Don't stress, utopia is one gene treatment away...

All Who Wander

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 21, 2017
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Pismo Beach
So doctors found a "sociability gene", and then there's the the gene that controls social conformity and individuality. So we can create a wonderful gene treatment that will make you want to be social, want to be friends with everyone, and then get rid of your desire for individuality, and have you going through bouts of anxiety and depression should you be seen as non-conformist. poof instant utopia, nothing but happy little cogs with tons of friends.

I read all these postings on here about possibly better political or economic systems than representational democracy and capitalism, but I think regardless of the system put in place, your still dealing with a bunch of crazed primates who keep pooping where they eat regardless of how long you try to explain to the apes why they should stop doing that. I think you need to change the genetics/instinctual drives first, once you do that it's just about making sustainability and low birth rate popular and financially important.

So who's first in line for the gene treatments? Would you support this? How about if it was non-voluntary?


Chasing the Darkness
Jan 4, 2009
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Montreal, Canada
The next step in our evolution will be us deciding what direction our genes take....that being said I think with the rate of technology what it is, we will most likely be uploading ourselves onto computers soon enough...Ill just wait for that.

Hopefully soon cause I want to be around long enough to figure out all the secrets to the universe, and NASA is slow as fuuuck.

but to answer your question, I think shit like that would work, but there is no way people will ever go for it.


Apr 7, 2013
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Holy Shit.
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Aug 31, 2016
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Messing around with genetics is dangerous. We'd have to do a lot of planning and think about what we were changing. Taking out our individuality? Our drive to be different? That sounds a lot like the driving force of evolution, and by extension surviving natural selection. What happens if we all conform down a path that doesn't survive some future apocalypse? We wouldn't have all the individuals to try again.

Through what mechanism does this social gene make us more social? Does it increase the positive feedback we receive when being social? Does it increase our impulses to be social? Would either of those encourage us all to work less and just 'hang out' more? Would that lead to a critical decline in productivity?

Lots to think through, and plenty of ways this could go awry if done hastily.

All Who Wander

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 21, 2017
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Pismo Beach
Firstly, evolution is generally a negitive force uphon us. Followed to it's natural end there would be a single species filling ALL niches for survival, on earth that species would likely be a bacteria as they not us are on the top of the food chain.

Further, in our zeal to stamp out disease and cease violent conflict as the primary means of tribal and individual negotiations, we've essentiallty ended or severely crippled natural selection already.

Add in our primarily monoculture farming practices and the ease and frequency international travel and were already set for extinction by crop death/starvation or pandemic.

So with all this and the bees dying off I'd say we're already living on borrowed time and when the Titanic is partially submerged maybe it's a little late to start a committee on how best to consider the possibility of icebergs. I'd be willing to ignore a lot of safety concerns and potential existential risk if we even had a marginally predictable outcome.

As to the Moravec uploading procedure, im fascinated by it, he estimated AI by around 2040 based on the rate of technological evolution. AI would make uploading and a lot of other fantastical developments possible, but he wasn't considering the end of Moore's law. Will likely be way way out of any of our life spans, better sign an Alcore contract n get your head frozen.

There are some promising experiments with slicing and dicing human brains in near single molecule thin slices and then reproducing the brain digitally, (you don't need to completely understand a thing to copy it) but the cost for a single brain would be hundreds of millions and then of course you've allready died, so? ::borg:: sry ya off topic. ::woot::


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2017
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Gang Mills, NY
I prefer my genes scrambled by boose and exposure to the sun. :p

"We, the machines, made your Utopia and numerous crops were lost. It seems humans prefer misery." (Paraphrase is my own)
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dumpster harpy

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Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
Should anything be non-voluntary?

Seems to me that using coercion (violence) to achieve a non-violent Utopia is not only inherently wrong, but also very very stupid.

All Who Wander

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 21, 2017
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Pismo Beach
yup that's the one Mumblz, on the nose, genome editing via viral/phage delivery system. Not all that new but the patents and applications are just starting to take root now.

Not only that but with gene editing becoming so cheap and easy (about as difficult as editing a microsoft word doc if you know how to do it) its freaking people out...

Until recently, editing DNA required sophisticated labs, years of experience, and many thousands of dollars. The use of CRISPRs has changed all that. CRISPRs work by using an enzyme — Cas9 — that homes in on a specific location in a strand of DNA. The process then edits the DNA to either remove unwanted sequences or insert payload sequences. CRISPRs use an RNA molecule as a guide to the DNA target. To set up a CRISPR editing capability, a lab only needs to order an RNA fragment (costing about $10) and purchase off-the-shelf chemicals and enzymes for $30 or less.

so like 40 bucks to create anthrax-leprosy-pi, captain trips here we come!

as to the question of violence...

hey guys, you keep knocking holes in the boat, if you keep doing that we're all gonna sink and die... can you not do that?

Don't tell me how to live man! You can take my life but you'll never take my freedom!

uh hey guys... we're up to our armpits in water now, can you start bailing and stop knocking holes for a bit?

Shut up fascist!

