Yea here is an archive of their website.
Also they helped publish these magazines I believe.
Back to Basics – Green Anarchy -
They were on tv in the past as well.
Been looking for something like this for some time. A community that is actually working towards breaking away from the industrial machine. and implements ancestral skills into everyday life.
To me it seems most intentional community's just do the same thing as everyone else in society, or similar and put a "green" label on it yet are not willing to leave their comforts behind that keep us imprisoned to the machine.
These people are out there.
Your best avenues to entry are to head to primitive/ origin skills gatherings.
Tom elpel and his books and workshops are one way in.
In one of his recent posts this guy
Dispatches from a life of travel, writing, nature, dance, and self-directed learning. Click to read The Adventures of Blake, by Blake Boles, a Substack publication with thousands of subscribers.
Mentions a long term survivalist , a woman, who he is personally not interested in emulating.
I myself was thinking of organizing sort of along these lines but not exactly and had a listing at for a few years for "Los Padres walkers" and met a few interested people from that.
For sedentary anti civ in the US,
The Stillwater sanctuary is sort of doing that or was.
La plata, Missouri, part of the possibility alliance.
I was at wild roots briefly in 2003--
There are people doing versions of this stuff--
I know a guy living a pastoral lifestyle in Ohio with a flock of sheep and a log cabin he made himself.
You can also just go to places where people still live this way. Rural albania, Turkey, Africa.
You may come to some conclusions about technology.
It can be seen as an organism of its own in a way. Living on and empowering humans. Over other humans.
Resistance is futile sort of.
That doesn't mean that aesthetically we can't personally or communally decide a lot of it is garbage and live a different way. . .
But aesthetics is also a kind of technology granting a kind of power.
So if the Masai of east Africa are healthier happier more fulfilled and so on than those who find out about them -- possibly more people will seek to emulate what they can of the Masai way of life.