Totally new to traveling, trying to get as many tips as possible.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2013
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keep good gear, a light pack, spirits n hopes high, keen wits n common sense, with that you can accomplish many things. respect can take you quite far on the road as well. look strait ahead... neither up like a tourist/mark nor down at your feet in submission. nor ever look behind where you have been.... just keep moving forward. be mindful of your surroundings to keep yourself out of harm.

never leave your pack behind, ever, lost tons of gear and suffered many times because of this mistake, even if just a few minutes with a 'friend' for a 'store run', the road does funny things to people at the worst times. backpackers are called turtles for a reason.

TRUST YOUR GUT FEELINGS! no matter how weird or painful it may be in a positive direction.

hope this helps...
it did me really well....
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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2013
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I would stay out of the South, places like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, and maybe Georgia and some parts of E. Texas. In my experience though, those places can even be bad for white folks, so maybe it's just that they don't like travelers. It has been 15 years since I've been on the road so it is possible those places have loosened up, but I doubt it.

agreed! travelers aren't vary welcomed in those parts. ran into that a few times esp Mississippi always get harassed there no matter what.

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May 31, 2013
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Leavenworth, WA
Wear good walking shoes and have enough of socks. If they're waterproof, they can soak your socks after a day of walking, if they're really breathable, they can make socks last a week. Soggy socks leads to bootrot, nobody likes to have bootrot. Wool is wonderful.

A metal cup or a bean can is an awesome thing to have. It can be a cup, bowl, plate, cooking pot, percussion instrument, etc.

Always keep your gear with you, if you leave it, you could lose it.

When you're hitchhiking on interstates, putting your thumb out at on ramps is difficult and it's illegal in a lot of places and takes forever to get a ride. You can find a gas station next to the on ramp you want to hitch, ask people for a ride. Make sure you're on the side of the freeway going the direction you're going. If you try to hitchhike to Vancouver, WA when you're in Centralia, WA, but you're on the northbound side of I-5, you could end up going north and have a ways to back track.

There's a video on StP that shows how to make a camp stove out of a beer can, it blew my mind. I recommend you watch it because you'll probably use it and it's way cheaper/lighter/awesomer than buying some hoaky doaky green gas, fold up, coleman/REI/hightechwasteofmoney campstove. plus you can probably find a way to use it to dry wet clothes.

You can wash your clothes in a river (or a bucket of water. soap, then rinse) if you have laundry soap then hang it to dry on a clothes line (difficult/impossible in overcast or freezing weather). You can use Dr. Bronners and take a bath in the river (brrr cold, yet exhilarating, soap and scrub before you jump in if it's a polar bear dip), not worry about poisoning the fish and frog eggs down stream, and it smells wonderful (works as shampoo and soap for anything)

A marker is a credit card in dire times, otherwise you gotta spange. Sometimes you really want money, although, there are usually alternative options, but people skills are somewhat mandatory while living as a transient/vagrant in Babylon. Hustle helps, and you never have to lie.

If you brush your teeth before you talk to people, they won't be trying to escape your breath or distracted/disgusted by your teeth.

Watch yourself when you hitchhike. If you're pissy, you could be walking. If you get on your rides nerves, you could be walking. If you wipe a big booger on the carpet of their neat car, you could be walking. If you set a bad example to their kids, you could be walking. If you smell bad and they have asthma, you could be walking. Be mindful, maybe you can't cover all of your bases, but you can be considerate of others.

Hitchhiking is easier when you look like a bright person, with a bright attitude, and when you're wearing bright colors. You know when you're driving down the road at night and there's somebody walking on the road and you don't see them because they're wearing black and you almost hit them and swerve and are like "WOAH! That idiot's wearing dark colors at night!". Well you know when you're driving down the road and you see a blinking light off in the distance, as you get closer you notice two white shiny thingys bouncing up and down at a syncopated rhythm, you get closer and it gets brighter and then you see it's a jogger. You're like "Woah! I almost thought that was a tiny spaceship. That guy's smart!" Do you notice the difference between the two? That could've been the same person both times, could've been the same driver. The different reactions from the driver is caused by what the pedestrian is wearing. Bright colors count. During the day too, if you're wearing camo on the side of the road, good luck. Wear red and yellow or even a white shirt or whatever, you can get a ride quick. Plus, it's trendy for a lot of kids to dress with neon colors. I've also noticed kids tend to be less experienced and more generous (mostly, but not always).

