Thanks for all the tips! I dropped a bunch of stuff and the dry weight is down to 15 lb. It was probably 30 smth the first time I put it on...
extra insoles
mp3 - it's tiny/light and is great at not dying. Sucks at everything else though
sesame oil (plastic) - liquid calories, seasoning, sunblock. Olive oil works too besides sunblock
tactical knife - it's heavy and I don't have multitool. Still better than mace for now
Not Sure:
water key or sawyer filter - I'm not sure how accessible water is during the covid pandemic
hat - apparently hats make you look shady? I think a hood should work for warmth/shade
towel, wallet, bottle, toothpaste, a shirt, shorts, scissors, stove, pot, matches, alcohol, whiteboard, extra liners/bags
- stove - raw rice/beans/meat are nice, but the tools/fuel are heavy and there's a lot of alternatives.
- power bank - my phone will be off most of the time