Coronavirus Should We Worry? By CHJ

Crazy Hobo Johnny

Well-known member
Jul 20, 2018
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
The major event on this planet is this Coronavirus. Hype? BS? Or a Real pandemic? Should we travel? Right now as I post this, I would avoid cruise ships, airlines, bus and passenger rail travel at this time. Hopping a frieght train or traveling on a cargo ship or travel by your own means might be the way to escape but no guarantee but who knows, I'm no expert. And no one knows when this will die out. Stock up and hunker down. Like to know what you think? Have masks, food, water and supplies put away? CHJ
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Deleted member 28150

It's mostly BS. Just creating a bunch of paranoid shut ins, wasting money on unnecessary shit.

Basic hygiene and common sense are all people need to survive.

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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Yes, this is some real shit; how real we don't know yet. So far, COV-19 is killing about 2-3% of the infected, many orders of magnitude more than most flus.

Spanish Flu may have killed more people from 1918-20 than WW I, and killed about 2-3%. So that would translate to about 250 million killed worldwide if this stays that virulent. Viruses tend to evolve to become less virulent over time, but how how fast this will happen, and how many will die in the meantime, is unknown as yet.

Trump is desperate to claim COV-19 is no big deal, since it's tanking world stock markets, and he needs those stock prices high to get re-elected. So now this is a thing Fox etc. must also say- a lot of folks get paid a lot of money to lie to you on TV, and now this is one of the topics they will be paid to lie to you about.

Also, of course, Trump has massively cut finding for all public health activities each year for three years, and last year fired everyone in charge of pandemic infectious disease response, and also fired everyone working on controlling avian-origin infectious respiratory disease (like say COV-19) in Asia last year.

Since Trump is dumber than a box-full of rocks, and Pence, who is in charge of COV-19 response (rather than say an epidemiologist), is dumber than two/three box-fulls of unusually dumb rocks, and also a Born-Again, we are most likely fucked.

And of course he doesn't believe evolution is real- oops, kind of a central concept in virology!

So there is a whole lot riding, politics-wise (and for Trump, staying-out-of-prison-wise (since getting reelected is his only hope of him and his sons not dying in prison)) on convincing everyone this is no big deal.

Don't panic yet, but think about what you might want to do to stay isolated from other people for a couple weeks. Stock up on non-perishable food if you can.

Probably folks here are more likely to be able to do those things and live than the population generally- it's mostly little kids, very old folks (even older than me, if you can imagine it), and immune-compromised folks who will die.

My advice: Don't pay too much attention anyone talking about this who does not have at least an epidemiology PhD and some public-health work background (this includes me (as a person talking out my ass)- my PhD is in criminology, but at least i worked on public health shit for a couple decades), BUT pay very close attention to those who do have those credentials.

Especially listen to your local city and state public-health department officials, since they don't work for Trump and he can't fire them. And even if they personally don't have to handle your plague-ridden corpse, the folks who work for them do, so they actually care.
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Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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Not good news: Trump has ordered the most qualified high government official who is a trained epidemiologist (and one of the heroes of the AIDS era- if you know anyone HIV+ who isn't dead, thank him) Dr Anthony Fauci not to speak to the press without political clearance.

Trump's Federal government has now entered into the active "lie to the public/cover up" phase. This is not good news; it means they know shit is getting bad.

I've started stocking up on rice and beans and cans of tomato sauce (Latina wife and Latino son, and i'll eat any old thing)- you need to start gathering up food too.

Deleted member 27861

Luckily, my father's a prepper, so I don't really have to worry about food, I don't think. I did buy some masks for my family, though.

I'm gonna wait a bit more while I finish my school semester, but unless it's the fucking apocalypse, I'm not letting this shit stop me from traveling if it's still around by summer time.

I never liked Greyhound anyways. I'll take my bicycle.

In the meantime, I guess I'll just continue my Spring semester of online classes, read books, watch anime, workout, study a new language, practice camping skills.

Deleted member 13433

I'm actually starting to pay more attention to this situation, as I've also noticed that the majority of the world, actually pretty much everyone except the U.S. is recognizing the seriousness of this situation, while the jerk in the white house simply shrugs it off.....
That in itself tells me this is no joke, and something to keep an eye on, and if necessary make preparations to hunker down if it comes to that, and yes - it just might someday/month/year.....


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Jun 3, 2019
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Like Wheat2020 I have friends who are preppers and have underground bunkers an all that stuff, they already had started all that before this virus. Its disappointing to see Trump down playing it, our PM at least has said an warned a pandemic is upon us, we just had out first fatality in perth, some old fella tho. There was apparently a virus testing lab near the market in china, it was prob released onto the people an world on purpose, government testing bio weapons, or wanting to use this to enforce more "security" for our "benefit" while also depopulating the planet.

