Trick is to not look homeless , not camp near other ppl and not fit the stereo type.
I never been botherd , most ppl don't even realize I'm a traveler when I'm out because I don't have dreads face tats and wear my bibs till there rotting off my body.
I pretty much camouflage myself by looking like a tourist.
Fuck going to a massive shelter , the small ones are bad enough.
Why would anyone want to hang around skid row , or the "homeless corridor" in Vegas ect , most those fuckers are nuts and higher than giraffe pussy anyways ....I'm afraid for what's about to happen to home bums , but can you blame ppl for not wanting a horde of stinking dirty , diseased drunks and drug addicts trashing everywhere and starting a bunch of shit and shitting all over?
Same with assholes that blow up yards and trash them and leave syringes and beer cans everywhere , or overdose under the nearest bridge.
If ppl would start policing themselves better the government wouldn't feel like they needed to.
Most of this shit is brought on us by us , but nobody wants to talk about that , they just want a Free for all non stop party on the rails or down the highway .
No real sense of community or responsibility toward others fuck the next guy mentality , and this is what you get from that ....idk wtf ppl expected.