Billy Blankets
I got pulled off of CSX in Sebring Florida about two years ago (in an unprecedented act of a road dogs' stupidity) and put in jail for the night (riding the railroad with the intent to ride for free!). I was riding with a bunch of guys who all got put in a cell together because one had staph and as the only girl I got put into medical isolation because of the chance that i could have staph too. Among a bunch of other likely illegal and humiliating things I had to do, I was held down and given a "TB vaccine". I protested and physically resisted but it didn't matter in the end. When I got out the next day none of the guys I went in with had to get it and theres no vaccine but there is a TB test which I have had before, and which it could have possible been. I was basically wondering if anyone else has ever gone to jail and got a shot against their will. I was also wondering if you can avoid it somehow. Any input is awesome.