YouTube videos and presenting them as "research".

Your friends are not in the group im talking about obviously, they are not elite members of societies. Be as triggered as you like.

EDIT: man gives me a warning for this? unbelievable..

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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I'm on board with the warning @Dameon issued you, @WyldLyfe. You can disagree with others without resorting to calling people names or talking down to them. we don't consider that civil discourse, and if you can't be civil, don't post.

second, your conspiracy theories are both ridiculous, and completely off topic for both this thread and the purpose of this website as a whole. take the crazy alex jones shit somewhere else please.
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Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
DAMNIT. Y'all beat me to it!

Seeing as you guys don't like to read or research, prob why you guys don't know shit and are dense af,

I wont stand for this kind of treatment, as I pride myself on keeping as up to date with current issues and politics as I possibly can....soooo...

I see that you DO read, and you DO a lot of research. Unfortunately, it is related to ridiculous conspiracy theories that based purely off of paranoia and tin hat physics.

If you are coming on here saying that we are some 'tools of the system that need to get woke' I would SERIOUSLY reconsider what other websites you would have to go to in order to find many people who would 100% agree with you. Look around you. There are hundreds of people on this website that hate the system, and do believe that it is out to get them, because it is.

However, they have no need to make up scary shit to make things seem worse than they actually are, because the are educated (for the most part, and in their own ways) and realize that the world is already fucked up enough to have to fight the bullshit we already have going on, and that is already such a daunting task, they have no need to delve into the 'maybe'....the 'absolutely' is giving us enough shit as it is.

And watch this Alex Jones and Elon Musk say the same/similar things in two different interveiws

Oh sweet jesus. Ok. I know we (StP) have already been through the Alex Jones thing.....god I wish I remembered that thread where people got banned and muted like crazy over...

So I'll cut you some slack and inform you that Alex Jones is a SEXIST, RACIST, FASCIST SUPPORTING, CAPITALIST fearmonger, who's only prerogative is to make MONEY off of promoting Alt-Right philosophy....for MONEY.

enough said. When you mention Alex Jones around political activists who actual do reasearch into their trade, you discredit your self.

I like you, @WyldLyfe , I think you have interesting things to contribute, unfortunately, I dont think you have a dog in this fight (ya, I know, bad fucking metaphor, I'm trying to find an alternative).


Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
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NW Cascaaadia
W, i read plenty. thats why i was calling you out. some of the ideas you are talking about are pretty interesting to me tbh. and yeah i think we all get it... where technology is going is scary and fucked. but you never provided a single quote from Agenda 21/2030 that even hints at a master plan to abolish private property, end rural living, force birth control or whatever which is part of what started this whole tangent. it seems more like you are just copying stuff from conspiracy theory websites but not having any of the substance to back it up. is there a difference between you buying in to all the conspiracy theories and someone else buying in to their religion?
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Stiv Rhodes

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Dec 14, 2013
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Bremerton, WA
I think this might be one of the situations we discussed blocking people from posting on specific threads for. Besides, everyone knows the fires in Australia were set by the lizard people.😝
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Make America Freight Again
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Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
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