A cow doesn't have the capacity to give consent for the use of it's fluids or whatever.
I humbly and respectively disagree... in the context of industrial mass productions... yes... that sucks. It's a reality we live with...
But in the context of me going back to being a "Farmer Boy" like Almonzo Wilder in those Little HOuse on the Prairie novs oh yea... (Husband of Laura raise the barn) epic novels of my child hood.
Where I would raise my calves and clean their stalls and feed them carrots and rub their bellies and udders...
YEa my girls gonna wanna gimme some dat sweet sweet milk. ::cigar::
the dairy industry is just ridiculously cruel
This is the only thing I agree with you so far I think.
Basically. My core argument is ... you seem to think YOU can DEFINE what is nature..
News flash all of existence is nature.
To paraphrase a hero of mine.
Georgie that old fuck Carlin.
... he said something like...
"Fuck for all you know humans exist cuz planet earth said hey we want some Plastic... and now we got plastic... but Earth is not fucked... earth will keep on going on... it's humans that are fucked."
Okay, I've broken the rule more than anyone. (we are off topic).
THIS is more or less supposed to be a thread on cum, precum, dick sweat, ball drippings, pussy juice, labia cheese, Fine Spotted Dick Artfully Aged Formundu, Dingleberries and Belly lint.
(For a reserved fellow imagination goes a LONG way.)
Lets keep it on topic. (I'm out)