Vans are fine just make sure they ate diesel!!!! Diesels are way better, mileage wise & more dependable.All trucks & heavy equipment are diesel, so its easier to jug truckers with fuel cards. It is also possible to pump out home heating oil tanks found on craigslist. If you are brazen & supet desperate it is really easy to pump diesel from refer trailers, trucks, those portable generator lights for construction. Temporary construction sites for roadwork are great. Most are deserted often. I dont even want to open the wvo grease convo. Been there done it & never will again. It too involves stealing but its nasty, bad for engines & fuel systems & the additional equipment needed is super expensive. Cut out the middleman & burn koolaid(non taxed red diesel) for farm use, boats, construction equip etc that will save you a decent amount right away instead of stealing fuel or paying for green diesel(taxed).