Question Shit is changing in the world... the collective is rageful. Anyone got any ideas coming through for them?


Exploring my internal and external universe
Apr 25, 2024
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Boulder Junction, WI
I've been feeling heavily that the world is changing quite fast in this time. I am pretty young (21) and honestly have not experienced much massive change in the world. To me, it feels as though the culture regarding (or due to) the government is coming to a tipping point. We all seem angry (often times at each other) and no one really seems supported right now. Maybe this isn't new but maybe it is a tipping point...? Just looking for other minds and people to bounce these feelings and thoughts off of. Let me hear what is running through your mind... pleasant, unpleasant, plans/ideas for community/collective growth, etc....


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2024
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The Second Coming​


Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
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Student of the Dhamma 🧠🧘☸️
Aug 13, 2024
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The book Capitalist Realism has shifted my perspective a fair bit, how we get boxed into this fixed, narrow view of what society even is. Then you go to like a squat, intentional community, ecovillage, farmstead, village, mountain, monastery, hut, anything thats in a bubble

And it shows you, just how caught up in our idea of grandeur we are, how we think we are the center of the universe, like gods. We are just a drop in the ocean, in terms of effect
Its not that we are collapsing (as people, as community) its capitalism thats being slowly erroded by the new generations that are no longer disillusioned with the stage, this matrix. I mean you are one of them 😁

Capitalism could completely collapse and a self sustainable remote place wouldnt even have to know, for years. If no one new arrived and no one left and re-entered then it would actually stay in a bubble indefinitely. Like those remote tribal societies that dont give a shit about us and our games, they just live life..

And the world is changing, but if you look at history were actually in a quiet period 😂😅 again gives you perspective of just how insanely radical our recent history is
we take it for granted but a single generation ago, we were using letters and landline phones, our grandparents witnessed the invention of television
and now we are here talking on a small device that literally holds the entire worlds knowledge... so yeeeeaaah
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Student of the Dhamma 🧠🧘☸️
Aug 13, 2024
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"It is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism"


  • Capitalist Realism_ Is there no alternative_ (Zero Books) -- Mark Fisher -- 2009 -- John Hunt...epub
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New member
Apr 11, 2024
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South Jersey
I've been feeling heavily that the world is changing quite fast in this time. I am pretty young (21) and honestly have not experienced much massive change in the world. To me, it feels as though the culture regarding (or due to) the government is coming to a tipping point. We all seem angry (often times at each other) and no one really seems supported right now. Maybe this isn't new but maybe it is a tipping point...? Just looking for other minds and people to bounce these feelings and thoughts off of. Let me hear what is running through your mind... pleasant, unpleasant, plans/ideas for community/collective growth, etc....

I’m only 21 as well but my best advice is just to stick it through and stand for what’s right and just and trust that things will be alright in the long run. It’s a scary time but we just need to keep our wits about us and remember that we’re stronger together. Go luck to you and good luck to everyone.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2024
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ive been in manhattan exorcising trump all day at his tower


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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2024
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the cops hassled me a little and one told me to turn my music off!!!

Bach's Toccata and Fugue! what could be more apropos?!

fuckin tourists were all up and down 5th ave: alot of em snapped pics of the tower...but only one took a pic of me 😡😡😡😡🤔🤔🤔🤔

Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
I've been feeling heavily that the world is changing quite fast in this time. I am pretty young (21) and honestly have not experienced much massive change in the world. To me, it feels as though the culture regarding (or due to) the government is coming to a tipping point. We all seem angry (often times at each other) and no one really seems supported right now. Maybe this isn't new but maybe it is a tipping point...? Just looking for other minds and people to bounce these feelings and thoughts off of. Let me hear what is running through your mind... pleasant, unpleasant, plans/ideas for community/collective growth, etc....

definitely a turning point, without a doubt. the fash has 'won' essentially. a LOT of people are going to get hurt, and the changes to our government in the USA are going to have repercussions for the next 40 or so years (much like regan's presidency in the 80's) so it's very likely all downhill from here; especially for non-white, non-cis folks. It's pretty much the handmaidens tale brought to life.


