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Ok, so we've all heard about it, we all want to do it, but who's ready to make something like this happen?
I've been talking to some folks and the idea came up (again) and I'm thinking, "why not"? I mean, how much money would it take? If the budget was $3,000, that should be plenty enough to get all the materials needed to build a barge of some kind and we had 6 people covering that it would only be $500 bucks a person.
I figure the trip from Minneapolis to New Orleans would take about 2-3 months, and we could make any stops we wanted to along the way. There's a ton of logistics to work out, sure, but it sounds pretty doable, so I thought maybe we could make an StP crew out of it. So what I'm curious about right now is who would be interested in something like this?
I'm looking for people that are serious about making this happen. Please post your interest or questions about how we would make this work.