Since you programmed before, I guess you learned how to get from a problem to a solution. That's the most important part. The programming language doesn't matter when it comes to that.
Also, learning the language itself is a piece of cake normally. What can be time consuming is to learn the commonly used libraries and frameworks like Struts, JSF, Hibernate, EJB (Java) or Symfony2, Code Igniter, Doctrine, Zend Framework (PHP) just to name a few. And how to use them properly.
I taught myself programming in my teenage days by reading books and try-and-error (had no internet back then). Today it's so much easier.
Everything (well, almost) is for free in the web. I remember having problems with this or that and I went into town to the bookstore to read (and memorize) what was written in an expensive book cause I couldn't afford to buy this book.
Anyway, today when I try out something new I just use google. Let's say I want to learn how to do something in php using Symfony2 I'd just google:
php symfony2 tutorial
and get lots of results.
I always found it useful to look at examples, program the same thing and then modifying it to get a "feeling" for how things are done in that language/architecture.
Google is really your friend if you have some problems and you're stuck.
Not a tutorial site but one with tons of usefull stuff is (for example):