alright biitches heres the run down
on friday (newyyears!) we will all be partying it up and camping at the secret location near thejunction
meet up at like 4 at the russel industrial center baazar food court if your gunna be later pm me for my number and send me a txt and weyl make sure were aroun when you show up if your early same deal txt me an iyl give you my current location
things to bring!!! warm weather gear (ive got you jb) AND either food or booze dont skimp me or iyl cut u thats how the marauders (god i love that name) do it
should be a good time weyl have a semi warm *secret spot* (none of you hae seen) to crash at near the tracks plenty of drank food and music (bring cds if u want)
if someone wants to post this in a new thread and make it more coherent and or add stuff please do