Props get props. Bikers pick up bikers, skaters pick up skaters, smokers pick up smokers, if you're on an iphone you're fucked no matter what (ha! kidding). I don't know where I heard somebody say don't smoke while hitchhiking, I couldn't count how many times I would smoke cigs with my thumb out and somebody would stop and I would have to toss my cigarette.

Get used to camping. When looking for a place to sleep, get creative. I like using a tarp, tent stakes, a walking stick, and string to make a tent. It keeps you dry and can store stuff (bike, guitar) or people. You can just roll it out and lie on it, under the stars too. Bivy sacks are great, army surplus has cheap ones. I've tried blankets in place of sleeping bags, but you can't beat a comfy sleeping bag. think before you sleep, check for syringes, look around, make sure the tide won't wash you away, look up, see if any grape fruit, pinecones, widow makers, bird nests, are above you. If there's any of the such, you might want to consider that, take precautions, or move. Get to know the wildlife, bugs, birds, bees, hornets, bears, cougars, alligators, fire ants, spiders, rats, chupacabra. Keep your food packed tight so critters can't smell it. If critters can smell it, they could chew a hole in your pack to get it or worse, take your pack. Zip-lock baggies are handy for sealing food, waterproofing electronics, maps/papers. The further in the woods you get, be prepared, compass, map (gps isn't reliable enough, satellite network can go down, your software can go out of date, batteries can die, it can break, get wet, not find enough satellites for a 2d lock, I've worked extensively with GPS and curse their technological weaknesses endlessly), hatchet, lighter, metal cup or bean can, cell phone, food, people,


Hey guys I'm new to travelling and new to StP. So a little background on myself and my life since this is my first post. I'm a 21 year old black punk and I live in fort waste, Indiana. I've spent roughly the last 5 years of my life couch-hopping. But as of about a year ago I was stricken with a serious case of wanderlust. I mean how could I not? I've never really been anywhere, I've never seen a mountain or the ocean. I have been researching endlessly about hitchhiking and freight hopping and both sound like fantastic forms of travel. I plan to leave my hometown around the middle of April (if I can wait that long). It will be me and one of my friends and I think we will be driving for the first few days. I come to all of you humbly for any advice you can give me no matter how significant or insignificant you may think it is. And if you know of anywhere I should avoid based on my race please please let me know. Not really looking to be lynched. Thanks in advance guys and gals.

Pack extremely light. Bring a smiley (bandana with a padlock) for self defense. Never sleep where you're visable, preferably far from downtown. Wear clothes that are easy to move in. Be polite and humble even to unsavory individuals.

And im canadian so this might sound stupid but; are there really places in the states where people of other ethnicities are "lynched"? That seems fucked up and outdated to me.


I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Feb 9, 2014
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Dude, forget traveling the country. I'm serious. It' expensive. It ain't easy, it gets rough. I've did it but I ran up credit cards and student loans and my van was already paid for.

Unless you have alot of money to waste, you shouldn't be considering doing alot of travel. Especially don't look to travel at this time of year because it's cold. Wait until it warms up to do your traveling in the spring or summer. It's alot better just to stay in one safe place and be comfortable than to be running around place to place stressed out and getting lost all of the time. You'll save alot of money staying in one place than roaming around town to town. If you're doing alot of travel from town to town, you've got to have your own car.

If you've got a thousand dollars or two you could probably buy a cheap house to squat in from Bid4Assets, or Ebay Real Estate, or look through Craigslist Real Estate. Detroit has alot of cheap houses now. So does Flint Mi, Pontiac, Mi, Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Indianapolis, Dayton, Cincinnatti.

If you don't have the money for a cheap house, then find a roommate to share an apartment. Or, you could find a boarding house or cheap motel which will let you pay by the week.

You can find some store merchandising work on You can get labor work through Manpower or LaborReady. They don't pay alot though.
Apply for a food stamps EBT card so you'll have food wherever you go. You can get a free cellphone from the government through Assurance Wireless or Safelink Wireless. I actually took out a student loan to live off of while I traveled from state to state. Fill the form on the FAFSA website and apply to an inexpensive state school. They'll give you a rebate check from the loan that you can use for a place to live. Thousands of people do that each year.

There are lots of vacant boarded houses in Detroit and Cleveland to squat. Cleveland is alot safer than Detroit. Take the boards off of an abandoned house and make the place yours. Then call the electric company and get the eletricity turned on.

This is risky. I knew this guy that used to find foreclosure houses on Zillow and he used to break into them and stay there.

