Cool--some of my relatives now live near GSMNP / cades cove so i learned a bit about some rather self reliant hillbillies. . . There was a really cool book about this 90+ year old guy telling his stories showing/ teaching the skills.
Posting again to say it's been hippies and foreign visitors & immigrants and other odd types, as well as friendly normal Americans, who would pick me up though I did get a few rides with truckers. So curious to see how the truck stop compares to the open road. There are an insane amount of dog parents these days so maybe that works in your favor.
Maybe dress up in some weird costume like
I am bear sun. Though that's the extrovert way to get across and he is walking! (Actually he's running across starting in January (?)) First i heard of this guy he was walking from LA to Las Vegas in a bear suit
on a lark. [Went back and looked at his old Twitter posts. . . I guess he's a designer/ artist and first used the bear suit he designed in the 2019 LA marathon and didn't finish. And then did an LA-SD-LV walk, then added SF, then went SF to NYC? Something like that. And in between finished the 2020 LA Marathon !]