Lost/left everything in my life, going to try living out in the woods and forests and exploring this country.


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Sep 19, 2024
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Recently left my abusive family, an amazing relationship that i ruined, and a bunch of racist, homophobic (basically all of the "-ists" and "-phobics" a person could be.) "friends". And I just lost my job for basically giving up and now I'm here. Rent is gonna be due soon, and I'll be SOL once I pay that. Have some gear already because I was going to go camping but never did.

For a little backstory on my name, I'm just using an old name given to me as a child, when me and my neighbors would go exploring in the woods. I somehow always ended up stepping in poison ivy, yellow jacket nests, or thornbushes, and the name thornbush just kinda stuck(lol) for me. I've always been an outdoorsy type, so the woods are a very familiar place to me.

But anyways, I'm posting here because I want to connect with people who are in a similar situation to mine. What made you guys decide to live like this? I plan on mainly camping out in BLM land all over the country, and exploring places that seem nice to me. Maybe this is just a pipe dream and I'm being incredibly naive by saying this, and if that is true by all means tell me. I'm just at the end of my rope here. I don't want to spend another minute working in some shit-pay, I-do-everything-while-the-boss-slacks-off kind of job, just so I can barely pay rent and my bills, and maybe have enough leftover to buy myself a pizza once a month. I don't ever plan on going to college or any other form of school, I have autism and it feels like I'm deep frying my brain in bleach when I sit in a classroom. I know that I'm not dumb, but I just cant stand schooling.

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is just, am I being stupid? If I am, please throw some cold water on me and tell me to man up and find another job. If I'm not, please let me know how I can survive more than 5 minutes outside.

If you read this whole post, thank you, and I hope you have a good day.



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Sep 19, 2024
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Portland, OR
A practical approach would be to invest in camping supplies and head south for the winter, where you can find stable employment near your campsite. A gym membership would provide access to showers and facilities for cleaning up each morning before work. This would allow you to save money over the winter, while also building problem-solving skills. In the spring, you could then consider traveling the country. However, be aware that there are dangers on the road, including individuals who may pose serious threats to your safety. Some carry weapons and may not hesitate to take what you have, including your life. This isn't a game; navigating this lifestyle requires street smarts and confidence, qualities that, based on what you've shared, may still need development.
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Feb 14, 2023
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Your post got me emotional. I am sending big hopes for you and love. To find yourself again. To rebuild temple inside of you.

Your plan will expose you to very rough situations and environments as well as it will be extremely liberating.

Practical stuff:
Myself I would stay minimal - take as minimum gear needed for basic needs (sleeping bag and matte, shelter, gas stove + gas cartridge, antirain clothing/poncho, antirain shell for 🎒, food for 1-3 days ahead, basic aid kit, firestarter, all-round knife, spoon, favourite book...) and think about investing in future in such stuff, which would weight as low as possible and being solid at the same time.
For movement... working on your muscles rather than your joints, spine. Tie up your ABS when carrying heavy 🎒 - all the time...

Spiritual stuff:
Expand on conscious experiencing what your body and mind has to tell you. Show patience to any sensations, emotions. Let them live and let them go their way. Learn to let go of anything. Especially of being binded to something (emotions, places, items, people...).
Your can speak without thinking or feeling... Or you can put magic, emotion in any word that come out of you, as well as any movement. You can pay attention to any sip you take, how it travels though you body. It will make everything meaningful. Full of life. You will soon know where your path is and what's the best for you.

I hope I didn't fly away too much.
Peace and love and TAKE CARE


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
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Houston, United States
Recently left my abusive family, an amazing relationship that i ruined, and a bunch of racist, homophobic (basically all of the "-ists" and "-phobics" a person could be.) "friends". And I just lost my job for basically giving up and now I'm here. Rent is gonna be due soon, and I'll be SOL once I pay that. Have some gear already because I was going to go camping but never did.

For a little backstory on my name, I'm just using an old name given to me as a child, when me and my neighbors would go exploring in the woods. I somehow always ended up stepping in poison ivy, yellow jacket nests, or thornbushes, and the name thornbush just kinda stuck(lol) for me. I've always been an outdoorsy type, so the woods are a very familiar place to me.

But anyways, I'm posting here because I want to connect with people who are in a similar situation to mine. What made you guys decide to live like this? I plan on mainly camping out in BLM land all over the country, and exploring places that seem nice to me. Maybe this is just a pipe dream and I'm being incredibly naive by saying this, and if that is true by all means tell me. I'm just at the end of my rope here. I don't want to spend another minute working in some shit-pay, I-do-everything-while-the-boss-slacks-off kind of job, just so I can barely pay rent and my bills, and maybe have enough leftover to buy myself a pizza once a month. I don't ever plan on going to college or any other form of school, I have autism and it feels like I'm deep frying my brain in bleach when I sit in a classroom. I know that I'm not dumb, but I just cant stand schooling.

