^ Rolls up into other people's homes, makes disparaging comments about their race, curses about how third-world they are (knew Haiti was an underdeveloped country before going there, no?) while taking free rides from them (just get a taxi, dude, or pay gas, I'm sure the prices are way lower than anything you'd pay in the States, and whatever small amount you pay will be worth way more to local drivers) and uses their poverty as a prop to shame/shock a presumed first-world middle-class audience, without bothering to communicate with the people you're filming about how they experience their own living conditions (sometimes low-tech/ghetto-rigged solutions can actually be quite nice, but if you talked to people respectfully about the deprivation they do experience, you might hear that it's orchestrated by first-world governments who artificially depress wages, force privatization thru conditional loans, and so on.)