(shells out 40 bucks...)

who's really responsible for the violence here?

if people refuse to live sustainable lifestyles, and we can't get authorities to pass laws where people pay the actual environmental correction cost of living unsustainably (that double whopper combo would be a few thousand bucks) and nobody will voluntarily go through the treatment that would drive them towards sustainability. What option is there other than "force" if you don't want this to be the outcome? (says it all by the way)



Nov 20, 2017
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Chaouen, Morocco
How about a gene treatment that makes people uncompromisingly intellectualy honest? That way we get everyone to think things out for themselves and stop participating in what they see to be detrimental to their future AND we take out the opportunity for the existence of would-be exploiters and dominators, making it actually in the interest of individuals to have such "treatment" done.

Perfect anarchy.

dumpster harpy

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Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
Forcing people to live a "sustainable" lifestyle is laughably unrealistic, and again, morally unsound.

Using violence outside of self-defense makes you a bad person, whether you pass the buck to the police or not.

The problem with your chicken little bullshit is that you cannot prove the sky is falling, nor can you prove that forced Gene therapy and "sustainability" will do any good. It certainly won't do me or anyone else like me any good, because I will not consent, and therefore you will have to kill me.
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dumpster harpy

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
As for your silly boat analogy...

You are responsible for the violence. I have no desire to associate with you, and you desire to violate my consent. You are the aggressor, and only through galaxy-brain mental gymnastics can you convince yourself otherwise.

But whatever. Immanentize the Eschaton in the way you see fit...

dumpster harpy

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
Shit, while I'm here...

Prove that climate change is real and that I am in some way effecting it.
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New member
Oct 29, 2017
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Montpelier, VT, United States
Real quick, from a research-oriented perspective..

1. The article is from 2012, in the Daily Mail (lol), and they don't cite a source.
2. If the Northwestern psych department were able to show a statistically significant correlation (& I couldn't find a paper) between geographic ethnicity and some measurement of conformity, it would almost certainly not be a single gene, or even several.
3. Even with CRISPR coming out big, that doesn't make anything like what's described in this article possible.

I realize that this is an interesting question from a philosophical perspective, and personally, I'm majorly opposed to the control of our personalities, drives, ethics, etc. That said, there's nothing like the described tech in existence or on the horizon. Plus, it makes it really easy to fall into eugenicist traps in discussion. E.g.: "Further, in our zeal to stamp out disease and cease violent conflict as the primary means of tribal and individual negotiations, we've essentiallty ended or severely crippled natural selection already."
...which is sick! I'm way down for helping out friends in wheelchairs, or friends that were born with disabilities that make it harder for them to survive 'natural selection'. Fuck smallpox, I'm glad that's gone, and if we can keep beating back AIDS, that's rad.
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dumpster harpy

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Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
Protecting the environment is important. Pollution is bad. Deforestation is bad. Garbage-filled oceans are bad. But I'm not sure exactly what those actual ecological catastrophes are supposed to do with "climate change."

Also, Bill Nye is a TV host, not a scientist, and, to me, he and NatGeo might as well any other talking head on any other infotainment channel.

What Bill Nye will not be explaining is how global temperature datasets are calculated.



plastic wingnut in a microwave
Sep 23, 2009
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folks who know me have my #.
you know...

we're all so mutated already around here that i dun think we need to worry too much...

All Who Wander

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 21, 2017
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Pismo Beach
blue- ya that would work. just be careful that you still have ditch diggers (in brave new world there was a colony where everyone was born a genius, nobody wanted to dig ditches so they died.)

malcalypse- I don't agree. If you are doing something that directly threatens my life, or my children's lives, I have the right to defend myself without your consent. The only question being is my reasoning sound, are you actually doing something that threatens my existence? Also- I think climate change is a thing but I think the sun has a lot more to do with it than anything the humans do. my bigger issue is overpopulation and resource depletion leading to societal collapse. Pretty much proven and guaranteed if there isn't radical change, consensual or otherwise, within 350 years.

hexx- disease and war have been the only two major factors controlling human population growth. I don't care much about losing natural selection...

but regardless of this we don't seem capable of stopping ourselves from breeding or don't wish to see the problem.

We are currently at 7.6 billion people, by 2050 we will be around 9.7 and by 2100... 11.8 billion, most speculators feel the earth cannot feed more than 10 billion. The bottom line being... 30-80 years is not a lot of time to completely refocus and restructure society towards sustainability and 0 population growth, I really cant see that happening with 100% consent regardless of what the cure is.

As to eugenics... I think that will happen naturally once we have the technology and the acceptance of being able to pick your children's genetic traits. Much like the movie Gattica speculated, if two people had 1000 children, the child that has been genetically selected would have been the smartest, most healthy, most emotionally stable one of them... eugenics won't be forced, it will be chosen.

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dumpster harpy

Well-known member
Mar 10, 2016
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Hell, MA
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All Who Wander

I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 21, 2017
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Pismo Beach
NASA mathematicians disagree...

"Collapse can be avoided and population can reach equilibrium if the per capita rate of depletion of nature is reduced to a sustainable level, and if resources are distributed in a reasonably equitable fashion."

In other words if all the rich people give up their money, and people everywhere stop breeding so much. Sounds pretty inevitable to me, especially if you are planning to wait on consent.
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