the truth is, Ami, if things are really bad, but you're not being subjected to *physical* abuse?
do something other than run away..
there's certainly other abuse, and if not abuse than just the consequences of people being so unable to deal with the fucked-upness of their lives that their kids get the consequences of it, also..
i am not going to say it would not be good, if you *could*, but since you *can't*?
well.. assuming.. just assuming.. you're "merely" dealing with things like invasion of your personal space, disregard for your personal beliefs, manic impatience from people who have little or no control over anything they can do, except to try & control *you* in such a way as makes them feel that they are mitigating the *blame* (i hope people hear that word, because it is a good & real one) the *blame*.. the responsibility to acknowledge that they have screwed up **immensely**, and that whatever fall out comes from it is *their* fault, first & *not* a consequence of others not being able to deal with things precipitated by *their* faults..
if they try divest *their* guilt (yes, guilt) by accentuating *your* flaws (real or perceived) in order to feel that who they are & what they believe is somehow more valid or in some way less fucked up, then since you *cannot* Get The Fuck Out, you need to find a way to deal with it.
however old you are, it's a bitch, because there are *always* people trying to force you into their faith, before they will say
"Holy shit!!! look at how fucking fucked up i am!! is ***anything*** i'm saying rational or right or even *truthfull*??"
& sadly, running away does no good at all, although it *may* be true that traveling does...
i am going to just poke a little bit at the screwed-upness that you may be dealing with..
now, it is *always* the case that kids & parents toss some pretty nasty flack at each other..
this is one of the great things about being an *American* kid.. or European.. or from a nation which practices some form consensual government which allows for personal dissent..
the possibility exists to hate the guts of the people you love most, & to *tell* it to them, & for them to continue to love each other, still..
if people can't take you telling them to go fuck themselves, they neither truly respect you nor love you nor care for you..
you need to avoid people like that.. if you scream at them & they say "oh!! you are such a bad, bad girl !!", but don't listen to what the fuck you are saying, even if it takes them time, then they are just assholes, & you don't need to worry about anything they do or say or think as important enough to have any real bearing on your life..
but.. if you *can* scream at each other, & go away crying or exasperated &/or hurt & wondering how they can possibly say shit they say, & then *think* about it, since it seems so fucking important to them to force the issues to where that kind of anger is necessary?
& then, thinking about it trying to approach them again, with a little more hope, & maybe a little more deference (since they are *family*.. or good, deep, friends.. ) & you can *kind* of make up slowly, because you know, really, that you love each other..?
then *that* is what freedom is about, sister..
be glad you aren't in a fundamentalist state, or a 90% religious or political monolithic nation state, because those fuckers either exclude you, persecute you, punish you or kill you...
it is bad enough in the fucking US, as wonderfull as she is, & as badly as there are those whom will not simply *participate* in the subjugation of others, but *accept* it in a wishy-washy offhand sort of manner..
so.. there are 5 things, at least, which you need to do, if your situation is one where folks are stepping on you..
there may be more, or maybe the ones i mention can be discarded... i dunno..
this is yer life, you decide & learn... but, in no real order, except that # 4 (yes.. after editing, # 4..)
is super, super important..
1) be an unrepentant bitch in the proclamation of your identity..
if people say shit that makes you feel small, with the *intent* of making you feel small?
you tell them;
"go fuck yourself"
" i know i am *good*, and that is the single most important thing in goddamnerd life!!"
(ask me, if you want a rant on what goodness is, although it can be defined in a single, reasonably objective word..)
the point here is not to drive people to want to make life harder for you, but just to define what the limits are as far as the actions which they can take that have any truly meaningifull mutual relevance..
this does not mean you say "fuck you, YOU do the dishes, i want to listen to music (unless you are being told to do dishes or vacuum or crawl up on the goddamned roof or pick up a shitload of garbage because they don't *like* the music you are listening to...)
it simply means that you try to assess how you are being treated, & see if it makes sense in any *reasonable* context of fairness..
you have to truly look, there, & be honest & be fair, because when you tell people to go fuck themselves, friends family, lovers or not, you draw lines... those lines don't become *undrawn*.. they just become statements about yourself, & you have to deal with what comes from them..
you have a *right* to those lines, however, and anyone who gets pissed at you for *drawing* them, when you *believe* you should & can't reconcile with you, after the fact (unless it is over issues of truly human rights & concerns.. slavery, gender equality, fair wages, inviolable entry, etc..) can go fuck themselves..
at that point things resolve into issues of right & wrong, & unless pacifism (which it very well may be) is the philosophical vehicle which carries the greatest primary validity, then the relationship with assholes of that order is essentially one of war.
make sure you stand your ground in relation to whatever *unselfish* faith you hold, because the ultimate schism is existence is self & selflessness..
you fight that fight in yourself, & fight it honestly, & things we can only hope are true may actually align themselves with us..
number 2) --- lose yerself.. but lose yerself usefully..
find something you love..
music, photography, reading, writing, math, art, medicine, thought, volunteering..
something that allows you to discover & define yourself..
& something that helps you put aside dwelling upon the injustices you perceive yourself to be subjected to..
do not allow the criticisms of others to diminish you by giving them undue weight simply because they are said to you by whom you care for..
or wish you could care for, more..
it's very often best to turn to yourself for discovery, rather than others, because often all you find in commiseration is the waste of time which repeated agreements & reiteration of alinements produces..
there's no point in going over bad shit again & again & again, so if you journey towards friendship in the process of self-reconciliation, make sure you extend yourself towards others whom are also trying to find & express & actualize themselves creatively, also...
there is no better antidote for suppression, than growth...