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is just, am I being stupid? If I am, please throw some cold water on me and tell me to man up and find another job. If I'm not, please let me know how I can survive more than 5 minutes outside.

If you read this whole post, thank you, and I hope you have a good day.


What the fuck thorny face. Do your thing.
Jan 15, 2018
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Recently left my abusive family, an amazing relationship that i ruined, and a bunch of racist, homophobic (basically all of the "-ists" and "-phobics" a person could be.) "friends". And I just lost my job for basically giving up and now I'm here. Rent is gonna be due soon, and I'll be SOL once I pay that. Have some gear already because I was going to go camping but never did.

For a little backstory on my name, I'm just using an old name given to me as a child, when me and my neighbors would go exploring in the woods. I somehow always ended up stepping in poison ivy, yellow jacket nests, or thornbushes, and the name thornbush just kinda stuck(lol) for me. I've always been an outdoorsy type, so the woods are a very familiar place to me.

But anyways, I'm posting here because I want to connect with people who are in a similar situation to mine. What made you guys decide to live like this? I plan on mainly camping out in BLM land all over the country, and exploring places that seem nice to me. Maybe this is just a pipe dream and I'm being incredibly naive by saying this, and if that is true by all means tell me. I'm just at the end of my rope here. I don't want to spend another minute working in some shit-pay, I-do-everything-while-the-boss-slacks-off kind of job, just so I can barely pay rent and my bills, and maybe have enough leftover to buy myself a pizza once a month. I don't ever plan on going to college or any other form of school, I have autism and it feels like I'm deep frying my brain in bleach when I sit in a classroom. I know that I'm not dumb, but I just cant stand schooling.

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is just, am I being stupid? If I am, please throw some cold water on me and tell me to man up and find another job. If I'm not, please let me know how I can survive more than 5 minutes outside.

If you read this whole post, thank you, and I hope you have a good day.


You aint being stupid, unless you go it alone what you're talking about doing. Hit me up, I'm down to wander and fuck this society. I know some cool places, I used to travel the whole country.


Well-known member
May 25, 2021
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In motion
Ask yourself these questions
Could I, or could I handle:
-Make money without any outside intervention?
-cook for myself or if cooking isn't an option handle eating out of the trash, cold canned food, cold ramen in a plastic bag, dog food, ketchup and mayonnaise packets, chicken feed etc?
-clothe and gear myself with little to no coin?
-maintain the aforementioned clothing and gear?
-treat my own wounds, including stitches and broken bones?
-deal with the stigma associated with living outside?
-deal with fucking wingnuts trying to sell me their 40 pack of garbage pail kids cards when I'm trying to sleep at the library?
-discern when I'm being lied to or played as a mark?
-talk down aggro pigs or other kids looking to check me or concede an argument for the good of the group?
-witnessing rampant amounts of animal abuse child abuse and elder abuse?
-take multiple punches or blows to vital areas?
-possibly assault, maim, or kill another person?
-live knowing the overwhelming amount of people i meet will be out of my life in a day or less and society does not care whether I live or die?

If yes, cool, you'll most likely be alright. Take it with a grain of salt too cause you might never experience any of this shit, you could coast big money bum style for all I know. That said, these are very real things to consider.
Good luck bro, I hope I see you out here some day. Be safe have fun.


New member
Sep 19, 2024
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Ask yourself these questions
Could I, or could I handle:
-Make money without any outside intervention?
-cook for myself or if cooking isn't an option handle eating out of the trash, cold canned food, cold ramen in a plastic bag, dog food, ketchup and mayonnaise packets, chicken feed etc?
-clothe and gear myself with little to no coin?
-maintain the aforementioned clothing and gear?
-treat my own wounds, including stitches and broken bones?
-deal with the stigma associated with living outside?
-deal with fucking wingnuts trying to sell me their 40 pack of garbage pail kids cards when I'm trying to sleep at the library?
-discern when I'm being lied to or played as a mark?
-talk down aggro pigs or other kids looking to check me or concede an argument for the good of the group?
-witnessing rampant amounts of animal abuse child abuse and elder abuse?
-take multiple punches or blows to vital areas?
-possibly assault, maim, or kill another person?
-live knowing the overwhelming amount of people i meet will be out of my life in a day or less and society does not care whether I live or die?

