Really I'd like to see a documentary about the true hobos of of the 21st century. No, I don't mean a buncha dirty kids who hop trains and fight in every town they get to. I mean the harvest workers, farm hands, stage workers, carnies, carpenters, traveling programmers, rock hounds, flea mall rats ect. who wander this nation for employment. I don't "subscribe" to a lifestyle of being broke by the side of the road, I'm just not afraid to stick my thumb out or climb the ladder when its time to get to the next gig. Anyone can find the drunk group of kids with face tats, dogs and packs and offer them a half gallon for their dignity. Real hobos are harder to track down cause, duh, we actually work every now and then and don't rely on a silly costume to get us free shit. Find those folk and tell their stories, that I'd watch.
I agree 100% with this, and that's exactly what I told the filmmakers when they contacted me on the road. I'm so sick of all the shitty docs about spacebagging gutterpunks that I told them: "If you try to exploit me as a hobo in a negative way, or if this is just another stupid mini-doc about gutterpunks and spangers, they could kiss my ass and find another hobo."