I'm practically jumping for joy right now because I just now discovered that my almost completely untended back yard is teeming with huge patches of cleavers(galium aparine). These were definitely not here when I moved in nearly 4 years ago and no doubt it's because of letting things run wild. This is another plant I've used and even bought as a tincture in the past, so how convenient it's growing not ten feet from my back door! Herbalists use it as a diuretic and for cleansing the lymph glands as well as the blood. This is perfect timing as I just quit smoking with the use of a vaporizer and my glands have been a tiny bit swollen
for awhile now. I didn't know that vaporizers are used for breaking up congestion--well only a couple days after I switched I got my first cold/flu in over 2 years, and it was severe. It's 2 weeks later and I'm better now but
still hacking stuff up in the morning, which never happens otherwise. How perfect that cleavers are used as a cold remedy as well! After going through this I am
never taking up smoking again. Going to change my profile now.
and I still need to drop the 420 altogether but one thing at a time I suppose..
oh and the best method of preparation is to steam them for a minute or two because they have spines that make them unpalatable as a raw vegetable. They can also be made into a tincture with grain alcohol or even vodka if it's all you have. Just rinse the leaves, stuff them tightly into a jar and cover, then leave for a month or so.