And, like, ummm. Yeah! I was a badass uncle so act like me and grow tits. Oh and start sentences with "and, like" if you please. And, like "oh and" is like, yeah! Cool! Sharp ones, be careful when falling on knives or telling other, like, to fall on knives. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Ummm, and, like...oh, yeah, being mean to mean people IS mean so then you'll be mean and, like, if you're mean to mean people then you'll be mean to yourself.
Oh and I'm mean. And, like I am mean in order to teach, ummm, like lessons? I learn lots of lessons too. Live by, like, the sword and fall on a sharp one, then hope the sword is proverbial. Oh and I mean sarcasm, not a real sword.
Cute pig/kitty BTW. Oh and boys can be good and even so can boys be girls and vice versa. Like, and girls can be total dicks sometimes. And boys can be cunts. But I love cunts and dicks. Why are those words insults? Call me a telemarketer or a currency trader and them's real fightin' words!
Circle-E man, right on. I discovered I'm a zen punk but I mean another kind of punk...hee hee hee. That's what some guy I never met before called me. A lesbian zen faggot punk. The king is dead, long live the queens!
Compassion people. Everybody, we all live in glass houses so let's watch out with the throwing stone, eh?