Travelogue From a heavy bike/loaded cart to a backpack and guitar.


Aug 15, 2019
Reaction score
Florence, AL
Don't wanna mispost, think this goes here ok, so this was my attempted method of societal disentanglement. Left Pierce, ave, Costa Mesa on a beach cruiser towing a methodically loaded, unrealistic cart. Circled bk in dejected shame, offloaded commemorative cast iron elvises and antique Chinese butterfly curtains. Left rehab (w soon to be irrelevant diploma) chastened and reinvigorated and further stoned on cannabis both vaped and smoked. Jus to get the first easy relapse out of the way early. First sketchy, jumpy, aggressively homeless guy that suggests (in opening introduction) rolling a bowl "right quick"; I decide he's vetted enough for that at least, tactical location assumed, drugs ingested con gusto, time lapsed, and I'm wandering the PCH in the dark, quite unwisely far from wherever my bike, cart and every single possession in this world had, immediately heretofore, previously been spirited away. This Goddamn Subhuman, idc, my ID, a vague memory, my entire wallet, every Suboxone strip, personal shit only remotely valuable to me. My cell, EBT card, y'all get the idea, fucked good and proper, including the total and u reversible stripping away of the brand new phone I'd found in the street and immediately reset and hid. The defibrillator I'd taken from the rehab. And sparing not the JBL Vibe earbuds I'd picked up after spotting the case under a seat in the druggy buggy. And then, thank Christ, I got struck by a nice lady only accustomed to looking left at that stop sign.

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