Narcan (only brand FDA approved for over the counter sales) - or -
Naloxone (generic name)
1. Narcan IS available, WITHOUT prescription in 47 states. Just ask at the pharmacy.
2. Narcan is Available, IN STOCK, at all :
CVS Pharmacy Locations -
Walgreens Pharmacy Locations. Not just at needle exchanges, anymore.
3. Narcan
can safely* & effectively counter an
Opioid** Overdose, including those containing Fentanyl.
You still HAVE to call 911 - (best done immediately when discovering an o.d.) Even using Narcan, they may still die! So It's better to have those medics on the way!
5. Countering Opioid Overdoses with Narcan may require (even administered correctly) additional doses of Narcan be given, for antidote to be fully effective. (particularly with Fentanyl)
6. You Need To Stay With The Victim, until medical services arrive. (You did call 911, Right?) You stay because a second dose (maybe even a third) of Narcan might have to be administered. Possible medical complications may occur and can including: Going into Withdrawals; Stopping Breathing; Having a Heart Attack or Stroke; Seizures; or a variety of issues, which otherwise necessitate continuing availability of assistance.
7. Most states (over half) which permit non-prescription Naloxone/Norcan, DO have a Good Samaritan law, preventing liability for the first responders administering Norcan/Naloxone to overdose cases.
* Safely- first, All drugs have side effects. second, a small portion of the population, Naloxone/Norcan is more deadly to than the overdose. (I personally have a gf who's one of those lucky few. She flat lines every time the paramedics give it to her.) But, for the most part, yes, it is Safe.
** Opiate overdoses - Cocaine is Not an Opiate. (neither is meth, or molly, or special K, etc.) Norcan has a less stellar record saving lives when Fentanyl is mixed with non-opioids.
Prices, aprox.
Naloxone full kit, can cost as low as $30
Norcan kit, regular price $130.00
No Insurance? - CVS has partnered with manufacturer, for a manufacturer's coupon, making the kit available to the uninsured for $95.00
(Source-): http//
Naloxone - Save a life with naloxone.
CVS Health® is dedicated to helping communities address and prevent prescription drug abuse.
Naloxone, also known as NARCAN®, is a safe* and effective antidote to opioid overdoses. CVS Health has worked to expand the access to naloxone, without individual prescriptions, to 47 states. (Excludes: Alaska, Nebraska, & Wyoming, at this time)
CVS Pharmacy® locations in most communities have naloxone ON HAND and can dispense it the same day.
If you would like to purchase naloxone, simply ask the pharmacy.
(source-) https//