If yes, cool, you'll most likely be alright. Take it with a grain of salt too cause you might never experience any of this shit, you could coast big money bum style for all I know. That said, these are very real things to consider.
Good luck bro, I hope I see you out here some day. Be safe have fun.

Thank you for the list of heavy, but important questions. For food I'm not too concerned, I've worked in kitchens and I've eaten some questionable meals from time to time. I'm also no stranger to eating bugs, I roast up a mean grasshopper. Money is a bit of a concern as always, but I plan on doing dish washing work, cleaning up parking lots, or other little gigs here and there. Treating my own wounds is something I know far too well, and uhh... I'll just say IFYKYK.

My biggest problem is honestly people. All of those other things are pretty predictable, and once you've done em a few times you know how they work. As for people, they are unpredictable and are the biggest thing about this life that I am pretty worried about. I plan on staying farrrrrr away from anyone, mainly staying in state forests, but near cities so that I could hitch into town if I needed to. I know at certain a point coming across someone bad is inevitable, but I'll carry my bear spray and club (handle of an old 8lb hammer with a paracord strap, mainly to use as a dog stick), and hope I won't ever have to use em. I understand that these were rhetorical questions, but I'm mainly writing this for myself.

Thank you again for your detailed comment, and have a good one!
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Sep 24, 2024
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Hey Thornbusch,
I Had a similar Situation in 2020 when I got kicked Out of my parents House. Although I Had a shared flat (with an abusive roommate) I soon started spending Most of my time in a Forest occupation that was Close by. After that, I started travelling to other Forest occupations and after that I left the shared flat and went travelling for 1,5 years. I felt extremely lost at the time and I Always wanted to find a new Home (still haven't found it lol) but I'd say I Had to go through those very rough times in Order to feel comfortable in my own skin again. It felt Like shedding Off old skin. And while that was quite painful Sometimes, I would definetely do it again.
So the thing I'd Like to Tell you is: You are going to find yourself in rough situations where you are going to ask yourself why the fuck you decided to do that. And that is part of the thing. Skills Like surviving in the wild can be learned once you're out there. The thing noone can prepare you for is the Change that will Happen inside of you. Processing years of abusive relationships, wanting to Change your own behavior, being angry at yourself for not being able to immediately..
And of course, surviving with very little Money, mit knowing when you'll shower again, crossing paths with scary people make Things even Harder to process.
While I was struggeling with myself and my past, I fucked Up a looot of friendships, and at some Point it felt Like I was breaking and i would never gonna recover from that. But, Turns Out, If you have a Person once in a while, that understands what you're going through and Shows a bit of empathy, you might be able to surprise yourself with how resilient you are.

And that's what was the Most important realization for me in that time: I am resilient. I have already survived a ton of traumatic shit.
And I will not break.

That is what I Hope you will realize once you're out there.
(And sorry there was zero practical info)

Wish you the best,
Spikezzz and Sakura


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2021
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Mediterranean Coast
Ask yourself these questions

-deal with fucking wingnuts trying to sell me their 40 pack of garbage pail kids cards when I'm trying to sleep at the library?
I've got to say this is one of the best parts of the whole adventure-- meeting the unusual others also out there wandering around.

But it can get exhausting trying to understand yet another alternate view of reality for the 50th time--

If you're not interested in socializing much and are therefore mostly solo, one is generally meeting fellow characters one-on-one outdoors each with time but perhaps not the inclination to talk -- and that can be a welcome break from whatever of our own thoughts we tend to spend time on.

So yeah, it's the other people that can lead to some of the danger.

If you do an apprenticeship as a long distance ultralight backpacker and can stay healthy. . .

Well you've got a ticket to roam for life.

Figuring out a way to make some money can usually come with time and freedom and time to reflect. And in the US a lot can be had for free, and food-wise the food stamps and free healthcare in certain states can keep you alive to find those opportunities.


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2021
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Mediterranean Coast
but I'll carry my bear spray and club (handle of an old 8lb hammer with a paracord strap, mainly to use as a dog stick), and hope I won't ever have to use em. I understand that these were rhetorical questions, but I'm mainly writing this for myself.

I just avoid grizzly country. People have never been the issue in the places I've wandered, but as a homebum yes if people know where you tend to sleep they can be an issue.

As for the dogs, at least as a cyclist, squirting them in the face with my bidet water bottle has become my default.

Not that getting riled up and screaming and shouting and giving one a solid thwack on the head with my metal water bottle filled with water wasn't also satisfying.

But one gets lazy when there's a more relaxing approach.

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