

New member
Aug 13, 2009
Reaction score
east coast
i'm 18, new to the board, and i've never traveled. i've never had the chance before to do so, but it's something i've been wanting to do for so long. i live on the east coast, in south jersey -right near philly- and don't know anyone to hitch around with, or anyone willing. i'm really open to anything, so if anyone has any suggestions, or really anything that would help me out, i would appreciate it.

Salem M.

Active member
Aug 9, 2009
Reaction score
Eureka, California
Howdy from the Hum(Humboldt county)!

names Salem, hope your doing aaight, and I can feel for you. I've travelled a lot of my life but never through hitch-hiking and train-hoppin, minus a couple short terms in hitch-hiking.
I'm 18 and yeah.
If your still out in Jersey come january of next year, or perhaps october of this year, I might hit you up if I come that far north, I'm planning my great trek from the west to the east and back again.

Anyhow, if your ever in Humboldt and I can help in anyway, I'll do my best.
Viva la revolution, one step at a time.

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