busted/jacked up tooth causing me to almost black out...

dharma bum

Sep 9, 2010
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if you get to the point where you have to pull the tooth... DON'T! you can get some oregano oil (or make it with olive oil and oregano and some heat... extract and condense...) and apply it to the tooth. i'm not sure if this is similar to that other oil someone else mentioned above, but this shit works. i still have a baby tooth that never had a permanent tooth above it and from time to time it hurts sooooo bad, but other times i don't realize it's there. it's only a matter of time that i'll be dealing with the same issue... getting rid of it. that's why i've heard about the oregano oil thing (i think on this site actually). hope everything goes well!

trash diver

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2011
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take a small piece of brown paper bag,put baking soda in it,scorch it with a flame and apply directly to the tooth.powdered aspirin also works.both these methods will stop the pain but will kill the tooth pulp and root,so the tooth will have to be extracted eventually.learned this from a wwII vet.
Aug 17, 2011
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lotsa places
Ok.. well.. another option, which you can try, and has worked for me several times, but on teeth which are older than yours, is to stand in the shower and let water run over it, until the pain peaks.

you may hit a point where you don't black out, but you hit a threshold where the pain will start to subside, and eventually become tolerable.

stand there & take it, and it may help.

i only know this from experience.

another helpfull item is Dollar General amber mouthwash.. it's the best deal for the money, volume wise.. it has thymol, eucalyptus, etc.. same shit as listerine, 24% alch, and kills everything in your mouth.

rinse, spit, rinse spit, for however long it takes.. dollar stores have the same shit, but oz per oz not as cheap as dollar general...

if you need a filling, try & find an old time dentist.. a guy in his 70's or older, because those fuckers know how to do shit fast & cheap.. just fill him in & tell him how much you have & hand it to him, if he says yes.

sometimes tooth pain is not endemic to the tooth itself (if yer lucky), but has to do with the bacterial population of your mouth... ANY antiseptic, including 10% saline made from salt packets, or brushing with a salt paste will help manage it... high density saline, however (+10%) is caustic and you need to be carefull about brushing with it more than a few times a day... rinsing is fine, but don't abrade the gum by brushing with it a lot.

if you have an abscess or infection issues, you may want to consider anibiotics... far be it from me to suggest that you try the nasty tasting, powdered cattle antibiotics ("Duramycine 10", which is tetracycline hydrochloride) that agway or tractor supply sells at about $5 for 6.4 oz, mixed in water at a density of about 1 level tablespoon per 16 ounces of water (or fruit drink), 3 times a day, untill the inflammation subsides and 3 or 4 days afterwards, because that would be fucking illeagle..

other possibilities for sealing the tooth are acquiring glass ionomer cements and/or hybrid-composite primary dental material for about $20 each from ebay, but i think.. i only *think* you're supposed to be a dentist, but i've never been asked..

be carefull sealing any tooth without proper cleaning, because if you leave necrotic material below the dentin fill limits, the rot can continue..

also.. 'ceramic' (not porcelin) or hybrid type fillings do not last as long as true amalgams..but they can be very good long-term temporary solutions...

in any case, if you're in the DC area, or within driving distance of wherever the fuck i am, i'll help to whatever extent i can.

if it's really bad, you may be able to go to an emergency room, because the law is, as i understand it, that they *must* treat you, even if it's only supplying you with a handfull of real antibiotics..

does anyone know what the story is with free anti-biotics at wall green & cvs, when you hold a valid prescription for them?

anyways.. good luck..

& seriously, even if you think i am a troll, a creep or a lurker or whatever the fuck you have in your head that i am, i'm more than fucking happy to help you if you're within an hour or two's drive time.

just let me know.

peace, etc.,



Active member
Sep 29, 2011
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more necro here, but i thought my experience might help:

i thought i was having horrific tooth pain. so bad i couldn't move my jaw, barely could talk. but as i felt along the outside jawline i found it went all the way up to the hinge where the jaw meets the skull. i honestly thought it was teeth or even a jaw infection from a bad tooth. but a doc checked me out, smiled when i gave him my uncontrollable-shoot-yourself-intheface-pain description and said my teeth looked fine and that he had the same problem, TMJ. only solution was painkillers and valium when it strikes, though i imagine enough whiskey might do the trick as well :rolleyes:.

its real random when it occurs. there's no scientifically proven cause or cure (i researched the hell outa some medical journals). just an fyi for future folks looking for solutions to tooth/jaw pain.

40 Hands

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
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South Central Wiscompton
If you dont find clove oil you can of cource just chew clove(s) aswell ..

quick healing to you!

Yeah but be carefull you dont bust a tooth on chewing cloves. Went from dealing with an absest tooth to a busted tooth (knocked the filling and a chunk of tooth off) AND abcessed tooth

40 Hands

Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
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South Central Wiscompton
If your in Rockford IL and need dental work hit up crusader dental. They do anything for $30 TOPS and if your traveling they tend to do alot of dental kick downs for zip zero zilch. You can find them on broadway aka hooker ave.
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2011
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bump this to say that many of the sure nuff feed stores sell pennecilian for horses. ive researched it and its the same exact thing as for humans, same maker(s)

one cc per hundred pound bodyweight.

18-20 gauge needles and a few syringes and inject it for three days.

gum disease will make you think you have an ear infection, the pain will go right into your ear.

you can also order fish mox online. it is amoxocillian tablets for fish but works on humans. i do not know the dosage as ive never used it myself.

suggest googling where to get it and how much to take and for how long.

hope this helps someone. tooth and gum pain is no joke.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2011
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^^^Its not going to do shit for your gum disease unless you get your teeth completely clean. It might help the swelling/pain for a bit but so does rinsing with peroxide.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2011
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You go to the dentist, he says, "this tooth has infection around it , it is dead and has to come out but you need antibiotics, here is a prescription for penicillian(8 bucks) and pay the lady at the front (80-100) and come back in ten days (another 100-150)."

why go through all that if you KNOW there is infection in the gums, get the stuff, inject it for three days, kill the infection and then go see the doc.

this is, of course, no good for a broken tooth or a cavity.


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2011
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Still. Gum disease and a gum infection are completely different. If its gum disease the dentist doesnt give you penicillin. And if you inject penicillin in your gums before going to a dentist it isnt going to change anything.

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