while this might be completely fine and dandy for you, i really dont think you should be recommending it to other people. The education system is fucked up and, in theory what you're saying definitely is a good way to go. However, you need to acknowledge that we live in society where without a high school diploma, you're pretty much fucked if you decide you want to be an active part of society. I've seen it happen a ton, where people dip out of high school because they want to travel and live a nomadic life, do it for a few years and then decide its not really what they want to do for the rest of their lives and then end up pretty fucked over when trying to get a decent job where they can actually support themselves. So yeah, dropping out of school in the third grade may have worked for you, but don't go around telling everyone to drop out of school because in the long run, it's best to just finish it. If shes 17 this is probably her last year, don't throw all that shit away.