Word this shit is pretty bad. I expect them to close schools and tell people to avoid public outings next week if not the week after And yeah its not the deadliest thing ever, but assuming it makes it to every country and maintains its 2% death rate...2% of 8 billion is still 160,000,000.. which is almost like wiping Italy, France, and Spain off the map. Another problem is that the virus can continue to survive inside of you and mutate or come back, if not flushed out. And if they do come up with a "vaccine cure" someone rich is just gonna get richer, another reason this could have been released.
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Deleted member 13433

This would not be the first time citizens were used for experiments, in the 1960s all kinds of stuff was pumped into the NYC subway system just to see what would happen....

Some do question it's origin, was it U.S. made or Chinese ??

No surprise this happens after the U.S. president is at odds with the Chinese leader over trade agreements, at least to me anyway....

It just sucks how it's always the innocent people just trying to live their lives who suffer the most.

I'm going to really start to pay attention as to the demographics of who is being infected with this disease, meaning communities and person's lifestyle - if that is even possible.

Places like Slab City might be completely immune to such a disease, while other places in large metropolitan areas may become breeding grounds for it.

I'm hearing right now via NPR how there's a huge outbreak in South Korea, like 4000 cases... linked to a particular church, but will this affect North Korea ?? Russia ?? Poland ??

I am actually astonished that it is Italy which has such an outbreak, as opposed to the northeast portion of the U.S. because in the northeast, there's always lot of travel overseas going on......

But if people start becoming infected in large numbers at random, then that indicates this is airborne, and that's bad - because then no one is safe.

Deleted member 27861

All the people who have something practical to share about the situation have PhDs and come from medical backgrounds, and not a journalist or political background.

Desperado Deluxe

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Apr 20, 2010
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The reason why it's so bad in China is because how the officials have kept information about the disease a secret for a long time before doing anything about it. It's still a threat to other country's but less so now because we know of its existence and are developing ways to combat it.
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Well-known member
May 15, 2010
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Hehehe, this reminds me of the time a shitload of nerds at the video game convention I went to all got the swine flu... Including my boyfriend. It was pretty brutal.

But for real: As of an update about 2 days ago I have it on good authority from someone reputable in the environmental hazard/safety field who often works with the federal government (and also works internationally), they think the media has been blowing it out of proportion. If I hear otherwise I'll pass it on here. I very well may be getting an early alert if the people in that field start worrying about themselves and their families, or if travel restrictions or such start being seriously discussed.

It's good to take precautions, practice good hygiene, blah blah. I think it's going to spread pretty widely, a lot of people will get it, but most won't have severe enough symptoms to go to the doctor, or won't have symptoms at all, so it'll spread. We won't be able to avoid it. Knowing what I do, I'm still planning on taking 4 flights in the next 6 months.

I think most of us, especially those on here, have little to worry about in terms of our own survival, but should take normal precautionary steps. ESPECIALLY if we're going to be around others who have compromised immune systems. This seems so far to primarily be a large risk to older folks. If you're not healthy, yeah, maybe be more cautious than usual, make action plans and reach out for help,. If you're not feeling so hot or are just nasty and unclean, maybe avoid close contact with "the public".

For most of us, perhaps consider supporting your more at-risk community members in prepping and avoiding exposure if possible before freaking out and hoarding a bunch of resources yourself, as their access is likely already limited. If you have the ability, set up or join community support networks, check in on people, go pick up their groceries for them, drive them places instead of having them take the bus, bring em some supplies, etc etc. That's the kind of shit that will really make a difference here if shit does get bad, cus you know the government ain't gonna be any help.

PS if you do get sick DO NOT go to a white supremacist rally ;y (For legal reasons this is a joke)
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Deleted member 13433

As time goes on, It's become fascinating to me the amount the general public is willing to put up with here, entire cruise ships being quarentined, etc.... I'm very curious as to how far this could go.

Could governments decide to quarentine entire regions ??

Could governments force people to leave at gun point where they live to be rounded up in some pen in some God forsaken place ??

How do these modern virus's - which all have one thing in common - get leaked out of labs, is it intentional, and of it is - who is behind it ??

I am going to see if I can plot what kind of people are falling prey to this new virus, because I barely even remember SARS being made such a big deal over...

Remember the West Nile Virus, the virus where only the extremely weak, elderly, and frail/fragile individuals succumbed to ??

I still have lasting memories of them spraying over Queens and parts of Brooklyn NY back in September of 1999, man you could not even breathe outside, the entire atmosphere smelled and tasted like that old school Gulf incesticide that came in the drum with a pump.... that stuff was horrible !!!

