Here it is nearly a year later since my response. We've moved out here. Grid tied, as it was cheaper to get electric ran than set up solar. Still hoping for solar some day. It's freakin cheap living. I guess technically we are squatting, since the land is not in our name yet, and the house isn't registered.
Off-grid would be nice, but man it would take a lot of work. Am not sure I would want to be tied down with animals. The only utilities we have are power and internet. Plumbing still needs work, but the well works to fill up water jugs. No septic yet, compost toilet til then. Hey, it works, still have more amenities than I had while living in my van.
Off-grid would be nice, but man it would take a lot of work. Am not sure I would want to be tied down with animals. The only utilities we have are power and internet. Plumbing still needs work, but the well works to fill up water jugs. No septic yet, compost toilet til then. Hey, it works, still have more amenities than I had while living in my van.