Saying hi


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Aug 30, 2024
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Hey everybody,

I'm Belgium quite young guy, interested in nature, landscape and scenery mostly.

My parents are from the hippie generation so I was introduce to an alternative way of travelling pretty young.

My first own taste of those kind of trips was in Iceland 🇮🇸 when I did my internship in high-school (I studied nature conservation). I was there for 4 month and traveled around with an old bike a co-worker gave me and by hitch hike (I managed to to the full circle around the island after my internship by bike).

I did the same think for my ERASMUS in Poland. After those 2 experiences I started to only travel that way. Cause it's the only duable way for me, economically and it ethically (if that's even a word).

I'm quite lucky to work in nature conservation cause it allow me to work for exemple 6 months/one year contracts then travel for maybe one/two season (those kind of contract are very common in nature conservation).

My lasts experiences where a hitchhiking trip from Belgium to Istanbul (The balkans are my favorite region in the universe) then a very interesting 3 month trip by public transport in East Africa (kenya, uganda, rwanda).

I'm mostly here to discuss with u about travel and ecologic activism (since the last election in Belgium/Europe I really feel worried about global feeling in Belgium/Europe and I'm starting to act about it but i need to learn about it).

I can't wait to talk with u guys/girls

Ps: If u guys have any question about nature, an ecosystem, any stuff that cross your mind feel free to ask !!! I will try my best to help u.

Pps: sorry English is not my mother tongue, sorry if there is any mistake


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Nov 12, 2020
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What kind of bike were you traveling on? Any tips for others wanting to start touring via bike?
What is it about the Balkans that deems it your favorite?


New member
Aug 30, 2024
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Hi 😁, I will try my best to gave you the best answer.

- What kind of bike ?

This was a very old moutain bike with only 3 gears working. I was traveling with my back pack on my back but I will ABSOLUTLY not recommend it, it will destroy your back. I think that bicycle bag are compulsory. Really.

So If u want to travel by bike it really also depend on your budget. Bike are simple tool and the older the bike is, the easier it is to fix. So really I don't think u have to own a fancy bike to drive around the world. A friend of mine just crossed Africa north to South with his old bike from high school.

I just think u have to check if u can add bicycle bag and if he his in a good condition then let's go 🚲.

- Any tips

I would say that the best tips to enjoy your bike trip is to plan it thinking about your biking capacities.

I'm from Belgium and we are, a bit like Holland a big biking nation. So since maybe 6 I'm used to ride my bike. Even though Belgium is named the flat country, the South (where I'm from) is very hilly. So knowing this, let's say that i' a good bicycle rider. So, I can plan my trip in maybe hilly area event moutain and still enjoy it.

I think u get where I'm going with this. I don't know your biking capacities but if your are planning a too hard trip it can quickly became very exhausting for you and not enjoyable. I'm not saying that you should only choose flat road if your are a beginner, but plan it so it can stay enjoyable for you.

And second tips join the first question, the simple the bike the easier to fix.

- why the balkans

My lovestory with the Balkans start young for me. My mother family is from Russia (I obviously don't support the imperialist gouvernement but that's not the point). And while fleeing his country for a better live my grand father made friend with some Yugoslavian people. So I spend a lot of my summer in Croatia and montenegro in little randoms villages.

But in general I really love the vibe. Perfect combination of moutain, see, cute villages lost in the hills. These countrie feel still authentic and protected from the influence of USA. And good food.

I hope I answered your question, feel free if u have more precise questions !!


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Sep 7, 2024
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Hi there, you sound like you've had some sick adventures, and it sounds like we have some things in common.

I currently work at an Environmental education tourist attraction, and though I would like to be more active in ecological activism, my job is more related to educating the public on things they can do in the everyday to help the planet ( consumer choice, reducing food miles, sustainable choice etc...) - it's not the most productive may to make a difference, but I suppose education has its own place too.

I'm actually hoping to quit in the spring season and start working in trail maintenance in Iceland for a few months, so I'd be interested to hear about your experience over there.

Belgium is a cool place, I recently did a cycle tour through North Europe and followed the Sambre river through Belgium. Beautiful country, and some great urban exploring spots. Charleroi was especially really cool. I'm not familiar with the politics of Belgium, but from I saw it seemed like there was a lot of infrastructure in place to help appreciate nature. I was following cycle paths though, so what do I know. I live in a very rural part of England on the most southern region, and its a beautiful area full of nature, but not many people put in the work to sustain these spaces (community allotments, green spaces, permaculture), instead masses of land get sold for millions to create second homes for tourists from richer places like London. Gentrification is a real issue here. Cornwall was one of the Celtic nations with rich cultural identity and history along with Wales, Scotland and Ireland , but now it gets all its money from tourism so this identity is being lost. It is a great shame. How does it compare to Belgium, and where you are from?

It's funny you mention your love of the Balkans, me and some friends plan to hike the peak of the Balkans at the end of October (weather depending). We did the Dolomites the year before, and hadn't met each other until we started. If you have the time you'd be welcome to join.
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