It all depends how you get your money, cause you will need it unless you like only eating half rotted dumpster food sometimes. Sure you can have no money and travel, its hell of a lot easier that way if you avoid populated areas and stick to the wilderness. I personally don't beg. I Have flown a sign like maybe twice, but I don't like it. I have pride and will either make things to sell, busk, or go do day labor. It depends whether this is an extended vacation for you, or a permenant life style choice. For me this is a life style choice and I take my time and enjoy each place im in at now. I have buzzed all around most of this land, and really see no reason to just rush through any one place these days. I also like having a bunch of good food every day, a place to keep warm or cool and just more less stay the fuck out of the rain. So I mainly rubber tramp anymore because I have a kind hearted woman to think of her safety and an old hound dog that ain't the tramping hound she once was, and really likes taking long naps these days. Plus go deal with getting fucked with and kicked out of what ever nice improvised set up reapeadely over the years just to go sleep in fucking rain. No matter what way you slice it precipitation is a pain in the ass to deal with when your transient. I also really enjoy not constantly getting fucked with and having to deal with utter morons on a regular basis, which find haven in the streets of the city. I am also young and strong and have multiple trades and like to fill my time by acquiring new skills. I genuinely like working for periods of time. Its sort of fun and you get to meet new people. A lot of us long term travelers will get a job in something interesting to them, work a season and go fuck off for a while until the stagnancy and boredom of routine set in for traveling. Traveling broke is a lot of work and sometimes aggravation in of itself, and its quicker and easier to just go earn a few $k in a couple of months and have a significantly more comfortable standard of living. If this is more of an extended sabbatical I recommend just grabbing a tarp, a sleeping bag, a water container, a book or two and instrument, forget about money and hit the road. After a while of this you will probably get bored and tired of this ,and switch it up or just go back home where ever that may be. If you don't have one, that certently changes things.