Been in Taiwan for several years now, I wrote a thread here a while back about how to travel across the country on share bike. I am housed up working regular job at the moment trying to earn permanent residence.
Pretty much everywhere in the world except US uses Celsius, and since I was born and grew up outside the US, that's what comes natural to me. I still think it's funny that freezing is like... 35 or 37 or something in America. Some American once tried to convince me that Fahrenheit was better because 0 to 100 is human livable temperature whereas 0 to 100 in Celsius is water livable temperature, but even human is alive at 0F it's gonna be a miserable life and your water bottle's gonna be useless. But, eh, number's just a number, it's how you feel that matters and I hate being cold outside, which why trying to get residence in a warm country seems like a decent plan.