Always remember that you're a cutie


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
why else can we demand anything of ourselves which is more than ourselves?


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
BTW.. the *universe* may be passive-aggressive, motherfuckers..

make a choice & live in reasonable peace with *some* chance of fucking happiness

or fucking die.

& the shits who are aware of it will help you. either fucking way...


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
goddamn, glow worm...

you are hardcore..

& hardcore is the cutest there *ever* is...


plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
sometimes there are more to words
than what they say..

sometimes words are never true.

the truth & the falsity are never in the words.

the truth & the falsity are in the meaning, because the meaning is the only thing intended.
& meaning is so much more tangible than words, because because from meaning
comes action..

action, good or bad.

when i speak of stars & christ & those whose have wisdom where one moment of apprehending it is like staring into the Sun for a day, after having been held in darkness for a lifetime,

i do not mean that they are any less than what they are.

i only mean that we are not less, because of it.

every single one of us who desires to love & who desires to work for that love which we hope for is the equal of any other, in those moments when our meaning & our actions coincide with what we most dearly hope for in order to bring it into being as something towards which we can believe.

are taught that jesus says we must deny the *meaning* behind the stories of our animals becoming totem?

well then fuck that jesus.. the Jesus know died.. & Died fucking --Hard--
for just one law to be kept..

a law so strong & great that the only way we can prove we love it
is by the actions we take..

fuck the dreamtime, if knowing it means we have to exclude the validity of others trying to be kind, simply because the word for something deeper than what we can ever say is called 'tao', instead..

& fuck the fucking tao, if those whom say "non-differential consciousness is the precedent to all awareness" (or some such) is a required fact to acknowledge, before kindness can be accepted as merely what it is..

& fuck fucking kindness, too, if it becomes held up as some standard from which we cannot escape, & becomes a tool for damnation, rather than something we try to attain towards, because it serves
the One Fucking Thing Worth Believing..
namely that
*you* are as important as *i*..

yeah, i get the Cosmic Diminishment Shit...

& although i do not know all about wave functions, eigenvalues, nor, by any means, Chandrasekhar limits or Schwarzschild radii, i *believe* understand enough behind them that i can, in fact, reasonably extrapolate from the quantification of my *own* experience and understanding a reasonable assurance that there is some sort of coherency to the systematic structure of the universe which those whom know far more than i do, propose as potential models which represent the relational dynamics of the discrete elements from which the universe as a sum is comprised.

& fuck the structure of the universe & fuck the universe itself, if it means that by knowing it we disprove that it is better to be Kind, than to be a fucking asshole..

like me, perhaps..


Something.. no..


*has* to be on Our Fucking Side...

they have to be, because we are no fucking accident..

mechanics be damned, chance be damned, multiverses be damned, 10 million ways to prove the sequnce of eggs & chickens..

Someone *has* to Be

on our fucking side.

beauty like what we are graced with is no fucking accident..

& anyone who is willing to accept that it is, is merely operating under ulterior motives, whether they are aware of it or not.

the universe doesn't give a shit about the english language.. or the french or maybe even the Navajo (when their fucking braves speak of war between tribes for the sake of ego & status),..

there is no phucking phizzysist that is going to measure love in a particle accelerator, when they only want to measure spacetime..

so fuck everyone & everything that says "this excludes that", when all you trying to do, with this *or* that
is to find or use a way of expressing " *you* are just as important as *i* "..



plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
Reaction score
folks who know me have my #.
& Desert, my friend?

that rant was because you are important enough that what you said meant enough that i should explain myself...

you are among the true fucking hardcore, so whatever you have to say needs to be taken seriously..

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