At the time, I was working for an Oil Heat company doing burner service work along with fuel deliveries, and we used to fuel the lobster boats at Hitchcock Marine in Bridgeport [*which Trump shut down thanks to yet another one of his failed developments....] but anyway, one time we went to fuel the boats, and the lobster men were all sad, they told us how all the lobsters pulled in their traps were dead and no once could understand why.

I knew immediately why - because that previous Saturday the East River which flows into the Long Island Sound was being bombed with incesticide, and that wiped out the entire crab/lobster/shellfish population....

Funny, you never hear about statistics regarding how many people got sick or fell prey to that !!

*makes you wonder, doesn't it ??

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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How do these modern virus's - which all have one thing in common - get leaked out of labs, is it intentional, and of it is - who is behind it ??

I am going to see if I can plot what kind of people are falling prey to this new virus, because I barely even remember SARS being made such a big deal over...

Remember the West Nile Virus, the virus where only the extremely weak, elderly, and frail/fragile individuals succumbed to ??

There is not one single example of a "modern virus" that was "leaked out of labs". Stop spreading misinformation.

Of course, the COV-19 virus, like the seasonal flu that has killed ten thousand people so far this year, and most other infectious diseases, will mostly kill "the extremely weak, elderly, and frail/fragile individuals", and children.

This is because they are either inherently less healthy/more likely to die (us old folks, those with compromised immune systems etc), and/or poorer with less access to health care in our money-making healthcare system.

All the people who have something practical to share about the situation have PhDs and come from medical backgrounds, and not a journalist or political background.

YES. Listen to the CDC, and even more to your local state and county/city health departments, and ignore most of what other folks say.

This is shaping up to be a serious world-wide event, but no one anywhere has any reason to panic. Most of us are probably going to get COV-19; most of us are going to be fine.

Look out for those who are old, young, weak, ethnic or sexual minorities, and/or poor.
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Deleted member 13433

"This is shaping up to be a serious world-wide event, but no one anywhere has any reason to panic."

Really ??
If that's not a huge contradiction contained in one sentence, I don't know what is.

I'm out.............

Older Than Dirt

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Mar 5, 2019
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No contradiction.

The flu is a serious worldwide event, that has killed 10,000 so far this year. It happens every year.

Do you spend every winter in a panic state?

Deleted member 13433


I never worry about such things because I really take good care of myself and my immune system is super strong.

Listen, friend - my brother...
I have the utmost respect for you and 99/100 I'm in total agreement with what you say,

I personally am not losing any sleep over this Coronas, in fact I asked a friend of mine at the plant if he wanted to get a case with me, and he totally got it... he laughed like hell.

I am by no means discounting the seriousness of the situation, but I was questioning the role of the world governments in the next step, such as all this quarentine-ing that's going round, and how the masses may/may not respond to "complete control" which may or may not come out of this.

If this is one of those things that ONLY is fatal to those who are dying anyway, then I could care less - BUT if it is killing otherwise healthy individuals then yes, I am going to be concerned about it.

Again, brother.... I don't like to disagree with you, you've been out there, we both know the same people, the same scene... but there are certain things where you should at least consider and while not necessarially respect my beliefs, don't kill them either and accuse me of spreading untruths - because that I take personally.

If you believe that the CDC is telling us the truth, then you are a better man that I am, as to me the CDC is no friend of the common man.

As for my comment regarding bad stuff being let out of labs - what I have written, I have written.

I also am not one of these knuckle heads that spreads or believes or spreads conspiracy theories, quite the contrary... as a volunteer firefighter in my town, I know personally EMS personal who responded to Sandy Hook, not to mention I listened to everything on my police scanner.

Regarding 9/ father was a fire safety director for Tower 7 - but he was already retired prior to 9/11 [*I come from a family of FDNY members....] so I have some insight that others don't, and none of that is any of that bullshit that's going around either.

Believe me, in the past I have held clearances as I've worked in the defense industry for over 32 years, which while is something that today while I am not proud of, I have gained a wealth of knowledge otherwise not possible.

I've got a good story about how one time I was shadowed by a homeless cat 'round the block from Lunch For Your Ears [Manny from Golden Disc's shop on Broome Steet...] and I was rapping with him as I was pretty loaded, and he finished my story for me.....

I never forgot that..... 1989..... N.Y.C. !!!

Cheers friend.
I don't want you to be angry with me.


Big George + Loki the Dog


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Feb 25, 2020
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Dotzigen schweiz
Just my 2 cents:
We're a crew of 4 swiss kids running away from the virus down to senegal. (Or more south)
just kidding: as long u're young and healty, u're not in danger. But if u have aids or a broken immun system, u should take care.

Btw: the "red cross pic" in the categorie health here in this forum is the swiss flag, not the red cross ^^

Greetings from algeciras

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