
  1. starr

    keeping a squat

    do many ppl get to stay in their squats long? i always wondered this. im guessing the most visible squats dont. im about to take the leap. hopefully we can keep it for some time. im very excited and nervous.
  2. starr

    need all the infos plz

    well first off we need paperwork from the owner to change over the utilities. not sure if we can just make up a fake lease with a random name or not. can they see who actually owns the property? also seems like the owner is a company trust outta state... wtf does that mean? if someone is...
  3. nuck

    Looking for a spot on the UK

    Just got cut from the french legion and took the bus to Manchester with no direction in mind anywhere in the UK I should check out while I'm here?
  4. Klexstar

    How to go about adverse possession in los angeles ?

    Does anyone know how I could go about that
  5. reeed

    Everybody gets a free house party

    Wana join my political house party? Everybody Gets a Free House Party Overview The 'Everybody Gets a Free House' Party is a political party and organizing platform advocating for free housing for everyone. It's simple; Everybody gets a free house. Our goal is not affordable housing - our goal...
  6. W

    Squatting in Dublin

    squatting in dublin hi! i’ve just moved back to ireland after a period away and my housing situation is very dire so i’m quite desperate to find somewhere. i know dublin has a bit of a squat scene and i was wondering if any of ye are here or have any contacts :-)
  7. 81285

    Squatting culture in Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Since a big squat here got demolished and broken up, any smaller groups made by others from that one, got immediately put under municipality's pressure, closed and razed to the ground, it got me thinking I have no experience with squats in more developed countries like Slovenia, only Serbia and...
  8. P

    Squatting in LA these days (2024 I mean)

    I know San Francisco (allegedly) still has Homes Not Jails, at least in theory; is there anything like this in LA, anything organised that one could join to find a Squat to occupy, maybe the Occupy Movement still, or what? Otherwise it's dangerous to go out on one's own, especially being female...
  9. TigerEyeJedi

    New to squatting, Looking for somewhere in Denver

    Hi all! I'm a homeless traveler whose new to squatting. I'm looking for a couch or a squat somewhere in Denver. Or just some friends or people to help me out. I'm thinking of riding the train down south just because it's getting cold, but I'm pretty attached to Denver if i'm being honest. I...
  10. takiya

    airbnb squat

    Is it possible to rent an airbnb and change the locks and tell the landlord to fuck off? one person gave me an address to one and said sh was there 2 years ago
  11. Tony Pro

    Need some legal advice for my squatter friend

    There's a guy in my town, who I'll call Danny, who's in his 70s and homeless following a divorce, in a small rural town. He's also recovering from a brain injury he sustained after getting hit by a drunk driver. He's been squatting on municipal property for the past six months, caring for his...
  12. BobDole

    Squatting the wilds of Alaska or the PNW

    Hello all, I am from Alaska, but live in the PNW. I've always wanted land, but prices are so high, Ive considered just squatting. Kind of like making a dugout cabin or other type of hobbit hole in the woods, far away from people (but close enough for hunting, foraging, and a running water...
  13. G

    New Squat in London.. need more squatters!

    Would anybody be interested in joining me, my fiancé and some other people at a new building we plan to open tonight in Central London? Over the next week or so we are looking to fill this. This will be my fifth building.. and my fiancé has been squatting here since 2016. This will not be a...
  14. dubh

    Reflections on the Road and Anarchy at 55

    This year I finally qualified to join the AARP, so I thought I would write some reflections on my experience as a road dawg and involved later in the anarchist scene. I know many people become road dawgs after reading anarchist zines, etc. I was already a road dawg when I encountered my first...
  15. saul

    christian anarchism?

    where does it stand, and what are your views on it. after getting locked in a boxcar in 2019 my views changed in life, after almost dying from heat exhaustion and thirst i prayed to god and someone heard me and let me out without any trespassing tickets. am I the only one? has anyone else had a...
  16. clockwise5000

    Pulled the trigger . Electric is now on. Game on..

    But I'm a bit nervous for some reason. My next step, I believe, is to install this mailbox that I have in back of my little beat up Ford ranger.. I'm just trying to imagine any interaction with the 1 neighbor that could occur.. I think my plan is to tell him, once approached, and assuming he'll...
  17. MetalBryan

    Woman was living inside rooftop grocery store sign with computer and coffee maker for a year.

