Keeping contacts clean on the road? or avoid contacts altogether?


Deleted member 125

keeping contacts clean while traveling can be tough, a little dirt in there and you can seriously danger yer eyesight. i would say get a pair of glasses and ditch the contacts all together. but ive never been fond of contacts and have always found glasses easier.


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
I wear contacts. if you dont mind the *little* extra weight, just carry a little contact case and a bottle of saline solution. I take my contacts out every night that I can, but sometimes I end up wearing them for days at a time (Yea, I know its bad for you). But having an extra pair of glasses doesnt hurt. I personally hate wearing glasses, so i switched to contacts and love them, they dont really bother me liek they do other people. Having to carry multiple sets for a long time is a pain in the ass though. Also, waking up in the morning with your saline frozen solid with your last pair of contacts inside, and having to put it in your pocket to warm them up while wandering around a town youi dont know, blind as fuck, is not much fun. Thanks alot, Cortez, CO.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2015
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On the road
I prefer glasses when traveling.. but I got drunk and ran into the ocean and lost my glasses so now I'm back to wearing contacts. Just make sure to keep the contact solution in your case relatively clean and you shouldn't have a problem.


Sometimes traveler is traveling.
Jul 28, 2011
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Rochester, NY
been wearing them for years and years, keep glasses on the side for when I run into issues with contacts. Camped with contacts years ago before they had the self cleaning solutions - hehe - had to heat water over the campfire and toss my contact case sealed in with my precious eyes to clean for some minutes. Don't do that anymore. I enjoy my contacts and use the disposable ones, which of course I'm bad and I overuse the disposables and use them longer than what they say. But I try to travel with a spare set just in case - if not then it's the glasses (that are several prescriptions past but hey they are eyes).

Gotta keep your hands clean and sanitized (and not with those hand sanitizers either) when cleaning your contacts. I've screwed up a few times and just took them out and stashed them in my contact case cause I'm kinda drunk and want them out of my eyes. Well, nothing like sticking them back into your eyes the next day to have a piece of something on the lens and scrapes your eyeball - most horrible pain - had to pry apart my eyelids ... scratched the eye - stupid pain is just a pain that doesn't go away even when in "sleep".

So if you travel with the contacts - do take care of them and be clean with them - and they will work out - but always have a back up (another pair or glasses). :) I love my contacts.


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2016
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Monterey CA
As an owner of both contacts and glasses, I would suggest wearing your glasses whenever you don't have the opportunity to get your hands clean to take your contacts on/off. Getting your contacts dirty can be a real bitch. Luckily I'm far sighted so I can go without either if I have to.


Jan 14, 2014
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Slab City
Your best bet is to either be really really careful with them or to wear glasses. The tiniest bit of dirt in a contact can end up causing you some serious pain. I'm not a doctor, though it's my understanding that most scratches to the cornea do not cause any permanent damage. The problem with scratching your cornea, though, is that it will hurt, a lot, and it won't stop hurting. I had the displeasure of scraping the hell out of my cornea a few years ago and I would rather stab myself in the leg than repeat the experience. If I were you, and I hated glasses as you do, I would bring both. Just make sure they're clean before you try putting them in.

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