2018 Jamboree Things to Bring to the Jambo and Basic Information

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Cornelius Vango

Chaos Magician
Sep 25, 2015
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Slab City, Ca
We've only got a month until the Jambo and I know that some people have concerns and questions about what to expect, so I thought I would make a handy dandy list of must-have items.

Now, remember, we're off-grid. Some things that you may take for granted are more scarce here, like power. We do have power, but it's not unlimited, so don't count on being able to plug in whenever you want to. We will be able to provide guests with clean drinking water during the party, but you may consider bringing your own bottled water or a simple camp filter if you have a weak immune system.

Our bathing situation is the canal, the hot spring or a camp shower so you'll be able to get clean and cool off if you want. Make sure if you want to use soap, that it's biodegradable.

Here are some things that you should definitely have, not only for the Jambo, but camping in general. If you're already a seasoned backpacker or outdoorsfolk, you probably already have ample gear for the weekend, but if you aren't, make sure that you check this list.

-water jug/bottle at least a liter.

-your own blissware (eating utensils) - at least a decent sized cup and a fork. You're going to need that cup for the bar as well, as we are going to avoid using disposable dishes.

-your own sealed snacks, non-perishable foods, beverages for when you get hungry/thirsty during the day when we aren't serving anything.

-food/drink tribute for the bar/kitchen.

-your own basic first-aid kit, including at the very least a bit of rubbing alcohol, band-aids and anti-biotic ointment (staph spreads easily out here, if you get cut or poked, clean it and cover it).

-sunscreen if you burn at all. The sun is aggressive out here.

-shelter and sleeping bag

-TP and a small shovel/trowel for those times when you can't get to the outhouse. We are in the middle of the desert, there aren't public bathrooms. Make sure you dig your poophole at least about a foot deep and bury it, and pack the dirt down so nobody has a shitty suprise.

-Weather appropriate clothing. It is warm during the day and cool at night. Summer clothes are great, but make sure you also have a decent hoodie or something.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this, I'm happy to address them here.
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
-food/drink tribute for the bar/kitchen.

just to expand on this a little, this would include anything a full bar could use, such as cases of soda (for mixers), lemons/limes, beer, different kinds of liquor -- while the stand bys of rum, vodka, whiskey, etc are great, we often end up with like five half-g's of vodka; which is fine, but variety is the spice of life! bring something unique if you can :)

as for food, there will be some ice coolers but cold food has a super short life span out in the desert, and there's no real 'refridgeration' to speak of (besides mentioned ice coolers) so keep that in mind when bringing stuff for the kitchen.

also, snacks are great, but definitely don't leave them sitting out, and be careful where you eat since it attracts fire ants which are very unpleasant, especially when the start crawling up on the bar.

on a side note, maybe we could prep some extra coolers with ice? i'll buy a couple extra if we need them. i really really like having plenty of ice for everyone for mixed drinks since it keeps everyone more hydrated and less hungover in the morning so they can make it out to the tours/workshops :)

anyways, thanks so much @Cornelius Vango and @VikingAdventurer for organizing all this stuff, you're doing a fantastic job!!! very stoked to be coming out this year!
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Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
on a side note, maybe we could prep some extra coolers with ice?
We actually have a pretty decent collection of coolers right now; 7 full-size and at least 3 smaller ones.

EXTRA coolers probably wouldn't hurt, but I also wouldn't want you to use up your resources for something unnecessary.

And yeah, the fire ant thing is ESPECIALLY important. We've recently had an invasion of them here at the Library that we've been battling for over a week.

Deleted member 16034

Hey @Matt Derrick , since we're trying to stay away from from having as much trash as possible I was wondering if it would be appropriate to tell people to NOT buy soda coming in. If they would really, really like to help out we have a carbonator and we could use whatever cola you drink syrup (Which you can get at any Walmart and almost every larger grocery store), We will have plenty of Sprite and Gingerale, seeing as how those are the two easiest to make. Dr. Pepper (Which soda stream has a brand of syrup called "Dr. Pete," Rootbeer, and cola are ones that are difficult and moderately time consuming. So if you must bring some sort of mixer than the syrups will always be appreciated.


Guardian of the Knowledge of the Wastes
Dec 13, 2013
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Slab City, CA
...Hey @Matt Derrick , since we're trying to stay away from from having as much trash as possible I was wondering if it would be appropriate to tell people to NOT buy soda coming in....
The only thing about folks bringing sodas in with them is that we can recycle the containers from them to help fund the Jambo.

Why not BOTH?
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
yeah for the most part i think canned soda is more practical, but i don't mind personally picking up some of the soda stream syrups if you show me where they can be bought (i haven't seen them but i haven't been looking)


Guess people who never recycle for income never think of their bottle return being someone elses gas,tobacco living cash .. BAHAHAHHAHAHA recyclables make our gears turn brotha man. SUFFERIN BOYS, SMOKE CIGARETTES CHEYA RIGHT


Make America Freight Again
Staff member
Dec 12, 2014
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Mormon Country
Hey, anyone know if the niland market sells everything I need for the jambo (food, beer, liquor, water, soap, ect..)

Or should I shop at the place in mecca before I get down there?

Currently in Indio waiting for the bus.


Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
Staff member
Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
No laundromat, but everything else niland has. Things might be a little cheaper in mecca tho
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