Greetings from the West coast!


Nov 8, 2012
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San Diego, CA
I am new to this site. My name is Olive. I dwell mostly in the NW and have a generally nomadic lifestyle. I've been traveling the coast over here for the last few months (or longer- hard to tell). I am a traveling model for most of my income (shwanky). I am into circus arts. I spent the last year living with the producer for one of the bigger circuses in the NW and am pretty tied into that community.

I'm trying to get myself a little further from the west coast, and so I'm looking for people to meet along my ventures. I plan on doing some solo winter traveling (my partner does seasonal jobs in Alaska and is leaving soon) and I think I'm gonna try to hop my first train soon enough (it's been a long time coming now). Eventually my partner and I plan on renovating a bus so we can do a full US tour.

Anyway, it's nice to find this site. My friend referred me to it and I finally sat down and checked it out. I know traveling alone can be kinda sketchy (especially for ladies such as myself), so knowing people in the cities I'm traveling to will be a must. Hope to make acquaintances and get some advice from y'all.




Well-known member
Jul 22, 2012
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Olive,welcome to this wonderful site ! There is tons o info on here,to do just about anything,but mange a Bank !

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I am new to this site. My name is Olive. I dwell mostly in the NW and have a generally nomadic lifestyle. I've been traveling the coast over here for the last few months (or longer- hard to tell). I am a traveling model for most of my income (shwanky). I am into circus arts. I spent the last year living with the producer for one of the bigger circuses in the NW and am pretty tied into that community.

I'm trying to get myself a little further from the west coast, and so I'm looking for people to meet along my ventures. I plan on doing some solo winter traveling (my partner does seasonal jobs in Alaska and is leaving soon) and I think I'm gonna try to hop my first train soon enough (it's been a long time coming now). Eventually my partner and I plan on renovating a bus so we can do a full US tour.

Anyway, it's nice to find this site. My friend referred me to it and I finally sat down and checked it out. I know traveling alone can be kinda sketchy (especially for ladies such as myself), so knowing people in the cities I'm traveling to will be a must. Hope to make acquaintances and get some advice from y'all.



welcome to the site! if there's any questions you have about the site or traveling in general, please let me know. im curious to know more about your circus stuff, id like to learn more skills like that in order to busk/make money, since im getting rather burned out on the menial jobs ive been working lately.


Nov 8, 2012
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San Diego, CA
welcome to the site! if there's any questions you have about the site or traveling in general, please let me know. im curious to know more about your circus stuff, id like to learn more skills like that in order to busk/make money, since im getting rather burned out on the menial jobs ive been working lately.

The circus community is rather large in Portland, OR. I lived with the producer for the Wanderlust circus. They do both old timey circus shows and circus parties that are like more modern dance party themed which are both pretty rad. I have a preference for the old timey stuff myself. Anyway, this totally gave me a background into how a large production like that works. I did a lot of circus grunt work (rolling streamers, running air cannons, building props, washing costumes, whatever). My current partner also lived in the circus house and she did a lot of stage hand/stage managing. I never actually have done any performing with the circus beyond ambient type stuff (carpet clowning and midway games). I do however have a clown gang, separate from the circus, that is based out of Portland as well. We're all babies, new to circus arts, some have skills in specific areas like circus acrobatics, juggling, whatever. I'm honestly better at organizing than I am at any of those things but I'm working toward getting some good street acts together with a few of clowns so we can get our busk on. For me, the first step is getting the clown band together- music draws in a crowd on any street so it's good to make a lot of noise. If you can draw in a crowd there's lots of things you can do. I have another friend that runs a traveling freak show act: eating worms, glass, sticking nails in your nose, stapling things to your body (getting people to staple dollars to your body is a good one), etc. There's also classic clowning acts; juggling is great. Juggling fire is better. Sweet costume & makeup (it can be simple and still be sweet) make you easier to spot from far away and make people want to get closer to check you out.

I personally haven't had a lot of experience busking yet, but I know many who do it for a living and some who just do it to sharpen their skills. I recommend picking one thing you think you'll be good at and sticking to it.

If you have any specific questions feel free to ask.


New member
Jan 3, 2011
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Howdy Olive,
Tried to message you but it gave me a 420 character limit, ha.
We should meet up if you're still around in the beginning of january. I can meet ya anywhere along the west coast. I am currently in Santa Cruz itchin to get the fuck back out on the rails/road but i just got a bit of shit left to do . I'll be headin east/south. I know you said you'll be doin solo winter travelin but i mean if ya change your mind just contact me! I play the uke/banjolele and all kinds of percussion/sing/dance/drink/getcrazy/draw/write/paint and have always been interested in gettin involved with an old timey troupe or circus so the fact that you've been doin that immediately sparked my interest. its always fun as hell to have a good lady road dog to travel with. i am pretty green when it comes to hoppin but i've hopped a bit it's just been a while but it's not hard to find someone that knows what they're doin to come along or help out with advice especially this time of year on the west coast.
Safe travels sista, let's be friends!


Nov 8, 2012
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Howdy Olive,
Tried to message you but it gave me a 420 character limit, ha.
We should meet up if you're still around in the beginning of january. I can meet ya anywhere along the west coast. I am currently in Santa Cruz itchin to get the fuck back out on the rails/road but i just got a bit of shit left to do . I'll be headin east/south. I know you said you'll be doin solo winter travelin but i mean if ya change your mind just contact me! I play the uke/banjolele and all kinds of percussion/sing/dance/drink/getcrazy/draw/write/paint and have always been interested in gettin involved with an old timey troupe or circus so the fact that you've been doin that immediately sparked my interest. its always fun as hell to have a good lady road dog to travel with. i am pretty green when it comes to hoppin but i've hopped a bit it's just been a while but it's not hard to find someone that knows what they're doin to come along or help out with advice especially this time of year on the west coast.
Safe travels sista, let's be friends!

Hey Skuid, I would totally be down to meet up in January. It all sorta depends on how the rest of 2012 treats me. Why don't you send me your number or another way to message you and we can keep in touch / chat a lil bit about traveling. I am not at all opposed to having a travel partner, you just gotta be picky, ya know? But if you're into playing music and all that I'm sure we could collaborate and do some busking together. And always yes to new friends. Thanks for the message, lady.


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Apr 9, 2012
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Leavenworth, Washington, USA
google Plain WA. It just started snowing here and we got snowmobiles and snowboards and mountains and subarus.

Plain is a couple hours east of Seattle just off HWY 2. Awesome place here, not a lot of people know about it, but it's paradise if you like snow.

If anybody wants to get out of the cold and sleep on my parents couch and go play in the snow, that's what I'll be doing all winter, just hit me up. and if my parents house doesn't sound fun enough, we got a cabin in the woods as well.
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2012
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Leavenworth, Washington, USA
just a friendly suggestion from a Washingtonian. OH!! and the nearby town is a tourist town (easy sign flying and spanging) called Leavenworth. it's main attraction: beer. everybody comes here in the winter with lots of cash and drink lots of alcohol. easiest spanging of your life because the whole town is filled with bars and drunks and money.


Nov 8, 2012
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San Diego, CA
google Plain WA. It just started snowing here and we got snowmobiles and snowboards and mountains and subarus.

Plain is a couple hours east of Seattle just off HWY 2. Awesome place here, not a lot of people know about it, but it's paradise if you like snow.

If anybody wants to get out of the cold and sleep on my parents couch and go play in the snow, that's what I'll be doing all winter, just hit me up. and if my parents house doesn't sound fun enough, we got a cabin in the woods as well.

I appreciate the heads up. Sounds fucking awesome.

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