Travelogue Rob o Neill dude who killed osama


Well-known member
Feb 29, 2012
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Houston, United States
One time I'm hit hing in east Texas middle of nowhere back to NY after a job didn't work out few years back. Got a ride from a truck stop to an intersection literally where you couldn't see the end of the horizon just a 4 way stop. I jumped out like fuck thanks dude, but guy pointed in one direction said go that way you'll be fine. Waited at the 4 way for awhile and this guy pulls up in a brand new Land Rover he's like get in! I start telling him I'm going to NY been having trouble getting a ride he's like what!! This is America! No one ll help you?! And at the time it was pretty rough. He starts telling me about how he's this navy seal and how he went down in these caves and got this dude osama bin laden. I was like yeah cool dude didn't know if I believed him or not at the time ya know cuz people. So he's like I'm driving to the airport to drive this brand new Land Rover for his girl at the time, driving IT INTO the airport like inside as a thing for her when she gets off plane from Cambodia or some shit had a big red bow in the back seat. He's like I gotta stop at this hotel first it was a huge like Victorian? Kinda hotel reallll nice. When we pull up the bellhops and people working there all stood at salute and started thanking him and me for our service. I'm like dude I'm just a hitchhiker. So in short he gets me to airport or closer to a good spot gives me a kickdown and a bugout pack. He's like yeah I have a bigger pack I just go out into the woods for days even longer with just his passport I guess from the military shit. Took the hatchet out of the one he gave me but it had everything in it. Used it as a backpack for awhile then kicked it down to some young guy without. Wish I had kept it. But got me further and made it home, well home at that time which was still street but at least back in NYC. About a year ago I saw him on Instagram shot him a message thank you.
I never went to school so writing and all that shit sorry if it's one big paragraph. I tell the story better drunk around a fire. One of the coolest rides I've gotten over almost 30 years hitching.

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