I am pondering/working on 'manifesting' a place (land!) of some sort or other in MI, since a.) I'm from here, and am most comfortable with what successfully grows here - although tropical would be dope! We're getting there... :\ b.) We're the only FREAKIN' STATE WITH FRESH WATER!! Admittedly, there are rivers, streams, wells, mountain run-off,lakes, etc. However... in terms of water, we are #1. 'Nuff said.
My grandmother owns 120+ acres down by Coldwater, which is actually *not* that far from Lake Michigan. She is currently renting the house to a family, and then some local farmers are leasing the land from her. I just want 5 acres or something!! Have yet to talk to her about this.. she's a little.. fragile, and I'm a little shy.

It's all a work in progress - wouldn't be started 'til next spring (pending that next spring arrives successfully...). I'll have about $5,000 to throw down (all converted to gold), and a SHIT TON of dirt. Like... many, many cubic feet of very, verrryyy good, organic dirt.
...Mexico is awesome, though
Namaste, Blessed Be,
~ melissA