you know..
worrying about war is foolish..
if war hits, all you are going to be left with is your skin..
you know.. we are fucking fleas screaming at mongrels tearing each other apart.
we mean exactly nothing, other than how we can cover our asses when people start killing each other on sight, when the shit goes down.
& it won't be war between nations.
the next war, national boundaries will stress to internal destruction, because the infrastructure does not exist to keep the impoverished fed past the state of hunger.
people are actually pretty peacefull, & if they are fed & have a fairly minimum sense of security & autonomy, they more or less stay calm..
the next war will not be patriotic..
all the big players know it.
disrupt the flow of affordable food, *especially* in america, & all hell like hell has not seen since Hell, will break fucking loose...
"get ready for war"..
how do you do that?
a bug-out bag?
run around yelling "war!! war!!"
build bunkers?
how the fuck, us being smarmy little fucking fleas who just like to jump around..
how the *fuck* do we fight it?
if you *REALLY* want to prep, go join the army.
look at venezuela.
get who gets fed & has fucking toilet paper?
cops, politicians & soldiers...
& the politically sanctioned business folks.. let's not forget them..
we, as travelers, if we actually are..
laugh at the fucking sky.
we piss on cancer,
push ourselves until old-age breaks us into sorrow
& love & practice honor for as long as we can, before desperation begins to kill us..
& if we are fucking holy & deserve to survive beyond that, we keep fucking doing it.
god damn..
now.. there are a shitload of assholes on here who are deeply & constructively & destructively involved in issues of political import..
their strength is greater than mine..
but we all better know how to shove a buttplug up our asses & be ready when the time hits..
you want to prep?
get a bicycle or a horse or a motorcycle with cached fuel..
get fucking seeds..
learn your edibles.
understand basic medical principles & learn how to properly use goddamned fucking wrenches.. know how to do something other than say "i was chicken fucking little!! feed me!!"
learn your mechanical skills.
get the fuck ready.
learn how to staunch wounds & have a serious fucking first aid kit.
have a few goddamned tools you can cut & dig with.
better yet, join the fucking army 9or other service) & keep your silence about what you actually believe & love, because the more motherfuckers we have in there that won't open fire on their own people, the way better chance we have of being able to keep the military in servitude of the *people*, instead of those whom merely issue orders, demanding that the rights of ordinary citizenship have been abandoned, because those who choose military service essentially decided to be mercenaries, rather than defenders of what they actually loved...
prepare for war..
what the FUCK does that mean?
that you piss statistics & somehow expect those numbers will keep you fucking alive???
god fucking damn it.
is this fucking fox news?
what the FUCK are you thinking?
let me tell you something:
right now, this instant, whether we care to acknowledge it or not:
not putting your thumb out, not taking a piss in a mcdonalds bathroom, not skittering out into primal forest to make homage to your goddamned fucking totem.
the only freedom that will come is after the destruction starts.
you want to know what the definition of freedom is?
then here: "instability".
tell that to the fucking chinese.
after that there is the issue of social responsibility, but.. fuck it..
we're all caught up in this "natural" crap..
peace is nothing more than predation.
not having to be hungry or sick or in pain.
that is why
is goddmned fucking work...