Conservative lol, no not really, I have nothing against legalized pot, gay marriage, etc......" "people like you" bullshit; I could say the exact same about you."....Really? I'm not the one on some sort of crusade hell bent changing the world and patting myself on the back saying "at lest I'm trying to make a difference!" (accomplishing nothing).
Why promote my opinion on my "about me" and signature? Simple, I've had to travel with some real douchebag hippie loser types...Listen to stoner cliches about, "hey man, imagine a society without money",,,,,or about how awesome hemp stuff is....
I like traveling with fun, well armed, clean, people I can trust, won't be a police magnet, and won't get stoned and do something stupid. I've been dragged along to fucking stupid "rainbow tribe" shit. Easgacsagsa gggg HIPPIES! I like hunting, fishing, exploring caves, and traveling through thick lush forest, climbing mountais....If you've seen the lost world, or journey to the center of the earth...those were my inspiration to try and be an adventurer when I was a kid.
Look at it this know I'm a clean cut opinionated "anti hero" douchebag.....See, now that you know that, you would never want to travel with me....well, fine by me. Saves me from putting up with shit I don't want....
I'm simply avoiding picking up stereotypical hippie with dread locks, carrying guitar, bag of random DIY collectibles and weed trying to hitch a ride to "slab city" for a hippie gathering......Ok...that was stereotyping but you get the idea.
Like Canadian comedian Brent Butt said, "I saw one of these squeegy punks, and he was wearing that anarchy T shirt....arrrg Anarchy (tough voice). And this kid might have been 75 pounds, including his dirty bucket, and I'm you really think he thought this through, Do you really think he want to live in a world without rules? Do you think he's gonna last long in a "Mad Max" society, are they gonna give this lil guy the Viking helmet and let him call the shots, or do you think his heads gonna be a hood ornament on a dune buggy come day 2?"