That links you to an ANTIFA riot....ya know what....I'd be more worried about these faggots burning down my house than some dumb ass neo nazis holding a rally in a park. I Hate activist douchebags who love giving their political and philosophical advice like its gonna make a difference. If Neo nazis or Neo communists or Anarchist were such fucking masterminds, They might accomplish something, but considering they are usually angry, socially lost youth looking to belong and feel like they are "part of something". they never accomplish jack shit, they do graffiti, set stuff on fire, beat up people who won't join their side. And these dumbasses will continue this cycle till the end of days...or until they can afford firepower and mercenaries lol.
I'm not picking sides here.
I'm a clean cut adventurer (of the "anti hero" breed) out for fun and fortune, Not some douchebag hell bent on "bringing down the establishment"......
So please should hold your comments that don't contribute to anything whatsoever....