I had a few thousand in my bank account when I started travelling. I actually stayed in a beach house in Ocean City NJ for a few months during the off season. You can find rooms in beach towns for $100 a week during the Fall and Winter. These rooms can go for $100 a night during the Summertime.
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Well-known member
Dec 14, 2013
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Sacramento, United States
Dude, forget traveling the country. I'm serious. It' expensive. It ain't easy, it gets rough. I've did it but I ran up credit cards and student loans and my van was already paid for.

Unless you have alot of money to waste, you shouldn't be considering doing alot of travel. Especially don't look to travel at this time of year because it's cold. Wait until it warms up to do your traveling in the spring or summer. It's alot better just to stay in one safe place and be comfortable than to be running around place to place stressed out and getting lost all of the time. You'll save alot of money staying in one place than roaming around town to town. If you're doing alot of travel from town to town, you've got to have your own car.

If you've got a thousand dollars or two you could probably buy a cheap house to squat in from Bid4Assets, or Ebay Real Estate, or look through Craigslist Real Estate. Detroit has alot of cheap houses now. So does Flint Mi, Pontiac, Mi, Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Indianapolis, Dayton, Cincinnatti.

If you don't have the money for a cheap house, then find a roommate to share an apartment. Or, you could find a boarding house or cheap motel which will let you pay by the week.

You can find some store merchandising work on You can get labor work through Manpower or LaborReady. They don't pay alot though.
Apply for a food stamps EBT card so you'll have food wherever you go. You can get a free cellphone from the government through Assurance Wireless or Safelink Wireless. I actually took out a student loan to live off of while I traveled from state to state. Fill the form on the FAFSA website and apply to an inexpensive state school. They'll give you a rebate check from the loan that you can use for a place to live. Thousands of people do that each year.

There are lots of vacant boarded houses in Detroit and Cleveland to squat. Cleveland is alot safer than Detroit. Take the boards off of an abandoned house and make the place yours. Then call the electric company and get the eletricity turned on.

This is risky. I knew this guy that used to find foreclosure houses on Zillow and he used to break into them and stay there.

I had a few thousand in my bank account when I started travelling. I actually stayed in a beach house in Ocean City NJ for a few months during the off season. You can find rooms in beach towns for $100 a week during the Fall and Winter. These rooms can go for $100 a night during the Summertime.
(John madden voice) now heres a guys thats doing it wrong
seriously the kids not talking about some yuppie road trip to the grand canyon you dont need a car to travel from town to town all you need is your thumbs or a train yard and expensive ? As if. If it werent for my love of booze and smoke I wouldnt need money period theres a big difference between travelling like a dirty kid and travelling off of your savings account

Jay Robinson

Feb 2, 2014
Reaction score
Fort Waste, Indiana
You couldn't be farther from the target of this thread if you were a bullet fired from Helen Keller's gun. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, nor is it easy. But those are two solid reasons to go for it right there.
If I wanted to sit behind a desk hoarding paper money for the rest of my miserable life I wouldn't be on this thread asking for tips.
But I my friend want to live a life totally different from that. I'm not looking for an average life or even a vacation. I want an extraordinary life, filled with adventures. I want to have enough stories to fill a God damn library!
I'm not gonna get that buying cheap properties, I can make it just fine in a tent.
Thanks for the post though bud.


Well-known member
Nov 8, 2013
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You couldn't be farther from the target of this thread if you were a bullet fired from Helen Keller's gun. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, nor is it easy. But those are two solid reasons to go for it right there.
If I wanted to sit behind a desk hoarding paper money for the rest of my miserable life I wouldn't be on this thread asking for tips.
But I my friend want to live a life totally different from that. I'm not looking for an average life or even a vacation. I want an extraordinary life, filled with adventures. I want to have enough stories to fill a God damn library!
I'm not gonna get that buying cheap properties, I can make it just fine in a tent.
Thanks for the post though bud.

so true!! and about that have patience and be prepared. then the stories will come even if you don't know til years later that they were extra ordinary. when you tell them to friends hey gasp in horror thats how you know it was an amazing time! :D

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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
Dude, forget traveling the country. I'm serious. It' expensive. It ain't easy, it gets rough. I've did it but I ran up credit cards and student loans and my van was already paid for.

Unless you have alot of money to waste, you shouldn't be considering doing alot of travel. Especially don't look to travel at this time of year because it's cold. Wait until it warms up to do your traveling in the spring or summer. It's alot better just to stay in one safe place and be comfortable than to be running around place to place stressed out and getting lost all of the time. You'll save alot of money staying in one place than roaming around town to town. If you're doing alot of travel from town to town, you've got to have your own car.