3... & you've heard this before, & you'll prolly hear it again & again & again...
------school work--------
now.. don't get me wrong..
being stuck in an institutional environment which can strongly resemble prison is *not* something you should just sit & take..
but don't throw everything out, either..
highschool is really a lot more politically active than when i was a student.. search around & see what there is for you to involve yourself with that has some harmony with what you actually enjoy..
there's the usual involvements.. things you know of, but ask around & see if there are others that may appeal to you..
you know.. if you like science or phys-ed or *anything*, you could probably approach a teacher & see if they might want help with some aspect of class.. lab preparation, maybe test checking, etc... these are just ideas, but the point is to try & use the time that you *must* be educated as the *system* demands, that you have as much input to it as can be had.
after you are *out* of school, unless you decide that you want post-secondary ed, there are a hell of a lot of ways to learn, far more effectively than being driven down a process to produce 'recognized' results..
the whole fucking monster of institutional education & indoctrination is probably the most fucked up thing that humans do to each other, & of course being the fucked up creatures that we are, we make sure we do it whom we can, as early as possible...
in any case, make sure you use the time that you *must* be in school as well as you can..
believe me, even if it doesn't work out the way you like, learning from trying will give you a lot of knowledge, & will hone your independence..
the critical thing is to make sure that you don't let others (teachers, guidance counselors, principals, etc.) flake out & say "well we can't *do* anything else.. you just keep on trying, & keep on learning, if only on your own, & you'll be able to answer for yourself..
the critical thing is to *never give up learning*...
that's a super conditional statement, & if you ever get to the point where you need clarification.. where yer really *sick* of learning
well .. let me know..
i suspect you'll have found, by then, that learning is really a means of experiencing, so that straightforward awareness & the act of study may seem to be one in the same...
in any case, LEARN.
& i mean learn good, rational, verifiable, usefull stuff..
beware of letting yourself mistake imagination as fact, just because of possibilities..
you are just as responsible for your conclusions as you are for your actions...
ok.. & here's # 4...
i know i may very well take a crapload of flack for it, stating it the way i do, but you ask any 20 moms who has a kid, where the father has either bailed or is a fuck-off, 18 of them will tell you that, other than the love they have for their child, they would have done things differently..
they probably never would have fucked the asshole who is the father, if they knew he was going to goddamned bail..
some of them might even tell you they'd knee his fucking nuts before he ever got close enough to whisper to them..
& yeah.. i know.. i will prolly take flack for this...
the thing is that if you have heterosexual sex there is *****always**** the possibility of pregnancy, unless one of the 2 has their tubes shut off.
even if you are carefull, it happens, & sometimes 2 people can love each other enough in that moment that they don't *care* about being carefull.
& then?
you are suddenly faced with a choice..
now.. the thing is not which choice you make, but is it the choice you *want* to make...
if you become pregnant, are you going to feel that you *have* to abort, because the father isn't reliable enough to provide for the life you would want to bring to term, or are you going continue the pregnancy regardless of the difficulties ahead?
now.. it may not be a big deal to you, either, & that's absolutely *fine*, but if being pregnant *is* a big deal to you & if you want to be able to *choose*, instead of being **forced** into a course of action based upon predicament, then make sure you choose well, to begin with..
one of the great strength & great weakness of the idealism of hopefull youth is that we give the benefit of the doubt to just about *everyone*..
we lack the tools to recognize the limitations of others..
you don't have to be married, per-se, but the guy you are with should understand, from the outset, that if he is going to be intimate with you he needs to understand that he **must be responsible** & willing to support a child, if you become pregnant & decide to keep it.
i know that may sound unrealistic, but it's a bit like gravity.
if you fuck up on re-entry, you crater..
i dunno what your situation is, but if you're in a household of step / half siblings, & the dad is not reliably involved, then if you have sex & create a kid with some dumb bean-head who thought that horniness is some sort of magic phenomena that somehow justifies emotional lies, then make sure you remember:
you may run the risk of creating a situation for someone else that is exactly like your own.
the love of youth is not invalid.
nearly all of human existence & history shows that adolescence is where families are built..
hell.. you go to graveyards from the periods of american colonialism & revolutionary war.. early 1700's to late 1700's & you will find, repeatedly, men & women marrying in their teen & early teen years...
having multiple children by 18, & often dying before they were even 30...
the love of youth is a strong, strong force of undeniability..
it's proof is in this very nation..
you must be carefull of it, because the same constraints are not upon us, and *women* bear the brunt when it is betrayed.
number 5, pain in the ass that it is:
do yer chores unless they are actually unfair, insomuch that they are being assigned as an unreasonable form of behavior control or punishment.. in which case be an unrepentant bitch about them..
6) avoid excess..
excess keeps you from being usefull..
the whole mission of existence is *to be usefull*..
people who don't want to be usefull are washouts, at best & evil at worst..
the mark of indifference is whether or not you can *make* a difference..
soo.. see 3.. right now 3 helps you to become usefull, either by preparation or general learning, or if you have an area of study you truly love...
i need to nail this up..
i hope yer for real, kiddo, because going on like this is no easy clacking of the keys..
if you are, take the words to heart..
i guarantee you, right or wrong, there is a lot more right in them than wrong..
you know you have learned something when you can make that knowledge usefull, so learn practical skills..
simple cooking, how to cut, screw & nail boards together, what sort of camping equipment is good, some automotive mechanics (super good knowledge, if you decide to travel on your own..)
- & post here, if you need to, because people will answer & there's just all kinds of experience on this site that will at least give you good feedback..
good luck, young woman..
& peace,