    Article says homeless but I say she's a Queen. https://apnews.com/article/michigan-store-rooftop-sign-homeless-0185c0d7e4cd7a2f8581e8b8e0eb01b7
  18. R

    Anyone familiar with BLM land in New Mexico near the Rio Grande?

    I am planning on camping long term somewhere along the Rio Grande in south New Mexico, and ideally to sustain myself mostly from the land. Does anyone have experience with this or similar?
  19. milgrind

    hey, im Jelly. looking on some advice on squating in mexico city

    so, im very new to everything squating related, i honestly dont know where to start. Really im looking to get some advice or if anybody has any experience i would love to read what you gotta say!
  20. Dmac

    News & Blogs New Florida squatting law

    Lawmakers in Florida passed bill 621 unanimously, on March 27, giving police the right to immediately remove squatters. It also makes it a felony for anyone to do $1000 in damage, or more to the property. Http:/www.news4jax.com. Governor DeSantis signed it into law Thursday, march 28, 2024 How...
  21. H

    I´m coming to bristol tomorrow

    Some help would be great to let me know which building I can go and stay in, please let me know?
  22. Mayor Cantrell

    Squatting government buildings

    In 2018 I cracked a squat in the center of the French Quarter. No crowbars, no drilling locks, no broken windows. Clean. Efficient. It's even a government building. All I had to do was get elected mayor. Shit, they've flown me first class all over the world and never even had to pay a dime or...
  23. P

    Squatting in London

    Anybody looking to squat in London? If you are interested, and you are here already or soon to arrive, send me a pm and I will give more details.
  24. TruthNvke

    My Introduction - What I am looking for!: Midwest->LA

    Hello! I stubbled across this community on reddit and was encouraged to check it out! I've always been interested in Anarchism and squatting in general so I would absolutely love to learn more. I'm planning to squat in LA sometime during the fall and winter so I can have some place to be while...
  25. elisearnia

    Question Any response is helpful!

    I am a university student and have been spending the last 4 months focusing my projects on squatting - aiming to educate myself on something that I previously must admit was very ignorant to. I am aiming now to create a zine-like publication/handbook which aims to briefly advice on the tips...
  26. dubh

    crackin' modern doors

    this video from penetration testing cyber security consultants has a pretty good overview of cracking modern doors and other juicy bits of info for squat crackers.
  27. M1nka

    New to this - looking for people in Bristol

    Hiyaa I am looking to get out of my current housing situation, I am trying to find a crew I could join / set ine up or really any method to house myself (van or trailer) - though this is tricky because i cant drive😭 If ur in Bristol/ know people there plz get in touch i dont really know many in...
  28. hedgehoggey

    Squatting Guide 2023 (Netherlands/General)

    Hello! I feel there is a lack of information on how to squat in Europe so here is a valuable guide for free. Much like France and Belgium, the Netherlands has vibrant squatting culture. There are "cultural freezones" aka squats that are sort of recognised by the government (but also not...
  29. clockwise5000

    Squatting In Michigan, Getting Started

    There's a house nearby that hasn't been lived in for many years... 10 at least.. And well a couple questions.. 1. I found out i believe that it may be owned by a bank.. and i think it was chat gpt that told me that banks watch their propertys and well it would be much more difficult.. 2. with...
  30. MetalBryan

    "Phrogging" - advanced squatting or ignorant crime?

    Maybe you've heard of this but I sure haven't. Sounds dangerous for all sorts of reasons and doesn't seem stealthy enough to be viable. There weren't any MSM articles about it and the Phrogging subreddit was private. Dark web something something. Your thoughts...
  31. MetalBryan

    Portland accused of violating ADA by allowing camping on sidewalks

    Interesting intersection between folks who need mobility devices or are visually impaired and legal(ish?) sidewalk camping.
  32. T


    hey yall, my name is ty and im going to start squatting and such, but im not sure how to start. i wanna train hop and do shit like that but i dunno where to begin. anyone close to rexburg or north idaho who can help me?
  33. Russetfur1128

    Getting Inside?

    Found a good place to squat since my last one was found out. This time there's nobody to come check on the place. However my main issue is getting inside. There's two glass sliding doors and one window that would be optimal entry points, however I can't get them open with this method. Any advice?
  34. Roxsox

    Squatting in Atlanta

    Hey, Anyone down to join forces and squat in Atlanta. Ive been doing this for awhile but the pandemic scared me into being a housie. I feel it's time to move on now and get back to my roots.
  35. Stevie hebe

    Alo looking for any LA squatters to take over this city.