If you've got a thousand dollars or two you could probably buy a cheap house to squat in from Bid4Assets, or Ebay Real Estate, or look through Craigslist Real Estate. Detroit has alot of cheap houses now. So does Flint Mi, Pontiac, Mi, Cleveland, Akron, Columbus, Indianapolis, Dayton, Cincinnatti.

If you don't have the money for a cheap house, then find a roommate to share an apartment. Or, you could find a boarding house or cheap motel which will let you pay by the week.

You can find some store merchandising work on You can get labor work through Manpower or LaborReady. They don't pay alot though.
Apply for a food stamps EBT card so you'll have food wherever you go. You can get a free cellphone from the government through Assurance Wireless or Safelink Wireless. I actually took out a student loan to live off of while I traveled from state to state. Fill the form on the FAFSA website and apply to an inexpensive state school. They'll give you a rebate check from the loan that you can use for a place to live. Thousands of people do that each year.

There are lots of vacant boarded houses in Detroit and Cleveland to squat. Cleveland is alot safer than Detroit. Take the boards off of an abandoned house and make the place yours. Then call the electric company and get the eletricity turned on.

This is risky. I knew this guy that used to find foreclosure houses on Zillow and he used to break into them and stay there.

I had a few thousand in my bank account when I started travelling. I actually stayed in a beach house in Ocean City NJ for a few months during the off season. You can find rooms in beach towns for $100 a week during the Fall and Winter. These rooms can go for $100 a night during the Summertime.

This is probably some of the worst advice I've seen on StP, and combined with your previous posts makes me suspect you're trolling. Continue and you'll be on the fast track to a permanent ban.
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Apr 7, 2013
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You couldn't be farther from the target of this thread if you were a bullet fired from Helen Keller's gun. I know this lifestyle isn't for everyone, nor is it easy. But those are two solid reasons to go for it right there.
If I wanted to sit behind a desk hoarding paper money for the rest of my miserable life I wouldn't be on this thread asking for tips.
But I my friend want to live a life totally different from that. I'm not looking for an average life or even a vacation. I want an extraordinary life, filled with adventures. I want to have enough stories to fill a God damn library!
I'm not gonna get that buying cheap properties, I can make it just fine in a tent.
Thanks for the post though bud.

Haha... nice line.

I like your gumption friend.

I think you will do just fine.
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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2013
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Good advice guys, but you did not mention anything about race and places to avoid. I know it sucks that we still have to think in colors this day and age, but there are still close minded rednecks you think their way is the only way. Anyway, you seem like an intelligent kid, I would stay out of the South, places like Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas, Missouri, and maybe Georgia and some parts of E. Texas. In my experience though, those places can even be bad for white folks, so maybe it's just that they don't like travelers. It has been 15 years since I've been on the road so it is possible those places have loosened up, but I doubt it.

Good luck on opening this new chapter in your life. Now that you've been bit by the Wanderlust bug, you'll never be the same again.

I disagree and think ur puttin a little too much salt in the grits. For sure there's still a cloud of racism hovering over the states u mentioned and some u didn't mention. Shit I'm black and I've been to about half of the states u mentioned and the cities within them. Can u give an example of how ppl in those "racist states" have fucked with a black person to make one not want go back...? Like I've flew signs and spanged in Georgia, Tenn, bama,etc. And made decent and sometimes above average cash...I will say that there are little small towns in rural areas in the south in which are bad for ANY traveler to venture thru...but yea that would be stupid to avoid 10-15 states. Its not the 50s bro
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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2013
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Yeah, didn't think about NOLA, but I haven't been there since way before Catrina so I have no idea what it's like now.
Lol I see u disliked my reply to your comments and that's fine but why not give a response to my question because id really like to know what led you to believe it would be so bad in these states that they should be avoided by a negro...if ur unable to answer, believe me, I understand.. . OH YEA... U spelled "Katrina" wrong.
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I'm a d-bag and got banned.
Dec 4, 2014
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en route
I have found that there is a modernized, 'civilized' Dixie...i.e., the Durham triangle, mountains, and Outer Banks of NC; Savannah; certain parts of WV; certain parts of VA....But LA/MS/AL/the rest of the Deep South I'd avoid on general principles. Am I being an elitist snob? Yes. But also I grew up near San Fran and so I have certain preferences. C'est la vie. Do what makes you happy.


Well-known member
Jul 9, 2013
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I'm curious as to wether or not this guy got out there and saw some shit.... it's always a shame when the kids don't call home. :p
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