This seems to be only in the city of Sarasota, Florida. Not the entire state. The ordinance says that the cops can give a once a year warning & provide a ride to a shelter if the person isn't intoxicated on drugs/alcohol & has the appropriate id. Fuck that. Choosing to be homeless doesn't mean you legally have to live in a shelter. I would get a blanket every winter for my 3 hots & a cot inside a warm jail until spring. Most homebums could care less.
I don't think this is fair or even constitutional, nor will it last. Since all of the news reports just say Florida; I looked it up myself to see if it affects the whole state.
What scares me with such ordinances are when they are used to punish travelers just passing thru. I don't usually set fires, cook or sleep/camp where I can get bothered by cops or anyone else but this says just having personal items can warrant arrest.
"One or more of the following five features must be observed in order to make an arrest: “numerous items of personal belongings are present; the person is engaged in cooking activities, the person has built or is maintaining a fire, the person has engaged in digging or earth-breaking activities, or the person is asleep and when awakened states that he or she has no other place to live.”
Homebums aren't exactly stealthy ninjas, nor do they care where/when they lay out their bedrolls(benches, doorways, during the day. I rarely see them cook or eat but & they always have a shopping cart full of stuff. But even if someone is traveling thru town, camped like a stealthy ninja & not caught; theoretically you could get run out of town or arrested just for having a pack & bedroll.