Thoughts on buddhism?


Mar 14, 2023
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When I say buddhism I mostly mean theravada as it's the branch that focuses on a journey of one's self and avoids things such as demons; But if you'd like to talk about the other branches that's obviously welcomed aswell.

Personally I'm not very religious, I don't believe in things such as devils or God's, somedays just like all the rest I do wish/hope there is a God, but from my experience trying to rely on something that may or may not help you will only make you complacent. I've been raised to believe that you are the only person you can 100% rely on; BUT theravada buddhism strikes me as reasonable, it is about the journey of a man who simply wanted to live and not survive, he saw the nastiness, the sorrow, and the sickness this world can bring and he decided that the only way to enjoy it, is just to admit and accept that this shit sucks. He showed us that you do not have to leed a life of pleasure to be content. Of course I am paraphrasing heavily, but it definitely resonates with me. Lastly I'd really like to believe in the reincarnation part of it all aswell but just can't come to believe it.

Now of course just because I am not religious doesn't mean I disagree with anybodies choice of religion, everybody has there own right to decide what they believe in or not and I will never look down upon someone for a God they decide to believe in. I just want to discuss a topic I'm rather passionate about. Thank you for reading!!
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
nice to have a fresh perspective

first of all - I am a functioning insane person - so if this comes across as 'mental', yes, it is exactly the way I am.

at my current stage in life, I think more about 'principles' and 'basic human decency'. Honestly, acceptance makes a huge difference. Accepting that there is such a staggering amount of shit that - no matter which shape or size I slice it into - I do not have ANY control over whatsoever. No influence, no nothing. People lie to me, let me down, avoid me, are down to rip me off, have ulterior motives, etc. but I don't have to hate myself or hate life because of what exists outside of my realm of control.

I actually have to make the best of it. First of all, even me a fairly honest/moral guy, how many times did I do shit like this? So when I see people indulging on them heavy, even so far as the perverted governments of the world, how's it really help me to drag my own self down by judging and resenting them so much? I mean, it IS logically sound, but what does it do for me?

There's this thing in the undercurrent of all life in current year, that seems to trick us into hurting ourselves even more than 'the powers that should not be' & company.

Well, Buddhism is a "good enough" guide for that, in my humble opinion. I am not truly educated but the bits and pieces I know tend to lead me in the right direction. I want to recommend a famous book called "The Four Agreements" which is another good guide.

Finally, the reincarnation bit really does interest me. I don't care for religion, I am too lazy to read religious texts I simply have better things to do and not enough time. Reincarnation is a concept that seems fair, but I don't always trust my own perception. It is something to do with how small we all are in this big world and the natural processes i.e. compost / carbon transfer ... or something like that ..

but of course I cannot prove it, nor can anyone and if they do, they're likely just fooling themselves. The lucky piece? We are going to die and there's nothing we can do about it. So, we will reincarnate if we do, and if we don't, we don't!

Until then I just try to make the best of my life which goes back to decency and trying to learn about principles.
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Mar 14, 2023
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Absolutely agree with this, it feels like with so much shit wrong with the world its just to easy to hate it, and nothing worth doing is easy right? I used to hate people, if I could have a button that would erase them all, including myself, my family and friends I'd press it without a second thought. WIth common place things suc as murder, rape, and illness in this world why wouldn't you really? But it's just not that simple, there are tragedys in this world, corrupt governments, genocide, and even worse, yes, but there is also beauty, you could spend your time hating everything and everyone around you, or you could choose to love it and be kind against all odds, I've learned that if someone yells at you, yelling back will only end in both of you feeling like dicks.

Edit: just something I forgot, I absolutely love the idea of reincarnation, if I could choose any religious concept to be real it would be reincarnation, and some days I find myself close to believing in it, I suppose I'm leaning to either side. I dont mind death, even if it really is nothing but the idea that even if I'm gone that the cycle of life will continue indefinitely here or there makes me genuinely happy.
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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2015
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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Absolutely agree with this, it feels like with so much shit wrong with the world its just to easy to hate it, and nothing worth doing is easy right? I used to hate people, if I could have a button that would erase them all, including myself, my family and friends I'd press it without a second thought. WIth common place things suc as murder, rape, and illness in this world why wouldn't you really? But it's just not that simple, there are tragedys in this world, corrupt governments, genocide, and even worse, yes, but there is also beauty, you could spend your time hating everything and everyone around you, or you could choose to love it and be kind against all odds, I've learned that if someone yells at you, yelling back will only end in both of you feeling like dicks.

Edit: just something I forgot, I absolutely love the idea of reincarnation, if I could choose any religious concept to be real it would be reincarnation, and some days I find myself close to believing in it, I suppose I'm leaning to either side. I dont mind death, even if it really is nothing but the idea that even if I'm gone that the cycle of life will continue indefinitely here or there makes me genuinely happy.

I think I follow what you mean. It's this curious problem. It's easy for us to say we'd make this all disappear 'if we could', but we can't. So we cannot really say what we'd do. But I know if I make some effort to love and appreciate, I can live more properly even if it isn't what I 'think it should be'. I have to just look at my part.

Yeah, reacting to other people raging turns to me raging. More generally, I find that whatever starts with anger ends in shame. Back to - what can I do today?

Another funny thing is thinking life is so terrible, but wanting to believe in reincarnation. Do we really think it'll be so much better next time around? There's a lot of irony and paradox in my life, I try to employ some new tactics to cut through the supposed bullshit. It doesn't really matter what I believe but more what I bare witness to in my own experience.


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Jul 23, 2022
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Williamsburg PA
I like this conversation but don't have a lot to add to it. That being said I thought you all might check out these two videos from a philosophy YouTube creator I enjoy. One is on Buddhism and how it sort of integrates into modern life. The other is on post existentialist absurdism. Which I heard about from my one and only practicing Buddhist friend.

Honestly this guys stuff slaps for the most part hes got tons of good stuff on there.
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Andrea Van Scoyoc

Animal/Enviro Activist, Tree Hugging Nature Fae!
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
I'm a Christian Taoist, blending Asian Philosophy with the teachings of Jesus Himself (NOT churches or men on ego trips) and have extensively studied Buddhism, as, with Taoism, they make up what I apply to my life.

Personally, I lean 100% on God, BUT...I also live a Taoist/Buddhist life of the following:

1. A person is responsible for EVERYTHING in your life that they personally do. Carrying drugs and get busted? You go to jail. Drinking in public and get busted? Probably jail.

2. (This is where Buddhism/Taoism comes in handy) When dealing with others, expect a crap fest, every single day, expect a crap fest because humans, for the most part, suck.

I know, I know, not very nice talk from an ordained minister, but this hippie preacher believes in keeping it real and I've seen enough human action to know that we don't deserve this planet, let alone the honor of actually living on it.

Just remember that YOU are in control of how you react. If someone makes you mad, walk away. They have the problem, not you. Someone screw you over? They'll get theirs. Scrape it off and move on.

Someone screw up a doctor's appt, an order etc?

Keep your cool. They're the idiot, not you. Thank God you're not as stupid as they are (remember...sometimes a mistake is a mistake and sometimes people are incompetent.)

Hope this little ramble of mine has been helpful. Feel free to message me at (for some reason, no matter what I do, I don't seem to get notifications from here and this is my favorite website!) and I'll try to help.


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