Well-known member
Apr 19, 2024
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definitely a turning point, without a doubt. the fash has 'won' essentially. a LOT of people are going to get hurt, and the changes to our government in the USA are going to have repercussions for the next 40 or so years (much like regan's presidency in the 80's) so it's very likely all downhill from here; especially for non-white, non-cis folks. It's pretty much the handmaidens tale brought to life.

hell no they aint won.

i dont consider maga claiming territory in red states winning.

however....if they FA in SF or Portland, NYC, anyplace north of Jersey and east of fukkin the Hudson... or New England, or Colorado, or any other place theyre not fucking welcome....theyre goin to learn what FO truly means.

they tried the SAME shit in 1861, and look where it got em. Fuck a maga
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Matt Derrick

Retired Wanderer
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Aug 4, 2006
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Portland, OR
hell no they aint won.

they've won in the sense that they now have control of the government, and there's not a lot we can do about it (besides direct action). maybe the blue states will stand up to the red, who knows. im not confident the american populace will stand up for itself. if they do, it likely means severe oppression, or all-out civil war.

theyre goin to learn what FAFO truly means.

not even I know what you mean by FAFO
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2024
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they've won in the sense that they now have control of the government, and there's not a lot we can do about it (besides direct action). maybe the blue states will stand up to the red, who knows. im not confident the american populace will stand up for itself. if they do, it likely means severe oppression, or all-out civil war.

not even I know what you mean by FAFO

fafo! i stole that from them, actually 😂😂💁💁 the "man-o-sphere". it means fuckaround and find out

As for insurrection: its my honest opinion nothing was ever solved in 1865.

reconstruction was a joke.

The US was just sooooo eager to re-embrace former slavers, confederate officers, politicians fresh from Richmond....that they bent over backwards for em.

"theyre ameeerrriccanns".

no theyre fucking not they dissolved that when they ran off to form a barefoot, corn-pone militia. they even tried to get England to help.

Likewise: magas raided the Capitol, in an attempt to re-install their demagogue. Demagogue who's bff's with PUTIN....

Trumps first move will be to let Tarrio and the other Jan 6 freaks out of prison. And they looovvve Portland. But so do I. And this time idont think we'll be as nice with the proud boys/3 percenters/oathkeepers as we were in 2016.

That, my good Sir, is called capital treason. the whole basis of community and neighborliness is being helpful: and if you cant be helpful leave people tf alone. But authoritarians dont see it that way: they think they have a more profound understandingof virtue, ethics, and morality in Dallas than we do in SF. or Boston.

They wont fuck with the gays. They wont fuck with the Blacks or Latinos.
or the women.

because, if they try, theyre getting beatdown.

jim crow.

lynchings and modern lynching AKA police.



my lai

abu ghraib

wounded knee.

all of these were perpetrated by the ideological predecessors of magas.

And now...we're left to clean up the mess Grant and Sherman couldnt be arsed to.

as for direct action, theres lots of great role models like Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Ho Chi Minh, Afghans, etc etc

And plenty of sweet pdf's on this very website ;)


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Jan 25, 2024
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fafo! i stole that from them, actually 😂😂💁💁 the "man-o-sphere". it means fuckaround and find out

As for insurrection: its my honest opinion nothing was ever solved in 1865.

reconstruction was a joke.

The US was just sooooo eager to re-embrace former slavers, confederate officers, politicians fresh from Richmond....that they bent over backwards for em.

"theyre ameeerrriccanns".

no theyre fucking not they dissolved that when they ran off to form a barefoot, corn-pone militia. they even tried to get England to help.

Likewise: magas raided the Capitol, in an attempt to re-install their demagogue. Demagogue who's bff's with PUTIN....

Trumps first move will be to let Tarrio and the other Jan 6 freaks out of prison. And they looovvve Portland. But so do I. And this time idont think we'll be as nice with the proud boys/3 percenters/oathkeepers as we were in 2016.

That, my good Sir, is called capital treason. the whole basis of community and neighborliness is being helpful: and if you cant be helpful leave people tf alone. But authoritarians dont see it that way: they think they have a more profound understandingof virtue, ethics, and morality in Dallas than we do in SF. or Boston.

