Well, I right I would update everyone on what has happened. We separated for a few weeks and then. .... I found out I was pregnant. About 2 months now. So we have worked things out. He got a job! Which amazed me! And is taking care of me during this time that I really need it. He's working on his anger issues and is definitely pulling me than his weight right now. I guess at the end of the day when two ppl are meant to be together the universe will find a way to keep them together. So, in 6 or 7 months I'll have a little peanut traveler ♡and I'll get to impart the wisdom I have and he has to it. The universe works in crazy ways, amairight?
That's not the way I'm viewing it. Gotta love it when bc fails :/ but I view it as a blessing. The universe thought enough of me that it brought me a child. Now whether I raise this child alone, or with him we will see. Until then he's attempting to be more proactive and helping me alot more. So at the end of the day, I'm happy because I am blessed and he's happy, so until the future becomes the present, we're just taking it one day at a timealthough I see your point Matt alot of people feel a "baby" well save an otherwise floundering relationship. Luckily I believe I have a more balanced head on my shoulders.