The INSECTIZATION of mankind?


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2015
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Des Moines, IA
are we...? are we becoming insects?
only in the past few generations, in the last century, has it come to be that a greater percentage of people on the globe live in cities & metropoli, as opposed to farms & rural settings.
it's interesting to equate the bustling cities to insect hives, and the peoples within to ants, or worker-bees.
we're all forced, in one way or another, to slave for the collective... pretty hard to truly opt-out. still holdin on to that currency in your pocket? [yea, me too. we need their $ to get by in this world.] that money is a minute piece of the system we're all a part of. [HASHTAG]#lamejohnjohnnys[/HASHTAG]
we are all compelled to be a part of the economic system that we live under [usually capitalism].
no OPT-OUT option is available, legally. one cannot go to the government and say: 'hey. I'm done. ...where can I go, to like, be left alone? -er...and then, you guys don't bother me there, k?'
there's nowhere left. every inch of land belongs to at least one nation-state. humans live on land. we're fucked. [except cosner in waterworld]
they got us all captive. and states seem to treat their denizens as a resource, or some capitalist business venture wherein they INVEST money in the populous through social welfare programs and public funding [bread, circuses, & education], and then hope for a RETURN on the other end in the form of some boost to GDP or other measurements of productivity & wealth.
we're sentient beings, you dicks.
when you go to school, you're not taught SELF-SUFFICIENCY. you're taught INTERDEPENDENCE.
there's just too much CAPITALIZING to be done; too much profit to be made. and so, like vampires, some drain their own sustainance from the weak. like any other savage animal, the strong prey upon the weak. the rich and powerful take advantage of the poor and powerless.
the new 'survival of the fittest' means that you trick people into slaving for you, conceal the extent to which you squeeze labor (profit / surplus-labor) out of them, and then YOU dont have to shit for yourself, cause you got all these ignorant suckers breakin their backs for ya. but, just so we dont get a bad rep or hafta feel guilty, lets pad our social mores and entire aspects of our culture with little myths and histories that support our economic views. surely, this must be the fucking way! get out there! take advantage of your brother, if he's less intelligent, or unfortunate enough to be on the labor market.

the 'myth of the self-made man' tells us that if you play the game, work most of your life (especially the yrs you are most vital, fit and productive), you get some of that shit that you see people on tv own.
and the ants will gather the scraps, and return to their dark holes for the night, only to be roused in the morning; the monotonous, cyclical days of toil, until death.
we don't teach our young how to provide sustainance for themselves - growing crops, or fuckall about livestock. we don't place importance on a man's ability to build a rigid structure for him to live in. I dunno how to fell timber, or frame a house. and the extent of my sewing skill maxes out somewhere between 'reinforce this seem' and 'patch this rip'. in other words, I won't be fashioning my own clothing or garments.
for everything, you will go to the marketplace.
what does it say about our 'global society', our species, when our only purpose in life is to sell things to one another, or produce products to be sold? and dont give me that bullshit about capitalist incentive & innovation. the anarcho-primitivists refer to this as 'techno-addiction'. we don't need your shiny garbage.
- not all of us.
i'll be breathing air, feeling the sun shine down, or doing something else natural, like making love, conversing, teaching, learning, interacting? exchanging ideas? ...but... how much can I charge?
the capitalist would hoard his thoughts & knowledge, to sell them sporadically, in bits and pieces, to the highest bidders.
someone great once said: 'BUSINESS is the art of swindling.'
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Andrea Van Scoyoc

Nomad Missionary & Tree Hugging Jesus Freak
May 19, 2015
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Port Richey Florida
Awesome article.

I can tell you, from experience, giving the best and youngest (the article used the word, "vital" which is a good description) is the epitome of insanity.

Freedom is not only the best, it truly is the only option.
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Brother X

caput gerat lupinum
Apr 5, 2015
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Eugene, OR
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

-Robert A. Heinlein

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