Hey dudes

lil nasty

Nov 22, 2016
Reaction score
Morgantown, West Virginia
I'm lil nasty, or lil n, or, if you really feel it's necessary, you can call me rachael. I'm super to new to this site and only just discovered it around a week ago. I've found some insanely useful info so far and i'm sure i'll find a lot more as i keep reading. Right now, i'm getting ready to get the hell out of west virginia. I've been here for about 5 years and i'm over all the humdrum bullshit that goes along with having a place, paying bills, having a job, etc. It's just not the life for me at all. I'm gonna leave soon, like before mid december, to head south. I'll probably be hitch hiking for a while, but i really wanna do some trainhopping. From what i've read, it's super fucking dangerous, so i'd really love to find someone who know's what they're doing to show me the ropes. I know a few people where i live who know what's up, but they're traveling days are behind them. If anyone would be willing to meet up somewhere and do some trainhopping with me, and just show me what's up, that would be fucking sweet. I've checked out the road dogs section of the site but it seems like most everyone there is looking for someone to show them the ropes as well. Anyways, hope you all are well and would love to get to know the community. Thanks dudes, have a swell day.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 15, 2013
Reaction score
silver city, new mexico
The best part is riding trains with your motorized bicycle on board. Budget travelers paradise.

I'd show you the ropes N if I wasn't on the opposite end of the country. I think you will miss west Virginia when you leave it is a spectacular rugged place.

Sent from my MotoG3 using the Squat the Planet mobile app!

Pikey Pete

Active member
Nov 22, 2016
Reaction score
Denver, Colorado
The best part is riding trains with your motorized bicycle on board. Budget travelers paradise.

I'd show you the ropes N if I wasn't on the opposite end of the country. I think you will miss west Virginia when you leave it is a spectacular rugged place.

Sent from my MotoG3 using the Squat the Planet mobile app!
Can you show me the ropes dude, never train hopped

lil nasty

Nov 22, 2016
Reaction score
Morgantown, West Virginia
oh man yall, im trying to pack as light as possible lol. I used to ride on the reg but im just not tryin to take a bike with me.
justbreath, im originally from texas but im in morgantown, wv right now. been here about 5 years
georgeez, i might be around that area before summertime even! who knows
kriminalmisfit, for sure man, that would be rad thanks!
Oct 15, 2015
Reaction score
Eugene oregon
Lil N,

Bunch of us are doing a pretty cool ride in a bout ten days. Riding bikes about 25 mile from Eugene to a remote crew change spot. Throwing our bikes on a train and riding to the next crew change near the estuary by coos bay. It is the lowest tides of the year that week and we will be harvesting clams and having a clam bake on the dunes. Then we will pedal to town goof around, pedal back to camp and catch the train back. I expect it will be a small group because not many people like to hop in the winter in Eugene unless it is to hop out to see the sun. It is one of my favorite rides cause I love Coos Bay and clams and it goes through some amazing territory. I'll make this trip anytime someone says let's go. So my job now lets me off a couple months I got to catch while I can. We depart Sunday or Monday December eleventh

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  • Sad
Reactions: Hillbilly Castro

Hillbilly Castro

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2011
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Westernville, NY
Lil N,

Bunch of us are doing a pretty cool ride in a bout ten days. Riding bikes about 25 mile from Eugene to a remote crew change spot. Throwing our bikes on a train and riding to the next crew change near the estuary by coos bay. It is the lowest tides of the year that week and we will be harvesting clams and having a clam bake on the dunes. Then we will pedal to town goof around, pedal back to camp and catch the train back. I expect it will be a small group because not many people like to hop in the winter in Eugene unless it is to hop out to see the sun. It is one of my favorite rides cause I love Coos Bay and clams and it goes through some amazing territory. I'll make this trip anytime someone says let's go. So my job now lets me off a couple months I got to catch while I can. We depart Sunday or Monday December eleventh

Sent from my iPhone using the Squat the Planet mobile app!

Yooooo that sounds LIT AS FUCK

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