    Yo looking to team up and find some foreclosed homes or apartments to squat with. My name's Stevie former train hopper full time anticapitalist. These piece of shit banks and large companies are buying up properties and letting them sit empty. Time to show them if you don't use it you lose it...
  36. Stiv Rhodes

    It's always sad to say goodbye

    After 4 amazing years, my squat is about to get evicted. The bank sold it and the company that bought it came by and said we'll have 72 hours to get out after they take possession of it on Feb 4. Washington state law says that would be true if it was owner occupied, but since it's tenant...
  37. coyote mogollon

    Squatting federal lands

    The current state of squatting in most cities, unless folks are interested in rust belt or other cities with failed economic prospects….is fucked. After many years squatting in Suckfrancisco, the tides finally turned. We were incredibly lucky to hold a squat in the mission for over 8 years...
  38. reeed

    [Callout] Los Angeles Squat Project

    Haven't been on this site for a while but figure this is the place to post. So apparently California has the some of the best 'squatters rights" laws in the USA. Why are there no squats in Los Angeles! The city is full of occupiable buildings. I'd like to make a plan to take over a...
  39. Yugen

    Best places to squat with a Horse and Livestock? [Eastern States]

    In your journey's are there places in the Eastern part of the states that you've traveled by and looking back on it (now that someone's asking), think that might be a good reclusive place to pitch a wagon/tent and graze some livestock for a while before getting booted off? (If so what states or...
  40. Astral Arlo

    My fiancee and I posted up in LA. Looking for good people or a cheap place to rent/squat. Need advice

    Hello everyone! Im new here but have had several people recommend it. Im a musician posted in LA with my fiancee. Looking for a place to rent or squat
  41. RACC00NHands

    A Zine on Squatting

    Hey all, I ran across this online, and thought some of you might appreciate it! https://ia802908.us.archive.org/25/items/ItsVacantTakeIt/its-vacant-take-it-IMPOSED.pdf
  42. yayitsducky

    Squats in Dallas?

    Anyone know any squats in Dallas? I can contribute my food stamps, some painting/minor repair, photoshopping, cleaning. I know it's a long shot but figured I'd ask.
  43. SiCK cada

    What if I started a squat in my hometown just for the summer?

    So I've kinda given up on making plans. Since I've started traveling, over half of the plans I've made to go certain places and do certain things ended up not happening because of something else that came up. But I still like to idly wonder "what if I did this?". So here's my latest "what...
  44. Pdxportlanddude

    What happens to a squater after auction on forclosure with a significant tax lien ?

    When do redemption rights begin?
  45. Pdxportlanddude

    All I'm doing is trying to survive

    I want to apologize to the community for creating posts that may seem like I'm a scammer. I actually creat posts in hopes I can help someone out there who might be in need of a squat weather long term or just whatever the reason may be. I will continue to post information about properties in...
  46. Pdxportlanddude

    $550 water bill

    So I found out the property has a $550 outstanding water bill. I'm gonna go down to the city try to pay the bill. I talked to lady from the water service and said I can only pay in person and that I could set it up in a different account. I think I'm gonna go ahead and pay the $550 water bill...
  47. Pdxportlanddude

    7 bedroom 3 bath squat let's move on it

    So.... I know of a 7 bedroom 3 bath home in Portland Oregon and I'm looking for people to occupy rooms with me. Inner Se Portland. I have keys utilities hooked up locks changed and owner is going into non-judicisl forclosure who wants to squat
  48. Pdxportlanddude

    Cop shows up while moving from squat

    So here I am moving out of a squat after having ongoing problems with utilities. I'm wheeling out my fridge on a dolly when I run into a cop I the driveway. He immediately asks,". Does the owner know your doing this I need owner phone num er to call him and make sure he knows your doing...
  49. superphoenix

    Looking for squats or v cheap rent for 2022/23 (Portland, Bay Area, Austin, NOLA)

    Ok y'all, I'm putting some feelers out on his early. I have this romantic Kerouac-esque plan to hitch across the country this spring, then set up home base in 4 cities I very much enjoy for a season each to experience something other than Brooklyn, where I've lived my whole life. Portland...
  50. Tapinn

    Squatting rights of relationship partners

    Squatting Rights you have if your partner is on a lease but not you, can a partner evict you out at anytime if your not on the lease