They wont fuck with the gays. They wont fuck with the Blacks or Latinos.
or the women.

because, if they try, theyre getting beatdown.

jim crow.

lynchings and modern lynching AKA police.



my lai

abu ghraib

wounded knee.

all of these were perpetrated by the ideological predecessors of magas.

And now...we're left to clean up the mess Grant and Sherman couldnt be arsed to.

as for direct action, theres lots of great role models like Geronimo, Pancho Villa, Ho Chi Minh, Afghans, etc etc

And plenty of sweet pdf's on this very website ;)



Not here to fight with anyone. I’m glad the view from blue states is positive. I moved to a red state during the first nightmare to fight for a huge group of people you didn’t mention that are and will continue being fucked with.

I used to be a librarian. My career is over and I’m a criminal. My coworkers, all fired for being gay - one of them a teenager who killed himself.

I asked for an evacuation plan for my kids (after dodging a million blocks to open my library). The cops in town (all married to the women protesting us & calling in bomb threats) response: “things like that don’t happen here”. (We’re also in tornado country, but as soon as I mentioned active shooter threats, they laughed at me.) Not two weeks later: take a wild guess what happened at a school neighboring us. Never got my evac plan, or the ADA assessment I needed. Instead, they gave guns.

I’m also a woman, who needs medical care. My sister is a nurse and preparing to be criminalized - just like me. My house has been set on fire twice. One of the people caught on video in the act is a local cop.

My mental health has deteriorated past the point of return, which I’ve accepted, and I’m no longer of any use to any cause. I’m too angry.

I’m used to people here calling me crazy, but I have friends in blue states that sound a bit like you. I must be exaggerating. There’s no way it could be that bad, that’s illegal!

People are dying. Covid wasn’t catastrophic enough, and they have a taste for blood. You’re not listening.

I didn’t read enough Geronimo. I failed the assignment completely.


Well-known member
May 30, 2018
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Kansas City
I’m used to people here calling me crazy, but I have friends in blue states that sound a bit like you. I must be exaggerating. There’s no way it could be that bad, that’s illegal!

People are dying. Covid wasn’t catastrophic enough, and they have a taste for blood. You’re not listening.

I'm with you on this - everyone thought I was crazy in 2015.

The only thing I am preparing for is that life will be unpredictable and inhumane.


Vampire Nomad In Training
Jan 14, 2025
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New Orleans, LA
I have a few ideas that are stewing. Collectively the biggest concern on my mind is not the election. It's not the inauguration of a president. It's rhetoric and identity. The two ways people are controlled as of this moment.

You notice the rhetoric for trump showing him as this messiah? Do you notice the negative rhetoric trying to show Joe Biden as a complete bumbling fool? There is negative and positive rhetoric for every single president and politician ever period.

This rhetoric spreads around like candy obscures people's vision and ability to actually do stuff. It is what I think is the number one issue that needs to be addressed before all others because you can't do anything unless you address it.

Ever wonder why people seem to not hear what you have to say and just explode on you with stuff that isn't even true? That's rhetoric for you, and everyone does it.

The most trusted ally becomes the most dangerous enemy when they cannot distinguish between what is true and what is not. They whisper falsehoods in your ear, and you accept them because it's you friend.

Everything is a hall of mirrors in politics right now, so heed my warning and obscure yourself. Don't show people your political identity or better yet don't have one. Be a shadow and fight the rhetoric.

Don't take anything at face value and especially not stuff you agree with. That's how they control you wining and dining you for their own ends using your identity because it's tied emotionally to you so you won't think rationally.

Everytime you fail to take this into account you perpetuate nazis. Because rhetoric is justified and rationalized by what the opposing side does.

Engage in information guerilla warfare by changing the words you use when describing certain ideas. The news has the upper-hand if words have a fixed meaning, but if that disintegrates it leaves them at a disadvantage.

Just some ideas I've thought of. Take me with a grain of salt I'm not a mastermind. I'm just a raving madman.

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