some writing


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Oct 15, 2010
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cambria, ca oct. 31, 2010

if [sleep is so hard to catch] then i suggest getting a glove or a trap…
i see it in her eyes.
alas, i am back to mother earth after getting acquainted with wingnuts in santa cruz. mark and stephanie were welcoming with gentle hugs- two new wwoofers- a couple of kind intelligence and an eagerness to learn- but must move along soon.
_________ is her name and her dog __________ and i am invigorated. three days into our meet and all is well except for passion, a passion that i desire. the outer beauty of another is seen by me and oftentimes lusted after but the inner beauty flourishes more so than that and leaves me in awe.
santa cruz, ca nov. 29, 2010

a few hitches later i sit- yellow suited from a fascist group of anarcho's (ha) [ the lorax, eugene, oregon] in which i liberated from the basement house in which these scoundrels survive. found much needed comradery by a duo of nomads on the way up- promises of interaction- southward- of a beautiful birthday meet- they kept it.
trepidation and a type of limited paranoia keep me alive here. viciousness and aggravation reside in the muscle masses of the peripatetic. collective consciousness is grid-locked due to misinformation and unequal views between the intellectually idealistic and the socially non-caring individual. i can see clearly that fate, intuition, manifestation, etcetera, cannot be the prime, pro-active, semi-resistant solution to the multiple problems of the world. i can also see that i am placing a stereotypical pattern back into existence for thinking this.
santa cruz, ca nov 30, 2010

a vivid description of comrade [bar] is altogether unnecessary because it will remain in my mind.. adventurous other person a naked cleansing in the swiftly moving water by the river embankment.

drunken nights- awoke to busy-bee-bugs and the sound of running water hitting rock.
santa cruz nov 31 2010

darkness enshrouds my eyes from the sweltering sun. majority of nomads that introduce their beings to me complain of frosty coldness and irritable sleep apnea. the same cannot be said about many of the radical beings that reside here permanently.

an exchange of questions and an arcane vibration by a dastardly duo full of malicious malcontent was cast into the air as i sat down on the sidewalk outside of the anarchist info shop.

harsh words i could see coming out of someones mouth due to a broken and bleating drunkard. i could see the repression rehabilitating. (on the word rehabilitating i had an x through it, in my original writing that is.)

he said: "judge me now, for i always do the judging."

a 'bah' and horrible laughter bellow out of the lunatic.

"we accumulate this momentum and build a massive bonfire on hollywood boulevard. everyone has paint on their joyous faces and noone gives a flying fuck about hollywood."
albuqurque nm dec 16, 2010

slept underneath a skateboard ramp in a dusty alleyway that a good amount of the local skaters skate. this is after my comrades lost some faith in me for two episodes that merited ostracism.
a lone train howls its way through the murky desert as i try as i might to get some shut-eye. it awakens me comfortably, encompassing my being with even more nomadic wanderlust.
i suggest not lighting the filtered end of a cigarette because there is cellulose in it.
Winnings, a local coffee shop of which i sit, a 98 cent cup of coffee in one hand and a water on the table.. classical music silently making its way through the speakers and on into the ear canals of the people. the people converse, as i witness a male and female empty their half-eaten plates into the garbage can..
joshua tree ca january 1 2011

woke up sunny-side down (although a snug, sleep-filled night) with a whine that made my body tick. with spasmodic convulsions bearing down on me, i calm myself with steady breathing. i exit the chamber and walk calmly on into the abyss, only to see mute.
she stopped! my action, my aura, my me, something- distracted her. diverted her attention. i needed that quiescence, and maybe she did not understand this, nonetheless, it went away anyhow.
joshua tree ca jan 6 2011

his bibaciousness is ephemeral, i tell the girl with disregarding ears. she anxiously struts across the one-bedroom apartment slightly hoofing and poofing out one-syllabled words, with a look of irascibility on her handsome face.
she sits down next to me on the couch, reaches out her shaky hand for the bong, sparks it, tokes it, inhales and exhales, and bellows, "my shitting goodness, this all just cannot be short-lived, for the man has been doing this to me off and on since we've met one another. he goes on binges…"
she does not know that the reason why i explained that the boys alcoholic ways are transitory is because i just want to console her.. for i never meant that at all.
"this is fair and well." i sit up on the couch and look her in the eyes. 'he must one day realize this abuse! -and how it creates this floating, malcontented blob of misdirected energy amid the walls of your dwelling place' -i gesticulate, moving my hands in a circular motion, indicating the apartment room. i continue. 'and how may one function?! Must it encumber one, hold one back from merely living a sound existence?'
joshua tree ca jan 10 2011

sentiments are agreed upon quite communally, but in all actuality the collective is distorted. thoughts of one are not thoughts of another, and this separation may oftentimes be hidden. this separation leads to a gradual alienation and a want for a new personality to gratify them. a grandiose experience from another may lead this wayward being to commune freely with him or her, and subvert the other.
joshua tree ca jan 12 2011

misdirected hostility on all four sides of the playing field (isn't it funny how this happened after the last game of the college football season?!) every one of us sagittarius fire signs. a sublime start off with the traveling dan.. brought him to the sister and kids and the non-understanding husband. rupture roars its way through the household with a recalcitrance that began before i arrived, and latched onto my organs like twenty angry hyenas. explosive attitudes i tried to discount, but not hard enough, for i was in the midst of the ugliness the lions share of the time.
i find it difficult to keep with the befriending after the friendship has already began. people mask themselves up to feel loved, and then begin the slow and agonizing process of unveiling.
the houseless, wandering roy and the philanthropic, didactic girlfriend of his.. i see his face the second time, the first at a non-violent protest in ____________________________.
his wayward being is gone-n-on again, maybe never set on returning to the wonderful wastelands of southern california.
i beat my feet on the pavement of my sisters residence in angst, as i wait for the not-so-distant future to see me through.
joshua tree ca jan 13 2011

early morning: not due to a hangover i feel haggard and mentally abused. i squint my eyelids shut almost as low as they can go, for suns rays are deliberately crapping on me.
last night.. oh last night. time to relax after a lip piercing by lisa massacre, a sensual, blonde haired, blue eyed punk rocker that hurts people in the establishment called strata. met a few in the group that loiters there; met hostility, curiosity, reserved, corpulently retarded, sad, and deborah the dreadful. all made there cue with different instruments that created a euphonious sound.
a merry couple of many years just now glided by me with licorice lips. showed me a computerized picture of a dog that has recently travelled onward.. and quite the resemblance to the pup at my feet, the beautiful corgi, roma. my doubts are now erased, for the pup in the picture is almost twice the size of her.. so she will get bigger than i originally thought shed get. and what a great companion she is! -without a controlling voice or an iron fist! she confronts those monsters in the night with that violent growl -and what a great pick -out of two dogs i chose her. she came with food and collar and leash and.. what more could i ask for! her eyes look straight through you.

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